  • South Korea
52+ weeks
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Middle School High School

Program Details

  • Bachelor's Degree in any field of study
  • Citizen of one of the following countries: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Middle School High School
Age Min.
Age Max


Salary / Benefits
$1600 to $1750 monthly salary
Flight reimbursement
Contract completion bonus equivalent to one month's salary
Free medical insurance
Free furnished studio apartment
10-18 days of paid leave
Starting Price
Price Details
** Start 2023 the right way! Get $300 USD off your program fee when you enrol before the end of February!**

We have 2 program options:

- Orientation, support & placement at either private or public schools including online TESOL course: $2100
- Orientation, support & placement at private schools with in-class TESOL course conducted in South Korea: $2350
What's Included
Accommodation Airfare Airport Transfers
What's Included (Extra)

We also offer an in-class TESOL/TEFL for South Korea which includes supervised teaching practicum in South Korea prior to graduating and starting work.

What's Not Included
Transportation Travel Insurance Visa
Feb 09, 2023
Mar 01, 2023
67 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Embark on the ultimate adventure and teach in South Korea! Experience a new culture and make valuable connections, all while earning a competitive salary, with your flights reimbursed, bonus pay, paid vacation, and free furnished apartment, not to mention full health coverage.

Our in-country cultural orientation and 24/7 support, along with pre-departure assistance, will ensure a smooth transition and unforgettable experience. Our knowledgeable team, all of whom have previously taught abroad, will answer any questions and provide guidance every step of the way.
Immerse yourself in a new culture with our three program options: Online TEFL, in-class TESOL in Korea, and a placement program for those with an accredited certificate.

Discover the unique blend of modernity and ancient tradition that South Korea has to offer. Take the leap and join the community of teachers making a difference and creating meaningful connections in this exciting destination.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Great pay of $1600 to $1750 (USD) per month + contract completion bonus pay.
  • Free furnished accommodation.
  • Flights to South Korea reimbursed.
  • Choice between public and private school placement. 10-18 days paid vacation and health insurance included.
  • In-depth cultural orientation to ease you into life in Korea, which includes lectures on Korean culture and society, history, politics, geography and 7 hours of Korean language classes.

Current Teaching Jobs

Program Reviews

4.37 Rating
based on 27 reviews
  • 5 rating 48.15%
  • 4 rating 48.15%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 3.7%
  • Benefits 4.35
  • Support 4.6
  • Fun 4.1
  • Facilities 4
  • Safety 4.7
Showing 1 - 8 of 27 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

A Rollercoaster Ride Worth Going On

I can be a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to rollercoasters, but I went on despite the highs and lows and got off without any regrets. Going abroad to work in South Korea was definitely a memorable experience with a balance of positive and negative moments.

*I will start with the negative moments first because they never outweighed the good times and I will be completely honest about it because I feel people paint a very fantasized version of going abroad*

Prior to leaving, although the application process took a bit longer than expected, it was pretty straightforward! It was a stressful time, but from what I can recall it was the easy part of this whole program. The travelbud/gooverseas peeps were so supportive and helpful! The only thing that hurt was the cost of all the paperwork )':

I can only recall two rough times I had throughout the whole year, the rest of the bad were very minuscule to me. I originally had been placed in Daejeon, but a few days before my departure, I was relocated to Cheonju, which made things trickier for me because I had already done so much research about Daejeon. I wish that was handled better with enough time as well. The first night in SK was the most difficult. Many things could have been prevented if it wasn't for unpreparedness because 1) I was alone, 2) My Korean was still rough 3) I had no sim-card which meant no service and 4) I had no proper directions to get to my apartment. Although that was the case, the employees were very patient with me and some would direct me to my next location. There was also wi-fi practically everywhere and was able to contact my director and recruiters. I do want to say that on my way to my apt during one of my train transfers, there was staff helping people board while lifting their luggage; I don't know what happened for my case, but one of the helpers yanked me down the train steps and started angrily yelling at me. I still don't know why that happened, but it left me really shaken. At that moment I questioned whether I should have come to Korea because it was only the first night and it was already BAD. Glad I stuck it out in the end! (:

Regarding what work was like, it honestly still feels so surreal! A fever dream. My school was completely new, and by new, I mean everyone working for the school showed up on the first day only to see it was still sort of under construction. I find it funny because I didn't know what to expect and it sure would have never been that. The first month just consisted of cleaning, setting up equipment, and preparing for opening day. Since the school was new, all the higher-ups only focused on attracting parents so they can enroll their kids and as of result, none of us teachers had proper training. Me, my coworkers, and our co-teachers (Korean teachers) were teaching blindly, but the best that we could for our students. It was a very "here's the teaching materials, here's your schedule, figure it out on your own." We had no idea what any of the subjects we were teaching, let alone how they wanted us to approach it or what the goal was. For some reason, I thought that by being an English Teacher, it meant that I would be teaching English as an elective, but it was actually teaching all subjects in English. I wasn't aware that I had to be teaching 1st graders 5th grade level science. Luckily my 5-6 year olds new a bit of English, so teaching and communicating with them was never an issue. If there were times I didn't understand, my co-teacher would help out, so the assistance was great! The second most difficult time I had was when my director placed me with the youngest class for the new school term. They were 4 turning 5 year olds (international age) and they came in not knowing any English. I couldn't even teach and was frustrated because it felt more like daycare. The most important thing during that time wasn't for them to learn English, it was really about building connections with each one of them. Once they finally got used to the class routine and opened up, it made teaching a lot easier. Although teaching was the main point of this program, I realized the most significant thing about teaching was forming bonds with your students. Once you and your class form that bond, you can understand the strengths and weaknesses in yourself and your students better. This helped my actual teaching because I was able to focus on areas that needed more improvement while reinforcing the strengths. I got so attached that I still miss them now because I grew together with my students and witnessed their improvements.

To be completely honest, my school was very disorganized and mismanaged because of my director(s). The horrors you hear about hagwons felt like my school hit all the marks and ranked them all. Contracts were broken, pay was at risk, rumors spread, etc...There were so many lies and trouble caused by management + higher-ups which led many people to quit. My school didn't make a one-year mark and had about four different directors, three supervisors, and many co-teachers coming in and out. I kid you not, there was always a new problem each month, but Korea's work style is very fast-paced we just had to continue on like nothing. At one point, I became unphased that work didn't seem that bad anymore because I was alongside my then co-workers now friends. I think because it was a collective struggle, no one was going through all the mess alone, and that made things easier for all of us. Which now leads me to the good parts:

KOREA WAS SO MUCH FUN! Despite what I went through at my school, I am so thankful that I was placed there, especially at a school with more than one foreign teacher, and fortunate that I clicked with not only them but the Korean teachers as well. We took advantage of every weekend to explore and travel. I think if I was the only foreign teacher, Korea would feel a lot lonelier. Making friends can be tricky because some people already have their friend groups formed while others are struggling to find people they can vibe with. I used facebook, bumble bff, and travel bud's interactive teachers map to reach out to people. It's either a hit or miss, sometimes you hang out with a person once, and with others they instantly become family. There are many opportunities on facebook group pages offering meet-ups that can lead to potential friendships. At least for my experience, I'm grateful that my coworkers became my friends.

Getting the jist of traveling around was super easy! All it took was one try to understand it all (thanks to naver maps, kakaotaxi, ktx app, bus shuttle app, and papago) and the tickets were also cheap! Also if you get shy speaking or practicing your Korean, almost every shop and station had a kiosk machine which made it simple to buy tickets or food. Convenience stores were the best ever! Hungry at 3am? Trip to GS! and the best part was that they were everywhere. When it came to shopping, I had to resist wanting everything. It was all so appealing to the eye. I will warn anyone who's on the bigger side that it's a lot more difficult to shop because every clothing store seemed to only carry small sizes.... even the so-called "free size" would fit too small on me. There were some stores dedicated to bigger sizes, the only thing was that most of these were in Seoul (or any bigger city that wasn't Cheongju).

Everyone was so friendly and kind too, the locals would make sure to help you despite the language barrier. There was a day me and a friend were starving, but it seemed like all the restaurants were closed, until an ajusshi insisted on helping us find somewhere to eat to the point where he walked us to a food court (all communication done was through gestures and broken Korean). Or another time when I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. Since I grew close with the Korean teachers, they were always more than willing to set up important appointments for me. It was figuring out the location and building that I had to do. The orthodontist did his best to get his message across to me so I could understand my dental procedure. I did feel alone during this moment, but one of the dental assistants stayed with me throughout the whole process while reassuring me everything was going to be okay. Sometimes I would walk with friends and the locals will wave at us. Korea is very welcoming and open to anyone. I never once encountered any discrimination of any sort. Every person I met was super kind and accommodating.

One of the things I liked about Korea was the safety. Being a woman, there are moments I feel inferior, such as traveling alone, walking by men...I can't help but feel scared. In Korea, I never felt that way. I was placed in the outskirts of Cheongju which meant at night, it would get really dark, quiet, and empty.... my fear should have heightened but nope! I would go on 10pm walks and never once felt afraid. I could travel to a different city and feel confident on my own. I think because I had already traveled miles away from home on my own, there was nothing to be afraid of and everything I had to overcome was possible (does not mean I let my guard down). I always went out with friends, but one of my favorite memories was exploring Gyeongju on my own. I had one goal: See Bulguksa Temple. I didn't plan for anything else such as where I was going to eat, or what other sites to explore, nor did I arrange a timeline for that day. I really enjoyed that about Korea, it felt as if everything was accessible and convenient to do despite the spontaneity. It was relieving to know I didn't need to stress about any of that and could easily figure it out on the spot when the time came. I will also never forget bike riding in Ulsan OR running to the top of a mountain to get to the cable cars before they closed in Mokpo OR going to a free concert on a workday, but having to walk miles back home on a rainy day because there were no taxis available OR being exhausted in hot Jeju OR going to Gwanju just to see a penguin village OR laughing so much at work because of my friends and students OR getting covid from one of your students because your director didn't have anyone take safety protocols to prevent it OR photobooth hopping OR going ziplining with the school's team leader that quit because they're your friend now OR watching Doctor Strange at 1am in Daegu...and the list goes on!....but it only means that anything can happen!

I was only there for a year and I got to see almost all of Korea. All the good and the bad of it, but mostly good of course! I could still go on and on because this isn't even half of everything I experienced, it was a "short" summary of my time there. Overall living-wise, Korea was a great place to go to for this program. It was the first time I felt like I lived my life and it was such a great feeling. I grew more confident, independent, and adaptable. I would recommend this program to anyone willing to get out of their comfort zone and take a risk! It is life-changing for the better and would do it again in a heartbeat!

  • Placement is guaranteed! Doesn't matter where, it'll be beautiful with a great community.
  • Public transportation was so convenient, well designed, and very foreign friendly. The easiest and most straightforward traveling I've ever experienced, includes all modes such as bus, trains, taxis, and airports.
  • Most things were affordable (to me) such as food, activities, traveling.
  • I wish there was more in-person support rather than emails or messaging, for example, airport pick-up, sim-card accommodations, etc.
  • Placed in the outskirts of a smaller city meant that modes of transportation wasn't always available and took longer to get to anywhere.
  • Experienced body dysmorphia because Korean beauty and health standards felt so extreme.
11 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very good!

The program was very fun and exciting to complete. It was a new step in my life, and I was very nervous throughout the whole process and before arriving in Korea, but the placement team made sure the transition was seamless and worry free, and I understood everything I had to do before I moved abroad. Every instruction and email that I was given was always clear and simple. It’s definitely something I’d recommend to other future teachers, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity that you won’t regret!

100 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Dear Zoyaa, thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a positive review and feedback. We are incredibly excited to hear that the program was fun and exciting to complete. Nerves are such a big part of the process, especially in the weeks leading up to your departure, I am so pleased to hear the placement team made the transition a smooth one and helped ease those nerves a bit.
I appreciate your recommendation tremendously and agree wholeheartedly with you - teaching English abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and such an incredibly fulfilling experience.
Remember, we’re always here for you if you’d ever like to move on to a new destination and adventure, Zoyaa.
Thank you again for the lovely review, Zoyaa.
Saskia Smuts

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Yes, I recommend this program


TravelBud was super helpful in helping me become an English teacher in South Korea and made the transition moving to a different country very easy and smooth! Moving to a different country and learning a completely new culture can be very difficult but TravelBud helped me find a very comfortable job and put me in contact with all the right people so when I arrived here my transition has been very smooth and really enjoyable! Would definitely recommend for anyone thinking of teaching English abroad for their first time.

  • Experiencing a new culture
  • Meeting lots of new people
  • Developing your own skills
  • Sometime hard to meet people out of the school setting
  • Language barrier can make some things a little hard
  • Perhaps might have been good to know more about applying for a registration card just before/when i just arrived
91 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Emma, we are incredibly glad to hear you had such a good experience on your road to becoming an English teacher in South Korea. We know how incredibly tough it can be to move to a foreign country where the culture is so different from what you are used to. I’m happy that the team was able to make that transition smooth and easier than it would have been had you done it on your own. Thank you for your positive and lovely review, Emma, and for recommending us to those teachers out there wanting to make a similar transition to the one you have made.
We will most certainly work on the suggestions you’ve made - an Alian Registration Guideline is at the top of our list and we are working on ways that will allow English teachers to meet up more regularly and connect with ease.
Please don’t forget that we are always here for you if you need anything - you’re always more than welcome to reach out and we’ll be more than happy to help.
Stay well and thank you again,
Saskia Smuts

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Yes, I recommend this program

The Experience

So much I could really say here but overall, I would say TAKE IN the experience. Being in my 30s, I've found that there's something for everyone to do here in South Korea. The safety is top notch and the Koreans are pretty patient when it comes to the beginner Korean speaking person, such as myself, to be able to properly translate the needs of wants of daily life. It has been a humbling experience on so many levels, from having to depend on public transportation when prior to that I was on my own terms, to learning new ways, the Korean ways of doing things. A major piece of advice that I would give to any future travelers in the problem is be sure you know what is expected of you within your contract and to be open-minded at the same time. Know that the decisions you make from the beginning of the process to your end, will and should be decisions that are BEST for you. It started off pretty rough for me simply because being a veteran educator from the States, it was a bit of challenge to truly understand what a hagwon's expectation was for staff. I did not always agree with their procedures but at the same time, I had to remind myself that I was not here to compare but to embrace the contrast. Once I understood that, I begin to just go with the flow. Again, not being easy as a teacher with experience but it was the weekends and holidays off that really made it all worth where it didn't have to be ALL about work, but some time for fun as well. I do recommend that one knows their contract in and out and really understand what you are signing up for and not just because it sounds good and cute. Do it for the experience, yes, but also do it knowing your true goals and be open-minded because it will get difficult at times. Do it with a friend if you can! But whatever you do, do it because it is in your heart to do! The world is so big. Why not start with exploring outside the 4 walls you are in now?! ENJOY and never be afraid to do what's BEST!

  • New environment/scenery
  • Networking and making connections from all walks of life
  • Program team support along the way
  • Organization/communication of hagwons at times
  • The desire from certain program staff to rush travelers into the process
99 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hey LaShonda!

Thank you so very much for sharing your story and most importantly, your advice to other teachers from your profound experience abroad. I think I speak for the whole team at TravelBud when I say that we were incredibly moved and inspired by your wisdom, your passion and your adaptability. I was particularly struck by your your story of adapting to new ways of life in Korea and how it can feel strange and difficult at first, but that being open minded makes all the difference. I remember in my own experience when I got back, I felt I had done, seen, grown so much but there's always more to take in! "The world is so big"- you're so right. Isn't it strange how the more you travel the bigger the world gets, instead of smaller? Thank you for sharing your feedback and experience (and your stunning photos!) and for reminding us why we love the world of teach abroad that we work in! We are so proud of you and truly pleased that you took this giant leap of faith with us. Keep traveling and keep making positive change around the world!

Warmest Regards,
Grace & the TravelBud Team

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Yes, I recommend this program

Very Dependable

I had no success with other different agencies but Travel Bud came through and found placement in South Korea. Though I didn’t have a traditional “western” name they saw that I wanted to explore a different culture than my own and help me.Though I am not in Seoul I am in an area that is still breathtaking. It was a long process but I was able to finally be in a Hogwon. If you wish to go South Korea or anywhere else I would recommend Travel Bud as their service as has been spectacular. It is very dependable

105 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hi Adetokunbo,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and experience thus far. We are so thrilled to hear that you are enjoying your time in Wonju as oftentimes smaller cities are underrated. Keep embracing your experience as every experience for every teacher is so personal. With regards to coming through for you, is that not why you have signed up with us? - Absolutely! We pride ourselves in seeing the teacher, not just a name of a person, but the person behind the name and push the envelope to try and find a suitable placement whilst still considering the many factors and unique landscape of how the industry operates in each of our program countries. This is only the beginning for you and your life as an ESL Teacher! We are elated to be with you for the ride.

Warm Regards,
Kim Le Roux

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Yes, I recommend this program

Travel Bud - Kim Le Roux

Straight out of university I’m here in South Korea doing something that has nothing to do with my degree or previous work.
Travel Bud has really been a great support and made the “not knowing where to start or what to do” thoughts so much more easier.
I recently had a stumble in my journey, but want to really express my gratitude to Kim, she sat on a long call with me and really listened to my concerns and helped me really see the options or ways to lessen the burden I was feeling at the time. Kim, having experience teaching abroad, gave me guidance I needed rather than wanted to hear which has cleared up a lot of my thoughts.
Very appreciative for Travel Bud and their 24/7-like support, extremely grateful for Kim and our chats!

  • Culture experience
  • Independency
109 people found this review helpful.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Nightmare Experience - Avoid!

It's taken 5 months since escaping the South Korea placement for me to be able to write this review. I'd rather forget about this awful experience but I feel I owe it to anyone considering this option.

Your first call with Travel Bud will be great with them promising to honour your preferences and to support you through your whole experience. I was quite nervous about working at a Hagwon considering all the horror stories you see online (which are all 100% valid) and Travel Bud reassured me that I would be supported. I'd taught for 7 years at this point and had previously lived in China, so naively I assumed I would be fine on this 'programme' and I was optimistic.

After you've paid your first deposit to Travel Bud, you'll be passed onto another company which they paint as their close partner but I found out that there are a number of companies including Travel Bud who pass on their clients to this other company. The other company seems to be completely overwhelmed and you are treated as such. In total, on this 'Travel Bud programme' you'll work with 4 different companies being passed on and passed on with seemingly no communication between them.

I was told to keep communication with Travel Bud because the only way problems arise is if you don't keep open communication. One of the companies that you are passed onto after the 2nd company is completely hostile and they are the ones responsible for where you're actually placed, your contract, and your preferences. Turned out the preferences couldn't be honoured at all. I felt stuck at this point because I'd already invested money into the programme and had quit my job, so I continued and hoped things would get better.

Travel Bud had assured me it would be simple to have my fiancé and I placed together in the same school and apartment. In reality, we were placed a 20 minute subway ride away in different schools and apartments with conflicting schedules. We agreed to this in the end under pressure and for the reasons I mentioned above. However, it got worse and my school told me they'd be moving me to a different campus and division once my quarantine was over, a 50 minute bus ride away from my fiancé. I got in contact with Travel Bud and the other companies but Travel Bud didn't reply. I had no choice in the matter and was sent away. I never received my quarantine food box from the government with essentials, I informed Travel Bud, again nothing. At the school, they told me to sign a new contract now that I was in Korea. Massive red flag, I'd already agreed and signed a contract prior to leaving the UK. Again I contacted Travel Bud, and they didn't step in. I was made to sign the new contract.

Travel Bud claims they have a trusted network of schools but they are not the company that places the clients. My school was awful, there was bullying, emotional abuse, gaslighting, and all the teachers were under chronic stress. The previous teacher had done a midnight run after her health became so bad she kept fainting in the classroom. One had to be put on an IV drip because of the stress. My fiancé was placed in a school that hadn't had a foreign teacher in 2 years. My friend was placed in a school which had been reported by two previous teachers and she was still sent there.

I soon realised that I was on my own and Travel Bud appeared to have no say in what happens to their clients. Even now and then I'd get a random message from Travel Bud saying things like you're quiet, must be living your best life! which just rubbed salt in the wound. In fact, I had never been so unwell in my life.

Thankfully, the school gave teachers 5 days off for winter holidays so I was able to organise an escape without alerting anyone. I returned to the UK with terrible physical and mental health. I went out to Korea a confident and excited young person and came back with PTSD, involuntary gagging and sickness, disordered eating, chronic abdominal pain, panic attacks, tinnitus, and a foot injury. Only now after 5 months back home am I able to write about my awful experience. I stayed for the 5 months because the children I taught had such chronically stressful lives at the age of 5 years old that I felt like I wanted them to have at least some respite from it all in my classroom.

I urge you to reconsider this option if you are thinking about doing so. For a time I was even afraid to write a review because of the potential backlash but I have a right to voice my horrendous experience with this company.

120 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hi Gemma

Our entire team has taken the time to thoroughly read through your review and to understand not only your concerns, but see how we can use this as an opportunity to address them and make improvements to our program.

As with your partner Tom, we would like to reiterate that we take this seriously and that while hundreds of teachers have had positive experiences with our program, we value feedback and do not take these negative experiences lightly.

We are incredibly saddened and deeply sorry to hear that your time in South Korea was not the experience that you had hoped it would be.

We ask respectfully that we are given the opportunity to respond to your points from our perspective, as you have been given the chance to do.

Overall, we would like to make it clear that there are certain elements of the experience that are in our control and that we are investigating, and then there are elements that simply cannot be considered the responsibility of a single organization, such as government efficacy and cultural norms pertaining to another country.

Our goal as an institution is to offer support and guidance within the realm of what we can control and to navigate the logistical elements of moving to another country, but we do feel it would be deemed unreasonable to place blame squarely at the door of TravelBud for elements of an experience that has innumerable factors across cultures and individuals.

Teaching abroad offers a unique opportunity to embrace a very different culture from one's own and openness and adaptability are qualities that make for teachers that thrive in new environments and under the pressures of moving abroad.

Having all taught abroad before, we can truly understand that the experience has challenges and it’s not all Instagrammable views - there are days when you miss your family and home and when adapting to new cultures can feel overwhelming. In most cases, however, the good outweighs the bad and the challenges. I’m sorry to hear that this was not the case in your experience teaching in South Korea.

The first point we would like to address is the idea of multiple, disconnected companies. The work that goes into each applicant for the entire journey prior to departure, upon arrival and throughout your time is extensive. As such, we have taken the various aspects of the process and divided it between ourselves and our closely aligned partners with whom we have worked for years, to ensure that those with expertise specific to a particular process are handling that specific aspect.

That being said, we are transparent about the fact that TravelBud is your main point of contact throughout your journey, regardless of what stage you are in. We ask that our applicants reach out to us first and foremost in the event of any feedback, be it positive or negative.

You mentioned that you reached out to us several times with no response, but we have the correspondence of the numerous emails between yourself and our support team. There is no correspondence that indicates that you were looking to leave and we had to hear from another teacher at your school that you had left Korea. It is very difficult to assist teachers if we do not have open and honest communication with our team to be able to best assist.

We have looked into the hostility mentioned by the staff member at one of our partner companies and I can assure you that that particular staff member has been let go. We are looking into ways to ensure that the level of communication across the board is at a standard that TravelBud is happy with.

We do need to acknowledge that while we have dealt with that particular staff member and that we do apologise for their conduct, teachers also need to understand that the Korean staff can come off very direct as a result of direct translations from Korean and cultural differences in their means of communication.

In terms of placements within the same proximity, I understand that you feel that it was not close enough. There are a number of moving parts that need to align in order to place teachers in the same school. Under normal circumstances, it can be challenging to take on couples, but we are one of the few companies willing to do so and we, unfortunately, cannot overlook the extenuating circumstances and challenges posed during the world pandemic. In light of that, we did our best to ensure you were as close as physically possible at the time.

We are working on the following plans that are as a result of your feedback:
- A clear and transparent infographic to showcase our connections with our entire team and their process responsibilities
- Management of expectations regarding what is feasible in the teaching landscape when it comes to placing couples
- Broadening the scope of understanding the means of communication across cultures

I will be reaching out to you and Tom personally via email to hopefully open a dialogue to address some of your points and see how we can navigate this process together in order to improve.

Warm Regards,
Tristan Owen

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Yes, I recommend this program

Rise South Korea Review

Travel Bud was very helpful but as of now I’m a bit underwhelmed with the Daejeon experience. However, I love how safe it is and my job is pretty stable.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Ask more questions! Make sure you know what is expected!
121 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Leo! Thanks for your question! In general, we let all of our teachers know that if you have any tattoos or piercings, they will need to be covered while you're in the classroom. We've had many teachers come through over the years with all sorts of tattoo placements! So long as you're able to cover them while teaching, you're good to go :) - Brooke @ TravelBud

You sure can! Contracts are for 12 months, but it's not difficult to renew if you want to. By completing a 12 month contract you'll usually be paid a completion bonus also, so that's always great news! If you do your placement through TravelBud, you'll also get free re-placement at any of our other qualifying Asian programs, meaning you only pay once for the service and can continue your placement...

Hi Julie! For teaching in South Korea, a bachelor's degree is imperative, you won't be able to get a work permit without one. Check out our program in Myanmar as an alternative - it's a great immersive cultural experience where you can make a wonderful impact in the lives of locals and it will give you some ESL teaching experience which could count towards better teach abroad opportunities in...

Hi Nina, We are so sorry we missed your question and just wanted to let you know that you can definitely apply for one of our six 2020 intakes in South Korea. You'll just need to ensure that you have your physical bachelor's degree from your university in hand by the time you travel to Korea, which our team will walk you through to make sure you select a start date which coincides perfectly with...