  • France
Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
European Studies Linguistics

Program Details

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Host Family
Nov 09, 2022
Dec 01, 2022
18 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

USAC welcomes students to come study abroad at the University of Pau in France! USAC's French and European Studies program gives students the opportunity to study in this small, charming city set against the magnificent Pyrenees.

Courses available at the University of Pau are taught in both English and French, and range from French language courses at all levels to multi-disciplinary options focusing on French studies. Professional Internships can also be arranged for students of at least Junior standing who have taken no less than 4 semesters of college level French or equivalent.

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Program Highlights

  • Live in charming Pau, a lovely small city set against a stunning backdrop of the Pyrenees and with more green space per inhabitant than any other European city
  • Choose from courses in Intensive French plus a choice of electives
  • Enjoy field trips to the Pyrenees and the French Basque coast
  • Take the optional Paris/Loire Tour and soak up all the “City of Light” has to offer
  • Participate in sports activities such as skiing, hiking, yoga, dance and more


USAC Scholarships

USAC Scholarships and Financial Aid

USAC awards over $2 million in scholarships and discounts each year to assist students with their study abroad expenses.

$500 - $1,000

Program Reviews

4.78 Rating
based on 37 reviews
  • 5 rating 81.08%
  • 4 rating 16.22%
  • 3 rating 2.7%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.4
  • Support 4.65
  • Fun 4.6
  • Housing 4.4
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 1 - 8 of 37 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

USAC Pau: Once in a lifetime

Bonjour! My experience in Pau was amazing! Arriving in France we were immediately greeted by some of the nicest people I've ever met. Magali and Robina were amazing program directors who were ready at the drop of a hat to help us in any way. We were immediately moved into our apartment complexes and our friends who were doing homestay went to their houses. It was such an incredible experience to be independent in a foreign country. I loved how easily accessible everything was especially through public transportation which is leaps and bounds ahead of the US. I enjoyed going to class every day which was fully immersive and I learned so much I made lifelong friends there who I still keep in contact with even though we're thousands of miles apart. The city itself was breathtaking. The Chateau, the parks, museums, clubs, restaurants and shops were amazing. I am anxious to visit again. Although the heat wave posed some issues for travel, the weather was overall pleasant, and it made traveling through the Pyrenees such a memorable experience. I loved visiting the Basque country and getting to know all the locals, they were such unique and kind people. Pau was truly the time of my life. Everyday since I’ve come back to the US, I long to return to the Béarn region. Because of my time in Pau, I have decided to apply to the TAPIF program to teach English in france. I really hope I get accepted. And if I could somehow teach in Pau, that would be a dream come true. Thank you so much USAC for this opportunity!

  • Gorgeous geography. The Pyrenees cannot be beat. I could see Pic du Midi d'Ossau from my room.
  • Location is everything. Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lac de Gaube, Spain, everything is so close.
  • Size. Not all the hustle and bustle of Paris. Get to experience true French culture.
  • Limited English access. If you're not comfortable with your French skills be warned. It's not like Paris where everyone speaks English.
  • Train station. The people at the train station were rude and the actual building itself is a bit rundown and sketchy.
8 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Pau is a great place to learn French and explore Southwestern France

Pau is a fun city to learn French. The staff in the USAC program and University of Pau are all awesome and the people in Pau are nice and generally patient with imperfect French. I stayed for a month in summer session 2 with a host family who were lovely and definitely improved my conversational French speaking and listening. Pau is in a great location to travel to Northern Spain or the French coast on weekends (about 2 hours and you can usually find a cheap train or bus ticket) and I had great trips every weekend. There is not as much to do as I would have liked in the actual city during the week after classes, but we had fun trying new restaurants and bars and saved most of the activities for weekends. USAC plans some excursions, and they were all great and gave me experiences I definitely would not have planned on my own.

  • great location for weekend travel
  • kind community
  • got to meet and take class with other foreign students from other countries
  • not a lot to do in the city itself
  • some of my friends had negative experiences with host families
16 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Study Abroad Spring 2019

I studied abroad during spring semester of 2019 and absolutely loved my experience. I had been abroad before but this was my first international trip alone. Upon arriving I felt fully supported by my loving host mom, the USAC staff, and my professors. My favorite part about studying abroad with USAC were the field trips they took us on and the welcoming and knowledgeable staff who helped me with personal and academic challenges.
I am thankful I chose Pau and a home stay because my french skills improved exponentially, I felt like I really got to experience French culture rather than a melting pot of cultures like Paris, and I was easily able to make french friends at the university to practice speaking with. I also participated in sports and had the opportunity to learn how to Rock Climb on an amazing wall with lots of difficult courses, went skiing in the Pyrenees, and went hiking.

What would you improve about this program?
I really enjoyed everything about this program, perhaps would change the class schedules though because sometimes the two hour blocked classes were difficult to sit through
91 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great program, location and value

I went abroad with USAC after being recommended the program by my advisor at my home university since I really wanted to study in the southern region of France and my school didn't really have any programs there. The cost was very reasonable, comparable to in-state tuition and included housing and organized excursions. The on-site program directors really helped navigate the university in a way that might have been difficult with just a direct exchange. I loved the opportunity to do a homestay and enjoyed the program-led excursions that I would not have done on my own, especially the guided tour in Paris before arriving in Pau. I highly recommend USAC for a study abroad program!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Immerse yourself with locals to improve your language!
87 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A life-changing experience

This was my second study abroad in France, the first was through my home university. USAC’s program was amazing!! They placed me with an incredible host family and planned SO many activities for us that were included in the cost, like hiking in the Pyrénées, river rafting, going to the zoo, and going to Bayonne/Biarritz. My classes were challenging and I learned so much, combined with living with my host family. I also really enjoyed the field trips-I took the art history class, and we went to some cathedrals and museums to incorporate what we were learning in class, which was a great way to see the city as well!I highly recommend this program!! I would say though that Pau is a very small city with not a lot of nightlife/shops open later in the evening so just keep that in mind.

What was your funniest moment?
Going river rafting and competing with the other teams/watching them fall into the river 😂
90 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Treasured Life Experience

I studied abroad in Pau, France with the USAC program. The start to the semester was nerve wracking as there were many technical difficulties with sorting out the wifi, heating, and phone plans as well as class schedules. However, after the first three weeks things inevitably sorted themselves out. I loved making friends with classmates from around the world as well as with the fellow Americans in the program who came from all around the States. The language program was challenging but not overly so. The immersion in class made a world of difference to everyone's writing and speaking skills and the professors were truly lovely people. There were several opportunities to meet with French students from the University but there was nowhere near as much immersion in that regard as I had expected. In addition, I wished it were easier to get assigned a French tutor. Other than that, however, I would say the program was fairly well run. There was plenty of time out of class to explore the small city, go shopping and eat out with friends. Traveling to the coast nearby or to other places in Europe via Ouibus was convenient, affordable and a lot of fun. Overall, I was able to achieve my goals to travel, get better at French, meet people from around the world, and gain more confidence in myself through the many unexpected challenges.

What would you improve about this program?
I wished it were easier to get assigned a French tutor. And that the USAC staff were more helpful at the beginning of the semester with getting wifi and heating set up in the apartments.
88 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I loved my experience in Pau!

Pau is a great city to study abroad in--not too big that you feel overwhelmed, but big enough that there is always something new to do! USAC on-site staff were always available to answer any questions. Their office was always open, and students were constantly stopping by to chat. Pau has such a unique variety of restaurants and bars that you'll never get bored! And it has a train station close to the city center making traveling around Europe really convenient! USAC sponsored several trips for us to see the surrounding cities and countries. We traveled to the Pays-Basque Regio, Spain, and Bordeaux! There is also an option to take a trip to Paris before the program starts, which I highly recommend doing! Pau also have a unique history as it has its own castle that you can tour.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
There is a week break in the fall and spring for school. I highly recommend using the break to travel around Europe as much as possible! If you're brave enough, I recommend a solo trip!
87 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cultural immersion !

Pau is the perfect city for cultural immersion. It is small enough to get to know locals while being big enough to have lots to explore. Also, it is situated next to the Basque region which has a very unique culture! The program includes fun excursions. However, if you are looking to travel to major European cities it is expensive to travel in and out of Pau because the airport is so small. But if you’re looking to stay in the south west, Bordeaux and Toulouse are easy to get to! As well as coastal cities like Biarritz and San-Sebastián. The courses through USAC were extremely easy, so don’t plan on having too much homework or needing to study often. Lastly, the weather was amazing in the fall up until early November which made it easy to explore the outdoor activities Pau has to offer.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Become a regular at bars and restaurants to meet local friends!
87 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

The exam is comprehensive, including essay, fill in the blank, and listening comprehension for the written section, and then there is typically an oral conversation component as well. You should review your most recent semester French coursework to be the most prepared. If you have further questions you can email us at [email protected] Thank you!

I had class Monday-Thursday from morning until evening (2 hours of class then 2 hours of break, etc.) and I travelled almost every weekend.