  • Peru
    • Cusco
1 to 24 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Host Family


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Price Details
The fees cover: Airport pickup and drop off, local orientation, host family, meals, local coordinator, a donation to our programs, please check our website for more details.
What's Included
Accommodation Airport Transfers Meals
Apr 09, 2021
Oct 24, 2018
14 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Volunteer Abroad in Cusco (Cuzco) Peru: Cusco (Cuzco) is considered the archaeological capital of the Americas, and has been declared by UNESCO as a cultural Heritage of Humanity. Cusco (Cuzco) maintains its Old World charm with beautiful plazas, cobbled streets and colonial style buildings lining the city. With its close proximity to Machu Picchu and other archaeological wonders, Cusco (Cuzco) has a wealth of treasures to offer a globally-minded traveler.

In spite of receiving thousands of tourists every year, Cusco (Cuzco) also has one of the highest levels of poverty in the country. This is evident by the presence of hundreds of children living and working on the streets. These children lack a decent education, food and caring, with almost 30% living well below the poverty line. We offer orphanage and teaching placements throughout the city. With our volunteer program we allow you to discover the wonders of Cusco (Cuzco), while doing meaningful community work.

Consider your impact: Volunteering abroad can be a rewarding experience for both volunteers and local communities, and at Go Overseas, we believe all volunteers should have the resources to make informed decisions about the type of volunteer project they want to partake in. However, despite best intentions, some organizations offering placements in orphanages may unknowingly place children in danger. You can read about the potential dangers of orphanage volunteering here.

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  • Impact 5
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  • Fun 5
  • Value 4.95
  • Safety 5
  • Program Selection 5
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 5
  • Value 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 31 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

Happiest person ever ;)

My trip to Costa Rica with A Broader View was probably one of the best experiences of my life. Just like everyone would be if they came to a foreign country alone, I was nervous that something would go wrong or I would find the experience too difficult. With the support of the coordinator, her family, ABV in America, my volunteer location and the people of CR, I was the happiest person ever. I got to volunteer as well as learn the unique history of Escazu, CR and the local people. The US and CR have so many differences, but by coming to Escazu I have a new appreciation for happiness. Seeing the kids of the kindergarten come to school with big smiles of their faces reminded me that happiness isn’t based on the things that you have, but rather what you make of it!

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My Daughter in Peru

Just a quick note to let you know that Kathryn returned from Peru today. What a fantastic time she had with everyone. Maria Elena was the perfect fit for her first journey abroad and alone. She was truly a Peruvian mother to her and an excellent guide. The week was filled with excitement and warm and caring relationships. The kids were very special to her, as well as her Spanish instructor. A small child on the side of the road, selling insignificant little candies late at night, until she earned 20 Sol, was asleep at the corner of the building, with chapped, cracked and blood dried lips bring tears to Kathryn's eyes telling us about her. She was deeply affected by the entire experience. Your professional expertise is very much appreciated, as are all of the wonderful people who make A Broader View possible in Cuzco. It is a special program, providing very special human connections. We hope to participate in another journey with your organization in the future. We will certainly recommend the organization to others. Sincerely, Rita Clare-Salzler (Katheryn's mother)

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machu Picchu
Yes, I recommend this program

Perfect balance

I absolutely loved my month in Cusco! My experience surpassed all of my expectations and I am really sad that my time there ended so fast. My time at the primary school was amazing. I rotated through the three classes of five-year-old students to teach English. Most of the time I was given complete control of the class for the day and led activities to teach basic English vocabulary and concepts. I tried to make the lessons engaging by having the students act out different words, creating competitions between groups of students, and teaching them songs in English. It was amazing to see how interested they were in learning English, how much effort they put into practicing, and how much progress they made over the course of the days I spent in each class. I also loved getting to know the students in a non-academic setting: talking with them before class, eating lunch with them, and playing with them at recess. They were so excited to see me every day and would scream “Profe de ingles!!” and then come running over to give me a hug — it made coming to school every day so much fun. Additionally, the teachers were so supportive and helpful during my time at the school. I was really sad that the school had vacation for my last week and a half in Cusco because I did not want to end my time there. My other volunteer position was working at an orphanage for teenage girls. The orphanage did not need much help running activities so instead, the role of volunteers was more to spend time with the girls and be a friend. I spent most of my time in the ceramics room where the girls work for weeks to paint the most beautiful plates, mugs, and vases. They tried to teach me how to paint as well (which I was terrible at) but I had so much fun talking with all of the girls and listening to music while we painted. It was amazing to me how positive and friendly all of the girls were. They were always excited to ask me a million questions, show me what they were doing, give me/each other a hug, or just sit by me. I tried to get to know as many girls as possible because it was important to me to be more than just another random face—I wanted to truly get to know them on a personal level and be a friend they could feel comfortable with. I was able to go on a field trip with the orphanage during my last week and it was so much fun to spend time with the girls in a new environment, witness their excitement at traveling outside Cusco, and be a part of their special day. The loyalty and love the girls have for each other inspired me and I will never forget my time with them. Outside of volunteering, I was lucky enough to do a lot of traveling while I was in Cusco. I did a tour of the city, visited the sacred valley, the salt mines, the last Inca bridge, Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain, and Humantay Lake. I loved all of these adventures, made some great friends on the trips, and was amazed by the beautiful places I got to see. I also enjoyed exploring the city of Cusco. There is so much to see and do: the museums, restaurants, and markets are all incredible, I took a Peruvian cooking class, I visited an Incan planetarium, I went to see live music, and so much more. Throughout my stay in Cusco, I lived with Maria Elena and I truly could not have asked for a better host Mom. She made me feel completely at home and I am so grateful for how caring she was. The food was incredible, the beds were comfortable, and Maria Elena was the best. They love she shows to all of her ABV volunteers is amazing. She is both a mother figure and an amazing friend. She gave great advice, was so supportive of all aspects of my life, and was so much fun to spend time with. I felt like I had plenty of freedom but also felt like I was always been cared for—it was a perfect balance. Also, there were often other volunteers living in the house and I had so much fun getting to know them. We did trips together, went out to dinner, or just hung out after a long day. It truly felt like we were a family. Overall, I am so grateful for the unforgettable experience I had in Cusco. It was more amazing than I could have ever imagined.

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volunteering in Peru
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Journey through life

The scenario by which I was introduced to A Broader View and the trip that would ultimately change my life played out as follows:
My friend: “Hey, Corin, I was thinking, and feel free to say no: would you be willing to go down to Peru with me for two weeks to do medical work? It was just an idea I had.”
Me: “Um, sure! Why not.”
… and thus did I find myself, hardly a month later, sleeping in a Peruvian bed in the house of a family I had known for exactly thirty minutes.
My experience as a medical volunteer in Peru was beyond the power of words to describe; it changed my life, and my outlook on life, permanently. From the days that I spent at the hospital helping mentally and physically challenged children to grow stronger, healthier, and feel more loved, to exploring the city of Cusco and the Peruvian countryside, to living and sharing a home with a family that was willing to open its doors to me and my best friend, the experience brought new memories, awesome moments, and learning opportunities that I could never have even hoped for before. To try to describe my trip in mere words is an exercise in futility. I can only say that I have been truly privileged to have been a part of this program, and will never forget Elena, our hostess; Emily, our fellow volunteer who became a sister to us; Jhoselin, the two year old hospital patient who I fed, cared for, and grew to love each day at the clinic; the Stafford family, medical volunteers from Texas with whom we grew incredibly close; Enrique, the physical therapist who took me under his wing and guided me through work at the clinic; Maximus, our host family’s trusty, faithful terrier; and so many other people who helped my friend and I on our journey through life in the hospital, Cusco, and Peru.

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Peru Cusco
Yes, I recommend this program

I really got to know the girls at the orphanage

This has been one of my favorite travels of my whole life. I have done a lot of traveling and have had mostly good experiences but my time with A Broader View has been one of my favorites of all of my travels. The host family experience was incredible. My host Mom welcomed me with open arms from day one and was always checking in on me to be sure that I had everything I needed to be comfortable and feel supported.
I really enjoyed my volunteer site- a girls orphanage. I was able to really build relationships with the girls in the orphanage over my month long time with them. The girls were so welcoming and inclusive of me, I really was part of the family. Felt very safe the whole time, a safe neighborhood and a safe city (Cusco and Machu Picchu). I didn’t feel like such a tourist and like I stood out even though I am very fair skinned. I felt comfortable and at peace walking around. The locals are very friendly and many lookouts for tourists. My going away party at the orphanage was so lovely. The girls prepared a big poster with me and some made small gifts for me. I brought a cake, cookies, chips and sodas. The leader of the program did a little speech and then some of the girls talked. I then received the card and through a few tears shared with the girls how thankful I was for each one of them. I really got to know the girls and build relationships with them. It was so hard to say goodbye—which really indicates a lot of love and relationships built.

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Peru Cusco Medical

I loved my Peru medical volunteer experience. It was a great way for me to go out of my comfort zone and experience a new country! Volunteering in the clinic was so rewarding and was a great way to be truly immersed in the culture! I would definitely do it again!
I loved my accommodations! They were very comfortable and the host family was amazing. The food was excellent and I always felt very safe. Everyone was extremely friendly and was always willing to help.
The support I felt in country was awesome! Beatriz was always available when I needed her and showed me how to get around. She was very helpful when things changed and was always willing to help.

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I did really enjoyed my time

I did really enjoyed my time volunteering in Peru, Cusco is a beautiful city with many activities. The girls and workers in the orphanage are very friendly. The most important things they need from volunteers are donations and helping hands. The donations can range from clothing to school supplies to personal hygiene items as they are teenagers. I really enjoyed communicating with the girls. I remember my first successful conversation with them in Spanish. It felt very rewarding.
I didn't expect to negotiate so much in Cusco. From taxis to local markets, there is often not a set price. For example, a taxi driver may say the taxi ride costs 6 soles, but you can and should argue for a fairer price when the drivers try to overcharge, ask your host family what are the typical fares.
It was shocking to see how quickly the weather conditions can change. It can be warm and sunny one moment and then cold and rainy the next go out with layers, sunscreen and sunglasses.
I really enjoyed traveling on the weekends and would highly recommend this. Travel was surprisingly inexpensive. Visit the Rainbow Mountains, Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley. Once in a time life experience. Hopefully more!

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Peru Cusco

So many emotions in me while thinking back of my days in Cusco Peru. I would like to think that I did make a difference. I hope to have contributed and consolidated through my work with this Non Profit.
Culture is an antidote to violence, because it invites us to the prayer of others and fosters tolerance, by encouraging us to meet other imaginaries and other cultures. Through my experiences in Cusco, I gained in maturity. I came to be more open-minded and flexible. I learned to understand through hugs. Volunteering there was an opportunity to share with others. I made a lot of friends and filled my heart with a lot of unconditional love. We are not only a citizen of our country, but also a citizen of the world. Thus, we can be useful in any society. We are here not only for ourselves, but for others.
I brought clothes for kids and the second time we did a special breakfast for the patients in the cancer hospital, there were Kekes (soft orange cakes) left over. So, Maria Elena and I went down the street in the night distributing pieces of cakes and clothes for poor kids. We looked out for people in need and offered these. Happiness and gratefulness could be read on their face.
The US office was so fantastic. I don’t know how they can be so present. Indeed, all the time I had a question or a doubt, I was answered very quickly. I mostly used emails with Sarah and Lynn, and chat online with Lori. What is so nice is that you have the chat mode, where you can talk, modify and ask questions. For me, Lori was a precious help anytime I had a question. In less than 24 hours (sometimes minutes!!) I got my answers (all of them!). They are efficient, helpful, reliable and so kind.

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