Multiple Locations +2
  • Online
  • Thailand
    • Ko Samui
5 to 52 weeks

Program Details

Language Level
Immersion Level
Specialized Courses
Specific Purposes
Class Size
Private Lessons Small Class (1-7)
Weekly Classroom Hours
Age Min.


Starting Price
Price Details
10 hours: 3500 THB
20 hours: 6000 THB
40 hours: 11000 THB

Private tuition
One-to-one: 1000 THB / hour
2 students: 600 THB / hour per student
3 students: 500 THB / hour per student
What's Included
What's Not Included
Accommodation Some Accommodation Activities Some Activities Airfare Domestic Airfare Airport Transfers Meals Some Meals Some Park Fees SIM cards Transportation Travel Insurance Visa Wifi
Dec 13, 2022
Mar 02, 2023
1 traveler is looking at this program

About Program

Mind Your Language Thailand hosts the only active International Italian Language Certification in Thailand (PLIDA by Società Dante Alighieri).

Our Online branch, The Language Cottage, offers online Italian group or private classes that prepare for the most requested certifications (A2, B1 and B2).

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • - Start to speak Thai from the very 1st hour
  • - Dynamic and interactive classes
  • - Small groups (max. 6 students)
  • - Students from different nationalities
  • - Syllabus that prepares for the official PLIDA certifications

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Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 18 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.44%
  • 4 rating 5.56%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Instruction 4.95
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.95
  • Housing 4.95
  • Value 4.85
  • Content 5
  • Engagement 5
  • Support 4.75
  • Platform 5
  • Value 4.75
Showing 1 - 8 of 18 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Online Italian Course

Chiara is amazing! She has endless energy and keep the classes fun so both my kids look forward to them…and so they are learning a lot.

For my 6 year old daughter - the lessons are really fun, interactive and topic based (eg. Restaurant, Christmas etc.).

For my 13 year old - the lessons focus more on grammar (she is getting him ready to take Italian iGCSE) but Chiara builds in as much interactivity as possible - and even manages to make grammar not boring!!

I can’t thank Chiara enough - without her my kids would not speak as much Italian.

Chiara è fantastica! Riesce a rendere le lezioni divertenti e così i miei due figli ci vanno volentieri e stanno imparando un sacco.

Chiara - grazie di cuore per tutto!! ❤️

  • Teaching in a fun way
  • Chiara has lots of energy
  • Great structure to the learning curriculum
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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommended!

I highly recommend Chiara's Italian lessons! Her material is always interesting and practical, which makes learning grammar much more fun. During our conversations, she always listens patiently and only makes corrections when it is necessary. At the end of every lesson, she sends all the material that we have covered in that class. Even though our lessons are online, I can feel her energy, enthusiasm and passion through the screen. Above all, she is kind and lovely teacher and I'll definitely keep on taking lessons with her.

  • engaging material
  • enthusiastic and patient teacher
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Language Cottage

Consiglio vivamente le lezioni con la Maestra Chiara.
Mia figlia di 7 anni frequenta assiduamente da più di un anno ed ogni volta è entusiasta di partecipare.
Chiara, con la sua competenza, riesce a preparare delle lezioni che divertono i bambini ed al contempo fa loro apprendere la lingua.
Mia figlia frequenta il corso on line con altre 3-4 bambine della sua età; non è facile mantenere viva la loro attenzione per un’ora ma la lezione passa velocemente, imparando parole nuove e frasi di senso compiuto attraverso un gioco, con una canzone o con una storiella di volta in volta diversa.

  • Engaging
  • Effective
  • Fun
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Yes, I recommend this program

The language cottage, koh sa mui, Thailand

I have been attached with this language school doing online class since 2020, I am still doing the online Italian classes. Chiara is my teacher, she is Italian and she does the lesson so well that you will not want to quit or absent for her lesson. All these 3 years I never absent unless if it is really necessary.
Prof. Chiara knows very well how to make you understand those complicated grammar lessons and she does it over and over again until it is definitely understood.
Trust me, I have tried one or two more language teachers online and in person but I still preferred Chiara to them. Now I can read and understand grammar well.
As a teacher Prof. Chiara is very dedicated and very very helpful. No matter how many times, she is always there to help you with your lessons.
With doing online classes I have come this far with the Italian language and I always imagine how it will be to attend the class in person with Chiara. 🎉 Bravo to the language school. They will go very far in the future 👍👍👍

5 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very useful and fun lessons

I’m studying Thai language with teacher Jom.
This course is very useful, because we learn not only grammar, but many basic phrases which can be used in daily life.
There are 7 people in my group, atmosphere is very friendly and relaxing, we have a lot of fun. Teacher Jom is very energetic and helpful, he’ll make you speak Thai from the first lesson. Class schedule is quite convenient, it’s 2 hours twice a week.
I’m glad that I’ve chosen Mind your language school. After just two months I already can have basic conversation in Thai language.

32 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great school!

Translated by Go Overseas:
I am very glad that I found this school of languages. I have been studying Thai for about 2 months. I experience only positive emotions! I didn't think learning a language could be so much fun. I work out 2 times a week for 2 hours. I started speaking some basic phrases in informal communication already in the second or third lesson. Classes are held in an easy format and of course with materials that are issued before the start of the course. After 3 weeks, I remember how I spoke in the street in Thai absolutely uncontrollably and easily. It was a shock for me. My teacher Jom is just great! Recommend 100%

Original review:
Я очень рад тому, что нашел эту школу языков. Изучаю тайский язык около 2-х месяцев. Испытываю только положительные эмоции! Не думал, что изучения языка может быть таким веселым занятием. Я занимаюсь 2 раза в неделю по 2 часа. Какие то базовые фразы я начал говорить в неформальном общении уже на второй или третий урок. Занятия проходят в легком формате и конечно же с материалами которые выдаются перед началом курса. Через недели 3 помню как я заговорил на улице на тайском языке абсолютно неконтролируемо и легко. Это был шок для меня. Мой преподаватель Jom просто великолепен! Рекомендую 100%

  • Программа
  • Непринужденный формат
  • Классный преподаватель
  • Много занятий в удаленном формате (covid 19 видимо еще), а можно было бы чаще встречаться
35 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Thai on line

I am currently studying Thai with Mr Jom Nawa. Before the Coronavirus we met at school for the lessons. Now we study online. I am sitting at my home and so do all the others. We are 4 to 5 people in class now and it works very well. I have been trying to learn Thai for a number of years and for a number of different teachers but khun Jom is outstandingly the best.

51 people found this review helpful.
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Translated by Go Overseas:
Thai study with Jom via Skype, before meeting him I tried for a couple of years to study alone or by being helped by Thai friends but with Jom in four months I learned more than in the previous two years of study.

The lessons are interesting, engaging and never boring. I am learning Thai quickly and almost without realizing it. Jom uses many methods to help memory remember new words and grammatical rules, he also explains the various aspects of Thai culture in relation to the language and this is very useful for understanding how to adapt my way of speaking to the context in which I find myself.

Original Version:
Studio Thailandese con Jom via Skype, prima di incontrarlo ho cercato per un paio d'anni di studiare da solo o facendomi aiutare da amici thai ma con Jom in quattro mesi ho imparato più che nei precedenti due anni di studio.

Le lezioni sono interessanti, coinvolgenti e mai noiose. Sto imparando in thai in modo veloce e quasi senza accorgermene. Jom utilizza molti metodi per aiutare la memoria a ricordare nuove parole e regole grammaticali, inoltre mi spiega i vari aspetti della cultura thai in relazione alla lingua e questo è molto utile per capire come adattare il mio modo di parlare al contesto in cui mi trovo.

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