  • Spain
2 - 12 weeks

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Host Family Hotel
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
5-Week Program: $9,650
3-Week Program: $6,725

Program cost includes: lodging, all meals, transportation during the program, excursions and activities. Price does not include airfare to meet the group at the departure airport (JFK) or the international group flight to Spain.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals SIM cards Transportation Travel Insurance
What's Not Included
Sep 13, 2022
Dec 22, 2022
39 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

LITA is a unique, rural focused language immersion program in Spain. Our dynamic, academically challenging programs offer students finishing 9th-11th grades a different approach to exploring the vibrant elements of Spanish language and culture. Through small groups and individual attention, LITA offers personal, highly authentic immersive experiences to motivated students with a true commitment to language acquisition.

Programs are three and five weeks in length and center around a family homestay in small/medium sized communities in northern or southern Spain. All students take language classes and complete an independent project on a cultural topic of their choice. Five-week program students have the option to participate in a volunteer internship in the community. LITA programs focus on language as it relates to family life, food, music, history, and art. LITA programs are full immersion experiences, geared toward a more motivated and enthusiastic Spanish student.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Rural travel.
  • Dynamic homestays.
  • Personalized programs.
  • Internship and research project opportunities.
  • Small group experiences.

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 43 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.95
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 43 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

A most unforgettable summer experience!

This past summer, I spent 5 weeks in rural Spain as part of LITA's immersion program. Venturing from the heart of Andalucia to the remote Casas Rurales of Alájar, a group of about 15 other kids and I were exposed to the magnificent cultures and traditions of the Spanish people. We learned to love the nuance and discomfort of adapting to a new world of language and customs, and at that, we became the best of friends. Between the laughter shared and days spent with a constant smile, I cannot recommend this immersion experience enough. At the end of the day, you will get out what you put into this experience; and should you apply yourself and engage in all that Spain has to offer, you will find yourself ineffably changed for the better.

  • Noble, honest, and caring peers.
  • Diversity of locations.
  • True Immersion experience.
  • Culture shock
  • Homesickness
  • Having to leave the group at the end of the trip (I cried)
9 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great program and summer

This past summer I went on the LITA five-week North Program. The program involved a weeklong stay in Galicia, a three-week homestay in Castilla y León, and a week of hiking and exploring in Los Pirineos. Each part of the trip was culturally unique and special that uncovered much of Northern Spain’s beauty.

Homestay — The three-week homestay was the best part of the program. Initially, I was anxious about living with another family and needing to communicate with them in a foreign language. However, my anxiety was dispelled the moment I stepped off the bus and was welcomed by my family with open arms. After adjusting to my new family and new routine the first day, the following three weeks went by in a blur of enjoyment and learning. By the end of my stay, I felt as though I was a part of the community. I still talk with my host brother daily.

Immersion — One of LITA’s great aspects is that their programs are completely immersive. Every interaction with my group leaders, fellow students, and host family was in Spanish. Because I was not able to fall back on my English, the first few days in Galicia were difficult. But once I adjusted to the entirely Spanish environment each day felt easier and more natural than the last. I have found that my confidence in speaking Spanish has improved drastically because of the immersive experience.

Jordan — I had planned to travel to Spain with LITA two years ago but Covid unfortunately altered those plans. Over that two-year span, Jordan was in constant contact with my family and me, updating us on LITA’s plans and availability for the upcoming summer. During the trip, Jordan jumped between LITA’s four groups in Spain. It was always a highlight when Jordan joined the group. From preparing for the trip to helping the group adjust and navigate Spain, Jordan was fantastic. Jordan truly is the cornerstone of the program. His expertise, passion, and care for the program were impressive to watch.

Not only has my Spanish improved immensely but I have made some of my best friends. I highly recommend LITA!

21 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

the most incredible summer and best decision ever

After my trip was canceled in 2020 due to Covid, I finally was able to join LITA South 3 week program this summer. I was nervous at first to be leaving the country for the first time, thinking it would feel awkward going to a place with complete strangers, but I could not have been more wrong. The leaders in my group helped to create such a comfortable and safe environment, while only communicating in Spanish. They were patient, kind, and extremely helpful.

Jordan and his team could not have placed me with a better host family. I had the best time getting to know about the daily lives of my host parents and sister. Even after the trip I still continue to keep in touch with them and call them often. They fully took me in as their own and brought me to hangouts with friends, family dinners, and to the beach for a weekend getaway.

The itinerary was packed with the most exciting and enriching activities. I was a bit worried about being an outsider in a different country, but it didn't feel like that at all. At every place, we went we were greeted with hospitality and kindness. I learned so much about the culture in such a fun and immersive way.

If you are looking to learn about Spanish culture, improve your Spanish, and create long lasting memories, this is the program for you. I was worried that people might not want to speak in Spanish the whole time but everyone on my trip was there because they wanted to learn and wanted to improve their Spanish speaking abilities. I think the thing that impressed me the most was how my entire group was able to become so close and build such strong relationships entirely in Spanish. One of my favorite memories with the group was when we went on a long hike and to pass the time we all started singing songs acapella style together. It made for an unforgettable trip, one that I will never forget.

Words can't even express how grateful I am to have been able to go on this trip. I'll forever be thankful for the unbelievable memories LITA has given me. 100% recommend!!!!

21 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Spanish Immersion and the Experience of a Lifetime

My summer with the LITA five-week South Program was an incredible experience. LITA is an amazing program committed to providing its students with a unique experience and to create personal connections with the Spanish Culture and Language.

From the moment I was first introduced to the program in late 2021, Jordan and his team made an effort to build a relationship with me, to make sure that any questions I had were answered, and to prepare me as much as possible prior to the trip in June of 2022. The back and forth zoom calls and email check-ins over those months made it clear how attentive Jordan was to the LITA applicants and the programs mission to provide the best possible experience for me in Spain. There was not a single concern I was unable to voice and get a thorough answer to before the flight.

Once we landed in Spain, every activity from then on was elaborately planned, and every day was a unique experience in which we learned new aspects of Spanish culture. There were new goals each day. Every person we met had something to teach us, and every town we visited had plenty of opportunities for us to learn. I remember our group leaders telling us that every day on this trip, we would have the opportunity to learn, and that remained true throughout the entire five weeks.

One reason the activities were so immersive was because of the rural settings of the places that we visited, as well as LITA’s connections with local guides and families. My three-week homestay in a small town was amazing, and it was clear as soon as I met my host family that Jordan and his team had put in time and effort in picking the best family for me to provide a personalized experience.

If you’re interested in greatly improving your Spanish, this program will meet your expectations. We were constantly put in situations where we had to converse with native speakers. I am extremely happy with how much my Spanish improved, and the confidence I gained in speaking it.

The relationships that I built throughout my homestay and the rest of the trip were genuine, and I learned more about Spanish culture than I ever could have imagined. This program was incredible. I fell in love with Spain this summer, and I’ve never enjoyed speaking Spanish more in my life. LITA’s commitment to language learning through immersion and creating meaningful connections between its students and small local communities in Spain sets it apart from other programs.

Definitely recommend!!

20 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

LITA: A life changing summer

LITA is a truly one of a kind program. As a student in the LITA North group this past summer, my five weeks spent in Northern Spain were transformative in so many ways. My newfound love for the Spanish language and Spanish culture is something I will continue to explore for the rest of my life. If you are looking for a Spanish immersion program where you will speak Spanish 24/7, live in culture rich rural Spain, and be pushed out of your comfort zone, LITA is the program for you. While it can be intimidating to travel to a foreign country and speak a different language with new people, your fellow LITA students, LITA leaders, host family, Jordan, and the Spaniards you meet along the way are constantly supporting you. The homestay is definitely the core of the LITA program. LITA matched me with a wonderful, kind family in a unique rural town, and I had the opportunity to build a bond with them over the course of three weeks. I still keep in touch with my host family, and I also met my best friend the first day of the trip with whom I still talk everyday. LITA has given me the skills to confidently converse in a new language and also confidently travel to new places. It's very rewarding to be in a SUPER fun environment that is also academic. My Spanish is drastically better than I ever could have imagined. By exploring rural parts of Spain you are able to learn and experience true Spanish culture, something you wouldn't be able to do as well in Madrid or Barcelona. And the FOOD and SIESTA are just a fantastic bonus!

22 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the most unique experiences

LITA is not only a program for those who wish to improve their Spanish, but also for those who want an incredible and transformative experience with the Spanish culture. From the moment in signed up for LITA, Jordan expressed interest in talking with me personally and answering any questions or doubts I had. This relationship allowed me to have a better experience with LITA, as I was sufficiently prepared and knew what I was going in to.

It was also clear that Jordan had spent time making activities in each town we visited the first and last weeks- every day we were able to meet new people, visit new places, and learn new things about the culture and history of Spain. Because we were mainly in rural areas, we rarely encountered other Americans and were thus completely immersed in the Spanish language and culture. This rural-focus, especially during the home-stay, also allowed us to make deeper connections with the community/those who lived in each town.

My home stay experience was absolutely amazing as well. Although I was overwhelmed at first, all of the families were very welcoming and wanted us to have the best time we could throughout the three weeks in their town. I was able to meet all of my host-sister’s friends and was lucky enough to experience their every-day lives.

I was able to gain confidence in my Spanish speaking, something that could not have been achieved had I not joined this program and thrown myself into the Spanish language. There is truly no program like LITA that is as curated, personal, and eye-opening

23 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Incredible experience

Lita is an amazing all-round trip, whether you are more interested in the learning or social aspect of exchange programs.
If you are more interested in the academic side of things, you will be pleased to hear that this program really is fully immersive. LITA is constantly putting you in situations with native speakers, forcing you to speak Spanish 24/7. My Spanish has improved drastically, and I feel so much more confident. I am excited to return to school and use some of the new phrases I learned!
The social aspect of LITA is equal in quality. People in my hometown were very eager to speak with me and I made tons of new friends, some of which I am still keeping in touch with today.
Lita really allows you to experience the soul of Spain, a country so surrounded by history, culture, and language, yet so modern.

Just trust me on this one. Lita is the program you want.

23 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very unique and formative experience.

Lita's commitment to complete language and cultural immersion convinced me to go on the three-week South trip. From the moment I got off the plane and met the rest of the students in my group, everything was in Spanish. One of my favorite memories was playing cards with the other students in my group on one of the first nights and hanging out casually, completely in Spanish. The group leaders were not around to nag us, and we still spoke completely in Spanish. This program is very popular among other students who are willing to make a commitment to speaking Spanish for all three weeks, which creates a great environment for learning and full immersion.

The purpose of the trip, to improve the students' Spanish, learn about Spanish culture, and experience authentic Spanish life, was accomplished very successfully. But the many other merits of the trip which I did not expect include a deep relationship with my Spanish homestay family, introspective thinking and discoveries, active activities, and making good friends both in the homestay town and in my group of American students. The group leaders were great teachers: knowledgable, relatable, genuinely fun, and supportive.

My trip was one of the most formative experiences that I have had, where I learned the most about myself (which I did not expect). When the program asked for feedback and criticism to improve the trips, I genuinely could think of anything to give them. On the trip, each time I thought I had a suggestion, by the end of the trip I realized that my suggestion would make the program worse, and its structure and purpose should not change at all.

What separates Lita from other group travel programs is its full commitment to Spanish immersion, and how it allows students to experience authentic Spanish culture because the trips take place in very small towns.

I highly recommend!

  • Complete cultural and language immersion.
  • High quality people: group leaders, homestay families, and other students.
  • Learning about yourself through being in a different culture with different people.
22 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Thanks for reaching out Deedee! It was great speaking with you and your parents yesterday! You see each member of your group everyday, even during the homestay portion of the program. I hope that because clear in our conversation over Zoom. Thanks!

Hi Hannah, Thanks so much for reaching out to us. There are a few programatic differences between the north and south programs, but largely the differences are geographical. And it is certainly hotter in southern Spain than in northern Spain during the summer. I would be more than happy to chat with you and your parents if you would like to do that. You can reach me over email directly at jordan...