  • England
    • London
    • London
Academic Year, Fall, Spring

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Dormitory


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Price may be an estimate, the lower end of a range, or from a previous term. Please see our website for specifics.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Classes Wifi
What's Included (Extra)

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Jan 30, 2023
Feb 02, 2023
3 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Renowned for its rich history, art, and culture, it’s no wonder England is a top destination for studying abroad! Choose from a wide variety of programs based in London. Do you prefer a quaint, residential college setting with easy access to central London? Roehampton is a great choice! Or, choose Westminster if you prefer to be living among icons such as Buckingham Palace, the Globe Theatre, Notting Hill, Big Ben, and the West End theater district. In any case, you can't go wrong, as you'll enjoy exceptional academics and a full suite of support services with CIS Abroad!

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Program Highlights

  • Choose from hundreds of courses across all majors, creating a personalized academic program
  • Local activities and excursions to help you explore your host city and country
  • Direct enroll programs embed you among local and fellow international students, while offering additional support
  • Program locations range from central London to a largely residential suburban campus
  • Affordable program prices that include everything you'll want before, during, and after your time in England

Popular Programs

University of Roehampton campus photo

On the University of Roehampton program you'll select from a large course catalog and study along a diverse international student population. Enjoy a walkable, serene, Harry Potter feeling campus near public transportation. Participate in a wide selection of sports teams and student activities and enjoy program activities and excursions such as trips to Big Ben, Parliament, Oxford Street, the London Eye, and more.

University of Westminster campus photo

Looking for the true central London experience? This program will have you learning, living, and exploring right in the heart of things! You'll become a pro at riding the Tube, navigating to the various campus buildings, your dorm, and numerous icons in central London. Choose from a variety of courses, including well regarded programs in media, communications, and journalism. Consider an academic internship if you really want to immerse in the city while boosting your resume like nothing else.


CISabroad Scholarships

CISabroad Scholarships and Financial Aid

70% of all CISabroad students receive scholarships, grants, or discounts to study abroad. We're unapologetically committed to increasing access to international education for all students.

$250 - $500

Program Reviews

4.81 Rating
based on 21 reviews
  • 5 rating 85.71%
  • 4 rating 9.52%
  • 3 rating 4.76%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 3.65
  • Support 4.65
  • Fun 4.7
  • Housing 4.45
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 1 - 8 of 21 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

CIS Abroad in London, Fall 2022 at the University of Westminster

I studied abroad in London with CIS Abroad at the University of Westminster in Fall 2022. The program staff on-site was so amazing, warm, and welcoming. The academic and accommodation university staff was also friendly and helpful. The university accommodation was comfortable and very safe for being in Central London. The city is so walkable and there is never a shortage of things to do and see. I would recommend this program to any students looking for an affordable, exciting, and academically enriching experience in London.

  • Accessible, helpful, and welcoming support staff
  • Exciting and dynamic city environment
  • Safe accommodation
  • Potentially expensive cost of living (outside program dues)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester in London

I am so glad that I made the decision to study abroad in London for a semester! I had the best 3 months of my life and made so many new friends. CIS Abroad was an amazing program to go through as they were super helpful and supportive from the beginning (before I left for London) and to the end. I learned so much more about myself and learned to step outside of my comfort zone. I will never forget the memories I made in London and I am so thankful for the experience and the friends that I made.

7 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best semester I every had in London! (CIS Abroad - Semester in London - University of Roehampton)

This program was amazing! The advisors from CisAbroad and University of Roehampton help you with anything you need! There are many excursions that come with the program, which is also a plus! During my time abroad, I felt very welcomed and made life long friends with not only other study abroad students, but with locals that attended the University. I got to travel to surrounding countries and emerge into the different cultures. Seeking Discomfort was my motto when I embarked on this journey, it was the best thing I ever did. Now I am more outgoing and confident with everything I do! London is a place that will always be special in my heart and I can't wait to return in the near future!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I wouldn't change anything. Even though covid-19 had put an end to my semester abroad earlier than expected, I loved everything about my experience and would not change it one bit. I would totally do it all again!
68 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best semester of my life - thanks to CIS Abroad and London!

I cannot say enough good things about this experience and this program! CIS Abroad was the perfect fit for me and what I wanted out of my study abroad experience. I made the decision to study abroad on a bit of a whim, and CIS Abroad was there every step of the way to help me along. First, the staff at CIS Abroad's home office in Northampton, MA is absolutely amazing. The people there who helped me were there for me for the entire thing - beginning the process of applying, getting accepted, and all the steps of preparation up until going to the airport and arriving in London! The on-site CIS Abroad staff were amazing, as well. Everyone at CIS Abroad was there to support me, and they all were so genuinely excited to help me on my journey! They even reached out to me multiple times during my program, and even after my program ended, just to chat and hear all about my experiences and see if I needed anything. The University of Westminster was also amazing. The opportunities I had in my classes there were unlike anything I have at my home university. I actually still keep in contact with some of the professors I had abroad (one is even writing a recommendation letter for me!). I stayed at the Marylebone residence hall, and it was amazing! It couldn't have been more perfect for what I wanted. It was right in the heart of London, within walking distance to all of my classes, and the nearest tube station was right across the street! Not only did I have a great experience due to the CIS Abroad staff and the University of Westminster, I also made amazing life-long friends and made irreplaceable memories - and you will too! I cannot express enough how thankful I am to this study abroad program for shaping me into the person I am today. I always thought I knew who I was as a person pretty well, but studying and living abroad taught me things about myself that I never would have discovered had I not gone abroad! So, get excited!!!! By picking this specific program, or another CIS Abroad program, I can guarantee you will have one of the best experiences of your life. :)

What was your funniest moment?
This is a bit embarrassing, honestly, but this is the story of the time I got locked in a stairwell and had to call for rescue -

It was the first day of one of my classes at the University of Westminster. My class was in a different building than CIS Abroad's welcome orientation was in. I thought I knew where I was going, but turns out I was wrong! The classroom number was in the 300s, so I assumed that meant it would be on the third floor. There was a person at the front desk of the building that I could have asked for help in guiding me to where my class was located, but I assumed I was okay and knew where I was going. I took the elevator to the third floor. It seemed a bit off. It was primarily offices, and I thought it seemed like a weird place for a class. So, I decided I would go back down to the ground floor and ask for help. I decided to take the stairs (which were right by where I was), instead of finding my way back to the elevator. BIG MISTAKE! As it turns out, that was an employee-only stairwell, and you needed to swipe your employee ID in order for the doors to open. I have no idea how I got into the stiarwell, but somehow I did, and I quickly realized I couldnt get out. I walked up and down all the flights of stairs, trying my student ID card at every door, to no avail. I finally realized that I had two options. One, stay in the stairwell and wait for someone to open one of the doors, and sneak out. Two, go out the fire door in the basement, sounding an alarm, and getting out of there! The logic part of my brain kicked in, and I realized neither of these two options were smart. I had two minutes until the class I was trying to go to started, and I didn't want to be late on my first day! So, here was my solution. The building I was stuck in was the place that the University of Westminster's Education Abroad office was located. So, I called their number, and told them my embarassing story, and how I was locked in the stairwell in the building. Sure enough, they rushed to my rescue and found me - LOL! They were so kind and we were all laughing and joking about the whole thing.

Moral of the story - always ask questions when you're unsure of something, it'll save you a lot of time! Also, everyone involved in the study abroad process is there for you!!! They see you at your best, and sometimes your worst, but there are always just a call away for help, even if it is something actually serious (unlike being stuck in the stairwell). LOL!
65 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CISabroad Roehampton

I am so grateful for my experience studying abroad in London at the University of Roehampton with CISabroad. The CISabroad team was incredibly patient, knowledgeable and helpful throughout the entire process. I always felt taken care of, and encouraged in my study abroad endeavor. Onsite accommodations were awesome. I chose standard housing and was placed in Bede House with four other CISabroad students. I had my own room, and was provided with bedding and a kitchen set, making moving into my ew space easy. Classes at Roehampton were eye opening, challenging, and engaging. I took part in two "London Studies" courses that specifically encourage international students to explore the city. My two onsite advisors, Anna Bermani and Linda Hallback were absolute inspirations. Both of them worked very hard to customize our experience, and ensured our interests and concerns were always taken care of. Our excursions ranged from market tours on Southbank to a weekend in Edinbrough. I can easily say that these trips with CISabroad enhanced my experience exponentially. Overall I am forever thankful for this life changing experience, which was so much more achievable with the support of CISabroad.

What would you improve about this program?
The only change I would make is the support and outline of the first few days on campus. I arrived to Roehampton on a Wednesday, where I was handed a packet of information and materials from both the University and Anna from CIS Abroad. Our orientation dinner with Anna would be on the Friday. I wish I had a schedule or guideline of things I needed to do within that time. For example, that Wednesday night I got together with a bunch of international students and Ubered to the local ASDA in a a rush because we realized we would not have any food for breakfast. However, after the dinner with Anna on the Friday night many of my questions and concerned were answered, and after that I was much more comfortable.
66 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you CIS!

This was an incredible journey I embarked on in the Fall of 2018. I headed to London, nervous, excited, and ready for a great experience. What I got was the best 14 weeks of my life, thanks to a great location, school, and CIS abroad. CIS does an amazing job helping you apply, prepare, live abroad, and even return home. The entire experience feels like you're on your own still, and you gain a lot of independence, but its comforting to know CIS staff is always ready to lend a helping hand. Studying abroad should not be a pain, and they understand that and want you to get the best out of your time. Included excursions were some of my favorite memories of studying abroad. Seeing the highlands of Scotland and exploring the U.K including Brighton are times that stick with me looking back. Anytime I had minor problems, with financial aid or in life, the support I received allowed me to feel completely comfortable adjusting into London. It truly is incredible and I am so grateful for CISabroad and the wonderful University of Roehampton, which had a great campus life and international student population. London center is a close distance and something I miss looking back. I am so glad I cherished every moment, the highs and lows, all making for an unforgettable experience.

63 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Time of my Life

This experience was one I will never forget! CISabroad was amazing in the application process, and went above and beyond while I was overseas. There were excursions included in the tuition, and the small group of CIS students became a small family. I had the privilege of traveling to 8 different countries in a short 5 month period, and was immersed in culture. I made friends that will last a lifetime, was able to live on my own in a foreign setting, and was constantly pushed out of my comfort zone in the best way possible.

What would you improve about this program?
I know there is always room for improvement, but I cannot think of anything I would change about the program. It was fun, the people were helpful and easy to contact, and the experience was life changing!
59 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Go to London!

My semester in London was probably one of my favorites so far in college. London is a city that you could spend your whole life in and never get bored of it! It's such an international city with so many different vibes and areas, there's truly something for everyone. And no, the weather isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be ;) It's so much more than just big tourist attractions, it's so easy to make a routine and make it your home. CISAbroad was critical in my time there being so awesome! The program coordinators are super cool and plan cultural activities and excursions, like weekend trips to Scotland, afternoon tea, and West End shows! Going to the University of Westminster means you'll be right in the heart of the city, right near shopping and food and the tube, which makes it so easy to get from place to place. London is a big city but it never felt overwhelming, and I would definitely go back again if I could!

64 people found this review helpful.

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