  • Cambodia
    • Siem Reap
    • Phnom Penh
    • Battambang
2 to 24 weeks

Program Details

Spring Break Summer Winter
Guesthouse Host Family Hostel
Travel Type
Budget Family Older Travelers Solo Women


Starting Price
Price Details
Fully hosted experience from only $405 for 2 weeks - this includes accommodation, meals, airport pick-up, orientation and 24/7 in-country support.
What's Included
Accommodation Airport Transfers Meals Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Transportation Travel Insurance Visa
Jan 03, 2023
Feb 04, 2023
57 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Trusted by 124,000+ volunteers, IVHQ offers the most popular volunteer programs in Cambodia and 50+ other destinations around the world.

You can choose from 7 volunteer project options in Cambodia and give back for periods ranging from 2 weeks to 24 weeks. Your Program Fee includes airport pick-up, orientation, accommodation, meals and 24/7 in-country support. You’ll be accommodated in a volunteer house or homestay with other like-minded, impact-focused travelers from around the world.

IVHQ is trusted to support the meaningful adventures of thousands of volunteers every year, so before you even depart for Cambodia, you’ll receive outstanding personalized service from your expert Volunteer Program Manager and exclusive access to superior pre-departure volunteer training.

With IVHQ, you can expect to establish real connections within the local community while supporting projects that make a genuine difference.

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Program Highlights

  • IVHQ’s Cambodia program is available year-round, starting on the first and third Monday of every month
  • Highly affordable program fees starting from $405 for 2 weeks - IVHQ provides the most affordable and top-rated programs
  • Projects based in the historical sites of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Battambang
  • You’ll be traveling with IVHQ, the volunteer travel experts, and joining a network of 124,000+ volunteers. Our outstanding safety systems and track record set us apart, we are the world’s safest organization
  • Your efforts will have a positive impact because our programs are community-driven with a focus on supporting long-term local needs

Program Reviews

4.85 Rating
based on 52 reviews
  • 5 rating 92.31%
  • 4 rating 3.85%
  • 3 rating 1.92%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 1.92%
  • Impact 4.7
  • Support 4.7
  • Fun 4.9
  • Value 4.8
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 1 - 8 of 52 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Childcare in Cambodia

After a few days in Siem Reap I headed to Phnom Penh for a 2 week Childcare placement at Joy Daycare Centre. The kids (aged 2-8) were funny, attentive and super engaged. The day started at 9. I would spend an hour in the morning teaching English, followed by a freestyle session where I would let the kids draw on the whiteboard and get them to describe in English their drawings. My Khmer wasn't great but with some creative miming the kids understood and we had loads of fun!

We would help feed the kids at lunch "more rice please teacher" still makes me smile. After lunch they would nap for 2 hours, then shower, followed by play time, songs music dance games or watch TV. They would go home at 3.30pm.

A couple of times we hitched a ride with the director of the centre when he took the kids home. Seeing the slums they lived in was heartbreaking, but they came from loving families, and even though they didn't have much they were happy, which was very humbling.

The whole trip was one big highlight reel!

Even though it was sad saying goodbye to the kids, I left with a full heart.

Travel is my jam. And this is a unique way to do it. To live like a local and give back. It's a cultural exchange like no other. I even tried deep fried crickets!

Phnom Penh is a crazy city! The noise, traffic, hardly any pavements. People don't walk you take tuk tuks everywhere. Download the Grab app to book yours, it's like Uber.

I loved hanging out on the riverfront. Head to Temple Bar & Bakery on 55th Street for the rooftop experience.

  • History
  • People
  • Kids
  • Traffic
7 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching English in Siem Reap

Siem Reap was a very interesting place to stay with visiting Ankor Wat very much a highlight. I stayed at the CVH Siem Reap Hostel which was located close to the night Market area of Siem Reap. The hostel hosts were brilliant, friendly and very helpful. I taught at Salariin Kampuchea (SK) learning centre for 4 weeks. This I thoroughly enjoyed. The kids were great to teach and I fitted in very well with the existing kampuchean teaching team. Overall my experience in Siem Reap was brilliant. I would highly recommend going there.

  • Friendly people
  • Fantastic Food
  • Ankor Wat a must see
  • It was hot not much airconfitioning
19 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Educating Cambodia

I loved this beautiful country!! I easily fell in love with the kind respectful people of Cambodia. Every bit of their culture was based around conscientious actions and it really was noticeable (coming from a western way of thinking). Another aspect of the Cambodian culture that I was really fond of was its attention to detail. Despite not having the best government-run trash/cleaning services, the streets were always maintained by the shop owners, it was always so clean!! I had so much fun teaching the children and want to go back soon!

  • Food
  • Landscape
  • People
  • Tourists
18 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

First time volunteer

My first volunteer experience. Took early retirement so was a little apprehensive. No need as the experience fulfilled all my hopes.
Excellent organising and information from IVHQ.
Loved Cambodia and the school I taught in . Plan to return.
Age was no barrier as fellow volunteers were very forward looking .All of us looking for new experiences.
Such a pleasure teaching students who genuinely want to learn.
So enamoured with the experience of IVHQ that I have just completed my second assignment in Sri Lanka and have booked India and Vietnam to follow.

  • Great students and teachers that want to learn
  • Great country to explore - very friendly locals
  • Terrific value for money . Very low cost of living
  • None
43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience

I was crazy nervous at the beginning of my trip as I'm only 18 so was my first time ever travelling alone, but as soon as I arrived to the volunteer house in Phnom Penh I was relieved, the volunteers and the staff were so welcoming and nice and it had a real homely feel to it. So I was already off to a great start and then as soon as I saw the beautiful children at Le Restaurant des Enfants I knew I picked the right project! To anyone thinking of volunteering this organisation was amazing and it was honestly the most amazing and rewarding experience ive ever had working with children!!:)

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Honestly it would be to do it for longer then 3 weeks, it seems like a while but it went so quick, too quick for my liking! Also I think next time I'd like to try two programs like childcare and then wildlife for a few weeks.
75 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cambodia has everything you could ask for in a volunteer destination

Cambodia has everything you could ask for in a volunteer destination – great people, unique culture and awesome adventures! There is also a strong demand for people to help address the deep-rooted socio-economic issues facing Cambodia today. That is exactly where volunteers step in!

Volunteer programs are numerous and diverse, satisfying any skill set you have to offer or are looking to develop. I volunteered on a 6-month placement, volunteering with a development NGO in Phnom Penh. And guess what? They offered me a job and now I live here!

Whilst I loved (and still love) my placement, I greatly value the camaraderie within the volunteer house, offering support after a challenging day and encouragement exploring the street food scene! Grilled frog skewers anyone? If you plan to stay longer than a few weeks there is also a small but strong expat community. And plenty of delightful coffee shops when you’re looking for some quiet time (and air-conditioning!).

Opportunities for weekend trips are abundant, satisfying any and all travel experiences you could ask for! Whilst the tourism industry throughout the country is still largely in its infancy (outside of Siem Reap), locals are always very generous with their efforts to help – and knowing a little Khmer goes a long way! As does taking the time to learn and practice the social and cultural customs. Quick trips to neighboring Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos are also very do-able. Some journeys can take longer than expected but I have never felt unsafe, despite what I may have heard and read prior to departure.

I appreciate the opportunity of living abroad, even with all its ups and downs. Cambodia forces you to reevaluate your priorities and experience gratitude in profound ways. Especially when the power goes out!

I recommend volunteering in Cambodia and the team at IVHQ :)

72 people found this review helpful.
Response from International Volunteer HQ - IVHQ

Hi Samantha! Wow! Thanks so much for the thoughtful review. With a move to Cambodia - this experience really has been life changing! It's great to have your recommendation and we would love to have you join us on another trip soon! ^Meika - IVHQ Cambodia Program Manager

Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Childcare in Cambodia

During July of 2019 I was in Cambodia volunteering with disadvantaged children for 2 weeks. It is almost impossible to find words to describe this experience. I had the pleasure of meeting a group of 20 children that marked my life forever. These children don’t have anything but it looks like they have everything because they always carry the biggest smile. It is impossible to be sad around them and it really makes you appreciate what you have. We did not speak the same language but it was not a barrier. I think I can say we spoke the language of love.
I could not be happier to have chosen IVHQ for this experience. The support they gave us was amazing before and during the trip. And they gave me the opportunity to meet other volunteer that now are my friends and that I will keep forever in my heart. I could not be more grateful for this experience! If you have the opportunity please do it!!!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t be afraid!! Cambodia is probably totally different from what you’re used to! I was really overwhelmed when I got there because everything was different. But honestly that was the best part! Have an open mind and don’t be afraid to try something new
74 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A change of mind!

I really loved my exprience with IVHQ in Cambodia working with kids!
The staff members of the organisation was very welcoming of new volunteers and were always ready to help prepare arrangements for trips, help understand the language, or juste answer your questions.
The kids at my placement were also full with joy and would always try to make you laugh as they would show you silly games they created! They are full of creativity and are always open for new games! They love new people and are always super excited to recieve more love and cuddles from you!
Don<t be shy to ask questions about the culture and to visit as much as you can. The markets and the temples really give an amazing idea of what Cambodia is! If you need any help deciding what to visit, the staff would alwayd be happy to recommend you some amazing places!
I really hope you enjoy your trip!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I would suggest to arrive there with an open mind and to expect a totally different reality. Most of the children and locals have some sad stories that may shock you, but for them it is what life is like, so try to put your usual ideas aside and understand what they went through. Once youve done it, you would be able to get a better understanding of what cambodian culture is like.
63 people found this review helpful.
Response from International Volunteer HQ - IVHQ

Hi Joelle, thank you for sharing your experience with us! We are privileged to have been part of your journey! We thank you for your time and contribution during your time in Cambodia! We can't wait to be part of your next adventure! :) Will - IVHQ Program Manager

Questions & Answers

No not at all :) - the only language requirement for all of the IVHQ programs is being able to speak English. But in saying that, it is great to learn bits and pieces if you can, I really struggled but it didn't inhibit my trip and everyone was grateful if you tried and extremely helpful :)