  • Argentina
    • Buenos Aires
Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Subject Areas
Anthropology Art History Business Communications Cultural Studies Economics Engineering Film Gender Studies Health Sciences History International Relations Latin American Studies Linguistics Literature Marketing Political Science Social Sciences Sociology +9

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
High School Diploma Associates Bachelors
Apartment Host Family


Price Details
Included: Personalized Pre-departure Advising; Tuition & Registration; Travel Medical Insurance; On-site Orientation; Housing; Volunteer Opportunities; On-site Staff Support; Excursions and Cultural Engagement; Host Institution Services & Amenities and more. Scholarships available.
What's Included
Some Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Classes Travel Insurance
Feb 15, 2022
Feb 16, 2023
16 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Often called the “Paris of South America,” this multicultural city filled with immigrants from all over the world is a great place to understand how different cultures work together. Located on the western shore of La Plata River, this birthplace of the tango has a thriving arts culture, hip café scene, rich literary history, and vital music life. Affording a great location for travel throughout Argentina and South America, this multicultural city features one of the worlds most ideal climates.

You can take courses in English or Spanish at the CEA Buenos Aires Center or Universidad Austral. Advanced-level Spanish students can also take courses at the University of Belgrano. By providing volunteer opportunities, excursions, and many other cultural and learning activities, CEA turns Buenos Aires into a classroom.

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Program Highlights

  • Hands-on learning experiences that transform the world abroad into a classroom
  • Personalized Pre-Departure Advising, including visa and immigration support
  • Courses offered in English that fulfill major and general graduation requirements
  • Comprehensive on-site support, including 24/7 emergency phone
  • Career workshops, Internships Abroad, and Alumni Ambassador positions


CEA Scholarships

CEA Scholarships and Financial Aid

Studying abroad will change your life, improve your employability, and enhance your global competence. That's why we commit more than $2.0 million each year to our financial and scholarship programs.

$400 - $3,000

Program Reviews

4.55 Rating
based on 11 reviews
  • 5 rating 63.64%
  • 4 rating 27.27%
  • 3 rating 9.09%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 3.85
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.85
  • Housing 4.85
  • Safety 4.45
Showing 1 - 8 of 11 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Summer Medical Spanish Immersion Program!!

The CEA Medical Spanish Immersion Program is the perfect program for premed students looking to improve their Spanish. As a premed student, I was able to complete 60 hours of shadowing in a high ranked hospital and laboratory. I was also able to gain fluency in Medical Spanish through both a classroom and a clinical setting. Some specialties and fields that I observed were internal medicine, neurology, neurosurgery (I saw a double bypass surgery and some awake brain surgeries), radiology, physical therapy, nursing, and molecular biology. Although the program was rigorous and intensive in terms of the schedule, there were numerous opportunities to sight-see and experience Argentinian culture! Having 3-day weekends allowed me to relax and explore Buenos Aires freely.

I really appreciated how helpful the onsite CEA staff was (Maggie and Flor) in helping us get accustomed to living abroad. They were always available to help us out every step of the way and were super friendly! I was also fortunate to have had an amazing host mom and to have stayed in a homestay with other students. Even though I was miles from home, I felt like I had a family in Buenos Aires. CEA was the best program for me because I was not only able to gain a memorable experience, but I also felt that I gained lifelong friends and connections!

  • CEA Staff (Maggie and Flor) were very welcoming and friendly. They were always there if you had any questions and made sure to give you tips and insightful advice on how to make the most of your trip!
  • Class and rotations were from Mondays to Thursdays so Fridays were off. I liked having 3-day weekends because I had a lot of free time to explore the city but also to work on any assignments/projects that needed to be done.
  • CEA planned activities and excursions were opportunities to make friends with other students and to experience Argentinian culture through food, sight-seeing, and art.
  • There was a lack of communication between the hospital and the instructors who led the health practicum class. There were some issues with scheduling and when certain groups had a specific rotation.
  • The Medical Spanish Immersion Program was new and there wasn't a lot of information about what students could expect. The professors/instructors were also learning along with the students but it was a great experience overall.
  • Some rotations started early and required me to wake up at 5 am to commute to the site. But, my lack of sleep was not a big issue because the rotations were super interesting!
1 person found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Such as transformative experience!

Studying abroad in Buenos Aries with CEA was the most transformative experience of my college career. There is always something to do in the hustling and bustling city, and there are so many museums and sites to see in the city. The local porteño culture is such a unique blend of many different cultures. The onsite advisors, Julieta and José, are so helpful and fun to be around. The CEA trips, especially the trip to Iguazú Falls, are a wonderful way to get to know your fellow students and see incredible places. The classes offered at the Universidad de Belgrano pose a fantastic opportunity to learn about Latin America from a local perspective and are challenging in the best way. I lived with a host family and it was the perfect opportunity to truly live like a porteña. I could not believe how much my language skills improved during my time in Buenos Aries. I would love to eventually move back to the city. Best experience ever!

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing! I could not have asked for a better experience.
42 people found this review helpful.
Response from CEA Study Abroad

Theresa, thank you for your thoughtful review and wonderful photos! Your kind words about the CEA Buenos Aires program and staff echo the same sentiments of so many other alumni. Your review will help guide future CEA students when researching their own study abroad programs. Be sure to stop by and say hello the next time you find yourself in Argentina!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A must!

CEA Buenos Aires was the best experience of my life! I could not have asked for a better semester abroad. From the city to the food to the academics everything was absolutely perfect and I would not change a thing. Most of all, the advisors, Jose and Julieta were phenomenal. From lost phones, to activities, our advisors were always there for us. They are two of the best people I met in Buenos Aires, and we still keep in touch regularly. The classes were very unique and informative. I would never take classes like those back in the states. We were extremely culturally immersed and each class had a field trip through the city at least twice a month which was great to see parts of the city through an academic lens. I would recommend this trip to anyone seeking adventure and an out of the box study abroad experience!

What would you improve about this program?
Absolutely nothing! CEA and our advisors Julieta and Jose made the whole experience perfect!
41 people found this review helpful.
Response from CEA Study Abroad

Thank you for your review, Sarah! We’re thrilled to hear you had a positive experience in Buenos Aires with CEA, and your thoughtful feedback will serve as a guide for future students when researching their own study abroad experiences. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and be sure to stop by and say hello the next time you find yourself in Argentina!

Yes, I recommend this program

Seek Your Own Opportunities in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires really is the Paris of South America. This city has a wonderful European vibe and there are always a mountain of free activities available to its residents. Overall, I loved my time in Buenos Aires, but I do not think my Spanish improved as fast as it could have. Although my skills did increase from how they were at the start of the semester, I know they would have increased faster if I enrolled in a university for Spanish speakers, rather than decided to take classes at the CEA Study Center for American students. During the spring of 2018, the CEA Study Center in Buenos Aires only offered 2 courses in Spanish and the rest were in English. I took those 2 courses and I do feel like they slightly improved my Spanish, but the simple structure of the course work felt like a review of my high school Spanish classes, rather than a course with challenging learning objectives. The courses taught in English were rather easy too. If I were to do it again, I think I would have enrolled in a university with other native Spanish speakers.

Aside from my Spanish skills not growing as fast as I would have liked them too, I genuinely loved my time in Buenos Aires. I think this is a wonderful city and I feel like my abroad experience enabled me to mature and learn more about myself.

What would you improve about this program?
I like the CEA Staff at the Buenos Aires Center. For the future, I wish the staff provides more opportunities that challenges students to increase their Spanish skills.
39 people found this review helpful.
Response from CEA Study Abroad

Hi Elena! Your feedback has been shared with our Phoenix based team. Your enthusiasm and proactive approach to creating a memorable experience abroad will inspire other students to embrace new languages and cultures. Thank you for taking the time to share.

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Immersive Experience in an Amazing City

Buenos Aires is an awesome city with a bajillion things to do, and the CEA staff was always helpful in recommending activities and helping us check off our list of things we wanted to do. My classes were all liberal arts classes since that was my program, and they all had an immersion component, where we'd go on field trips and link the things we were learning about in class to the country we were living in.

Everyone coming to Buenos Aires should definitely go see a fútbol game, because the fans in Argentina are so incredibly passionate. You should also go to a Milonga, a tango club. The one downside of my semester is that I didn't get to travel as much as I wanted because Argentina is so huge that a lot of the places I wanted to go couldn't be visited in a weekend because the actual commute took an entire day each way.

45 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

¡Todo bien! All is good!

CEA has provided us with much more than just a campus in the midst of a vibrant city -- any questions about any thing here are answered; the host home they put me in is perfect, with pets, tasty dinners, great location, an amazing host mom; every couple of weeks they take us on a CEA excursion, such as yerba mate & food tasting, a Tango dinner show, an overnight to Iguazu Falls... and so much more!
Classes are small and engaging, with various class outings and fun projects to prompt unique cultural experiences. Buenos Aires is a huge city, which could be very intimidating to study in if it weren't for the support I get from CEA and the resources they give us.. including free coffee and yerba mate to get us through the long days!

What would you improve about this program?
I have two classes that are 3 hours straight once a week, and they are difficult to stay focused in near the end of the class (especially the one from 9am to noon!)... I would definitely prefer all my classes to be twice a week for 1.5 hours.
48 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Love this program!

I really loved studying abroad with CEA here in Buenos Aires. The staff is really great and helpful, and go out of their way to help us find activities to participate in, great food to eat, and fun places to go in our free time. The study center was kind of strange, because it was very different than a normal campus feel that I am used to. That being said, we had a lounge where we could hang out with free coffee and tea, a more quiet computer lab/study room with several computers and free printing, and a place to store things during the day if we needed to. I enjoyed the classes as well, because I honestly knew close to nothing about Argentina before coming and I feel that I have learned a lot. We went on several weekend/day trips, some with CEA and some on our own. I felt like a lot of planning went into these CEA trips and I really appreciated that! As far as enjoying my time in the city or travelling on my own, that was totally up to me. The staff did a great job of keeping us informed about what things were happening in the city so that we could always have something to do. I know that some of my friends here complained a lot about the workload and that we always had so many assignments that we did not have any free time, but honestly that's not true!!! I really feel that the workload was completely appropriate for university level courses.

What would you improve about this program?
At the start, I think there could be better communication between the professors and students. We were all a little confused and did not know what exactly to expect, and having all of our classes taught in Spanish was a big adjustment. We found that some professors added assignments spontaneously and without clearly communicating their expectations, and that was frustrating. If there was a way to ensure that the syllabus would actually be complete and correct, or that any changes to it would be clearly and effectively communicated, I know that would be very helpful. Additionally, as I said before, many of my friends had a hard time with their time-management skills while we were here. So maybe during the orientation at the beginning, it would be a good idea to spend some time talking to us about how long our assignments should take each week, or tips to help us use our time wisely while abroad. I know that by now we should know how to do this on our own, but studying in a different country is different, especially because we did not really have a home campus.
43 people found this review helpful.
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No, I don't recommend this program

CEA- Buenos Aires Global Campus

Buenos Aires is an incredible, life-changing, big bustling european city. However, there is no reason to go to this incredible country and spend all of your time with other students from the United States. There are a few opportunities to connect with local people if you explore outside of your comfort zone but I would highly recommend doing an exchange or taking classes at Belgrano instead. The professors are nice and everyone has the best of intentions but I feel that it would have been much better for my Spanish if I hadn't been surrounded by other English speakers constantly. I met many students from other programs who also were in a similar situation. Host families always vary but essentially many of the programs offer the same services.

My recommendation is to choose a program provider that doesn't include trips. You can always plan the same trips on your own. Usually much more affordably as well. This way you can go when you want to go, where you want to go and you can go with the people you want to! On these planned trips you are usually grouped in on a massive bus full of other american students.

Otherwise, CEA was lovely. I wouldn't regret spending a semester in Argentina for a second. I only regret not taking a bigger risk and doing an exchange or direct enroll program with other spanish speaking students.

35 people found this review helpful.

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