  • Australia
    • Gold Coast
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Oct 06, 2022
Apr 01, 2020
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About Program

TEAN has partnered with Griffith University and Bond University to offer students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live and study abroad in Australia. Students can look forward to enjoying beautiful beaches, learning to surf, sunny weather, plenty of fresh seafood and authentic Australian hospitality. Participants also enjoy a wide array of courses (both universities offer comprehensive academic programs with Business Schools that are AACSB accredited) and amazing housing options, like premier housing right on the beach!

Included in the program is a 5-day Orientation Excursion in Cairns where students visit the Great Barrier Reef, organized cultural activities throughout the semester, and an optional Spring Break excursion to Thailand or New Zealand (how amazing does that sound?!).

Discover Australia with TEAN as your guide - check out the TEAN website for more info!

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Popular Programs

Griffith University - Gold Coast

With a welcoming student population and five campuses in Queensland, Griffith University offers TEAN students the opportunity to take advantage of a wide range of course offerings while studying at the university’s largest campus on the beautiful Gold Coast. Griffith has leading programs in environmental studies, education, political science and an impressive internship program.

Bond University

As one of the only universities in Australia with an academic calendar similar to the U.S., Bond University allows students with difficult schedules to spend a semester abroad and still be back in time for summer obligations. Students can study an array of subjects thanks to the university’s comprehensive course offerings. Bond participants study with students from around the world and have amazing housing options, including TEAN’s accommodation adjacent to campus or even beach housing.


TEAN by WorldStrides Diversity Scholarship

This scholarship is offered for summer and semester programs and is intended for students with identities historically underserved in education abroad. This can include, but is not limited to, individuals who identify as African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American, Alaskan Native, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, LGBTQIA+, First-Generation College Students, U.S. Military Veterans, students with disabilities, and/or students at Minority-Serving Institutions.

$2,500 - $5,000

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 95 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
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  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.55
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 95 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Decision Ever!

Thank you TEAN for giving me the experience of a lifetime! Four months after my study abroad I still think about Australia every single day. I dream about my daily beach walks and swimming in the aqua waters. Pretend that my drip coffee is as good as their lattes and make my own smashed avocado toast and wonder what they do different. I text my abroad friends daily and we reminisce on the good ole days. Somehow all the trips, beach days, classes, and movie nights in the apartment helped me develop into a more independent and open-minded person. None of this would’ve been possible without TEAN. They made helped every step of the way starting with helping find us deals on flights, organizing an orientation where we spent a couple days meeting everyone in the program, setting up the best housing, and even having fun events throughout the semester before helping us get back home. I have struggled to find a critique for TEAN but my only complaint is that I am graduating and can’t do it again!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Skydiving, I was perfectly calm until I saw the girl in front drop. I had no choice and was pushed out the plane. Great experience 10/10 recommend.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best program ever!

I couldn't imagine going abroad with any other program. Through every step of the way, TEAN made my experience the best it could possibly be. They were so helpful with travel planning and packing advice which made me feel very prepared to go half way around the world. They gave me the opportunity to experience things that I would have never had the opportunity to do if I didn't go abroad. Thanks to TEAN, I made friends that I will have for the rest of my life. I went to Australia not knowing anyone ahead of time but thanks to TEANs orientation at the start of my semester, I was able to meet people and make life long friends. I never felt that I was completely alone and I credit that all to TEAN. They are the absolute best and I can't recommend them enough!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Definitely skydiving. During orientation, I was given the opportunity to skydive on my first morning in Australia and I wouldn't have thought in a million years I would get the opportunity to jump out of a plane. I always thought I would be too scared to do it but I didn't hesitate given the opportunity.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Decision You Can Make

Going abroad with TEAN for the semester was one of the best decisions that I made throughout my time in college! The process was really easy and their highly communicative team works with you every step of the way. They were organized and detailed, and made me feel comfortable and confident throughout the whole application process. Upon arriving abroad, they have an orientation program that will help you get accustomed to the culture, meet new friends, and learn everything you need to know about being abroad. Throughout the semester, there are several fun events to hang out with other students and check in with people from the program if you have any concerns. It was a great way to be independent, but still have people looking out for you if you need any help. Being on the Gold Coast was incredible because of the beautiful setting, the perfect balance of city and nature, and the close proximity to an airport for any other travel. Additionally, TEAN provided so many new opportunities such as going to an AFL game, taking surfing lessons, diving on the great barrier reef, and so much more. I would recommend everyone spent time on the Gold Coast with TEAN.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing that I tried while abroad was kangaroo! There are a variety of new foods to give a chance while you are here and I would encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity!
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Program Ever!!

My semester in Australia was truly like a dream. It was astounding to me that I was half-way around the world making new best friends and traveling to the most amazing places all while being able to receive a full semester worth of credits. Not only was the trip filled with amazing experiences, it was full of wonderful life lessons as well. Being half-way around the world really instills a sense of true independence, there’s no going home or having your mom around to help when you run into trouble. I learned to do things on my own which pushed me to enjoy doing things on my own as well. If nobody was around to head up to the beach or go to dinner, I found myself going on my own instead of sitting around doing nothing thanks to this new-found sense of independence. That being said, my time in Australia also taught me how important it is to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves, no matter how big or small, even if they scare you. Looking back, I am so happy I didn't back out of sky-diving, scuba diving, or our hike in the Bali heat because those experiences were some of my favorite times, not only my trip, but of my whole life.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
A group of my friends and I went to the Whitsunday Islands for the weekend and decided to go skydiving. It was absolutely terrifying being in an airplane and thinking about the fact that you're about to jump out of it. When my turn came to jump, my guide grabbed my hand and out we went. It was the best experience of my entire life so I am eternally grateful for my friends convincing me to go and my guides support!
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I had an unforgettable study abroad experience at Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia!

As it is for many, studying abroad was way out of my comfort zone. I had never been out of the country, never mind traveling to the other side of the world all by myself. Going to a place as far away as Australia was a tough decision to make but I am so grateful that I did. The program I chose allowed me to have an adventurous experience, while also knowing I had support along the way. I now feel so much more confident than I did before and the memories will definitely last forever. Griffith University had a beautiful campus and it made a perfect home away from home. The friendly atmosphere and the diverse amount of people made it a pretty quick adjustment. TEAN was always there when I had any concerns or needed help, providing much needed comfort. It was an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone ready for an adventure!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't let time slip away. Be mindful and take advantage of every moment you can. This is your opportunity to take risks, try new things, and learn about yourself. Moving to a new place also means you get a chance to start fresh! Don't forget to work hard, but also enjoy this unique experience and make it your own.
55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best of the best<3

My study abroad experience couldn't have gone any better. Going throguh TEAN was the best choice i made without a doubt. w With TEAN we got so many extra things which made th4e eperience that much better. Living in the Gold Coast was also the best decsion for me, right near the beach. There is somuchto do there and so many little beach towns nearby, including Byron bay, surfer paridse and Berligh Head. Bond University was such an amazing university and a beyond beutiful campus, everyone there was really helpul. Tean helped me to meet someof my beat friends and see and eperience things i've never could've of imagned. I also got to travel outside of aussie to NZ. TEAN was the best choice to help me go aboar and I tell that to eveyone whos thinking about going. I'd love the whole experine so much I'm most definitaly going back to Aussie after I gradute.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I went abaord alone all the way to aussie not knowing anyone. It was the scariest thing i've ever done, not knowing anyone or knowing that much about aussie and having nobody there. But i had tean and they helped me to make some of my best friends that'll have for life. Brought me out of my shell and helped me to meet so many amazing new people.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Life Changing Semester

Choosing to study abroad through TEAN was probably the greatest decision I have made in my life thus far. I could not have asked for a better semester. Not only did I get to live in one of the most beautiful cities (and now my favorite) in the world, but I got spend my semester with like-minded people who have become lifelong friends. TEAN is a top notch program and if it wasn't for them, I surely wouldn't have had the semester that I did. Not only did TEAN make the registration process of sorting out everything from housing, to roommates, to flights extremely easy, but they also made the actual semester unforgettable by organizing events throughout the semester to immerse us more and more into the Australian culture and provide us with some things to do that I may not have thought to do otherwise. Also, the orientation that TEAN provides is at the Great Barrier Reef! What more could you ask for!? The orientation was definitely a necessity to making my experience abroad one I will never forget because I learned a lot about the Australian culture during it and I got to meet all of the other students that I would be spending the rest of the semester with. Bond University was an incredible university that I was lucky enough to have the privilege to study at. From the beautiful campus, to the one on one help from the professors, to all of the fun social events, I would go back in a heartbeat if I could. Overall, my experience studying abroad through The Education Abroad Network in Gold Coast, Australia at Bond University has been the best semester I have had throughout college and the best 5 months of my entire life so far.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My biggest piece of advice I could give to students looking to study abroad through TEAN is to go alone. I know it sounds kind of crazy and scary, but I made some of my lifelong best friends by going without knowing anyone. There are more people than not that go through this program without any friends or people from their home university that they may know, and TEAN does the most amazing job of choosing roommates that fit together well. Not to mention you will make so many friends that are not your roommates as well. Just take the risk and put yourself out there and you will surely meet some people that will be your friends for life!
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Quite possibly the best decision I've ever made.

As a whole, studying abroad was the best choice I’ve ever made. Being exposed so many different people, opinions, places, challenges, and perspectives allowed me to grow immensely as an individual. Speaking to people from countries such as Norway, South Africa, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, and (of course) Australia broadened my mental horizons about the world and challenged some prior misconceptions that I held. TEAN made this whole experience effortless as they helped with setting up phones, navigating the public transportation, arranging meet-ups for socialization, and offering suggestions about the best places to see/go in and around Gold Coast. It seems cliché to say that I met some life-long friends, but I truly believe I will stay in close contact with a group of fellow TEANers that made my experience the best that it could be.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising thing I did was start saying yes to every new experience I could. Whether this be going to a concert I was unfamiliar with, seeing a film festival about the ocean, dancing all night, or spending time with new people, I tried to say yes to those experiences. And the times that I said yes made the best memories that I have while abroad. Embracing new challenges and opportunities was the most surprising thing I did, and I'm quite proud of myself for that.
51 people found this review helpful.

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