  • Spain
    • Salamanca
1 - 12 weeks

Program Details

Host Family
Age Min.
Age Max


Price Details
Program Includes:
Accommodations in a local home
3 meals a day
Medical and accident insurance
24-hour emergency assistance and supervision
In-country Local Coordinator contact
15 hours of language classes per week
Select Cultural Activities
Arrival orientation and language level placement test
Airport pickup and drop off to/from Madrid airport
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Meals
What's Not Included
What's Not Included (Extra)

Flights to/from Madrid, Spain
Spending money for souvenirs or snacks in Spain

Feb 01, 2022
Aug 03, 2022
13 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Learn and improve your Spanish through full language and cultural immersion on Greenheart Travel’s summer language camp program, in Salamanca, Spain! We welcome teen students of all skills, including beginners! Live with a Spanish host family and make international friends from around the world, all while learning about the country and culture of Spain.

- 3 morning classes for 50 minutes Monday through Friday in air-conditioned classrooms
- Classes are taught by native Spanish teachers who specialize in teaching Spanish as a foreign language
- Students receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course
- Programs are divided by age (14-16 and 17-18)

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Host family accommodation and meals included
  • Medical Insurance and 24/7 Emergency Contact Support during your program
  • Assistance from a personal program manager before, during and after your program
  • Beginner level of Spanish accepted on this program
  • Class sizes are small for more personal attention

Program Reviews

4.79 Rating
based on 14 reviews
  • 5 rating 92.86%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 7.14%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.95
  • Support 4.5
  • Fun 4.6
  • Housing 4.35
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 1 - 8 of 14 reviews
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No, I don't recommend this program

Poor Experience - Bad Communication

We were disappointed with our Greenheart experience.  We found communication very challenging. 
The complication arose when our 14 year old was left at the airport in Spain alone and no one was answering emergency numbers.  We paid an additional $75 fee for a chaperone to meet him, his flight arrived at 6am which was outside the "normal" time. We did not have an issue paying this fee, however when the chaperone failed to show our son called us.  At just after 1am EST (just after 6am in Spain) my husband and I called both the emergency phone numbers we were given, one in the USA and one in Spain.  The number in the USA was an answering service (much like a doctors after hour number) and the service said both people who were supposed to be on call were not responding.  As for the number in Spain no one was answering.  So neither of the emergency numbers we were given worked and our 14 year old son was 3000 miles away in a different country.  We entrusted our son's care with Greenheart and they failed.   We were given instructions on the exact meeting location and our son confirmed with Airport security that he was in the correct spot. We were told later that the chaperone went to the wrong location.   We finally were able to get through to Spain at 8:25 Spain time.
When I finally did connect with  Ana at Greenheart she apologized and said it was a good "learning experience" for our son and they would be refunding the chaperone fee.  However I followed up a week later she told me that they would not refund the fee as despite the fact the Chaperone went to wrong location he was there.  I had to send screen shots of my call logs to Emergency numbers and the length of time he was left alone to finally get them to refund this fee. 

We were stunned that no one bothered to answer the emergency lines despite knowing there were students scheduled to arrive.  We were also surprised that even though Greenheart had our sons cell number as well as ours they never shared this with the chaperone who could have just called us or our son when he was unable to locate him at the airport.
The other issue was what is promised on their website and what the kids actually get is not the same.  The greenheart website says:Students that arrive at the Madrid airport before 11am travel by train to SalamancaStudents that arrive at the Madrid airport between 11am and 4pm will take the group shuttle that departs after 4:00pmSince my son was arriving at 6 am I assumed he would be traveling by train to Salamanca, however I was told that he would have to wait at the airport until 4 pm (10 hrs of waiting) to depart by shuttle.  When I pointed this out, Greenheart finally agreed to coordinate two groups so that early arriving students didn't have to wait at the airport for 10 additional hrs.
As for supervision and host experience the kids are pretty much left on their own to do whatever they want.  The host family was very nice but there were a lot of people staying in their home, not all of them students,  it seems they also rented out rooms to travelers.  Greenheart also did not know who else would be staying with the host family which was not comforting.  The students were given keys and allowed to pretty much come and go.  Our son is used to NYC streets and is outgoing so he had fun exploring but if you are concerned with supervision there was not a lot.
The classes at Estudio Sampere my son enjoyed and I would recommend going directly to them and skip using Greenheart.
All and all it was a very disappointing experience.  Communication is too challenging. I realize that we all make mistakes but what is telling is how people respond when a mistake is made.

  • Classes are good
  • Communication is poor
59 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The perfect place to practice Spanish

I loved being surrounded by Spanish on the daily. And the classes in Spanish made it even better. It felt like every interaction was an improvement from the last. The teachers are kind and helpful, and I learned so many new things each day. They even helped with options on how to continue practicing my Spanish. The people in Salamanca are so friendly and the surroundings are beautiful. If you got lost or were trying to find out what you were supposed to be doing, you could ask essentially anybody, and they would be willing to help out. It makes you feel safer in the city too. I would recommend this trip to anyone, it's safe, easy to navigate (it helps if you ask the people around you), and has so many amazing sights. The museums are awesome and all the history is super interesting. If you want to practice Spanish and try something new, Salamanca is where you want to go.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Use your Día Libre! It will help you get over homesickness and make your trip feel more worthwhile. I personally suggest the museums, it can give you a stronger appreciation for the city and just how much history it has.
70 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing experience

I studied in Spain for 5 weeks during the summer and it changed my life forever. I learned so much Spanish, met incredible friends from all over the world and most importantly gained life experience that will help me forever such as not giving up when I tried something for the first time, learning how to take care of myself since my host mom was pretty much solely an in-home guardian and my teachers solely in-school guardians. I did always feel safe however and knew I could reach an adult at all times if I ever needed to but for the majority of my tile I was having to look after myself and keep myself entertained, engaged, and safe which has been immeasurably useful in my everyday life as I no longer feel nervous having to do anything alone. I also learned how to make the most out of every situation and find the silver lining in everything! My trip abroad was the best five weeks of my life. Of course I had my ups and downs (especially when I saw a cockroach for the first time since I live in Alaska and we don’t have any and of course it was in my room), but I learned from every experience and truly believe I became a much better person for it.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I could do this all over again, the only thing I would change is that I would speak Spanish all the time, not only when I had to. Since most of the people I met through the program in Spain were students who were either from the United States or who spoke English, whenever we weren’t in school or communicating with the locals, we would always talk in English. I know I would have learned a lot more Spanish if I had solely spoke in Spanish my entire time there.
74 people found this review helpful.
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James Joseph
Yes, I recommend this program

6 weeks in Salamanca, Spain

I would highly recommend the Greenheart Teen Language Camp in Salamanca, Spain. I attended for 6 weeks which was treat for truly learning the language. I had an amazing experience! While it was difficult in the beginning it ended up being one of the most rewarding experience. I learned more in 3 weeks than I did in 2 years of learning Spanish in school. The instructors were so wonderful and fun. You can walk everywhere and everyone does. It is such a beautiful city and evergone is so friendly.

What would you improve about this program?
The housing was with many other students and a single mom. It could be improved if the housing was with a family that is activity involved with the student and their experienced.
75 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

What an adventure!

Wow this has been quite an experience! I have to say Salamanca is one of the most gorgeous cities I have ever visited. I honestly loved everything in there - my host family, my roommate which became a very close friend of mine, the school, the fact that I improved my Spanish skills so much, the teachers, all of the people in the program, the city, the food - in one word everything. I have already been studying Spanish for 3 years but I have never had the confidence nor the chance to speak and practice it outside of my classes which was one of the main reasons why I joined this program. I truly gained more confidence in that department and when I visited Madrid right after my stay in Salamanca I had no problem with speaking with the locals which made me so happy. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and my stay there was very short. I would have loved to stay for at least 4 weeks, but since it was my first time traveling alone and joining a language camp in a foreign country I thought that 2 weeks would be an appropriate amount of time to stay there. I would definitely recommend this journey to everyone, especially if you are in high school and I am considering on returning next year.

72 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

2 weeks in Salamanca, Spain

Going to Spain was the one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I learned so much Spanish between my classes and host family that now, I feel much more comfortable speaking Spanish around native speakers. I made so many new friends from all over the US and Europe! I especially will remember how friendly and selfless everyone was. My host mom was always there and ready to help us with anything. The teachers were incredible and adapted perfectly to each student’s needs. I want to go back!

What would you improve about this program?
Not by much! The preparation they gave me was incredible. Use it!
77 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best 6 Weeks of my Life

The teen summer language camp in Salamanca, Spain exceeded all my expectations. I know have friends all over the world and a much stronger grasp on the Spanish language from living with a host family. I am glad I completed this program before college because I feel far more prepared to be independent/away from my parents. I would, and already have, recommend this program to absolutely everyone. I typically am not the most outgoing person in the room, but my experience in Salamanca has helped me to come out of my shell and has given me newfound confidence. I cannot stress enough how amazing this program is.

What would you improve about this program?
I would’ve liked the option to stay longer than 6 weeks, maybe 2 months, to have more time to learn the language.
69 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Salamanca with Greenheart

I recently returned from two weeks in Salamanca, Spain. I had the best time there ever and it went by super quickly. Although everything was great, the best part of the trip was the friends that I made. I feel I have known the people I met there for ages, and I definitely will be keeping in touch. I wish that I went for longer, and I am considering returning again next summer! I felt that after this program I became more independent and it was reassuring to know that I was able to take care of myself and not be homesick, etc. Although I was only in Salamanca for two weeks, I feel that my Spanish has improved. However, what improved the most was my ability to feel comfortable speaking the language. If I were to have spent more time, I would have definitely improved even more. Just a heads up: most of the other kids there speak English and although sometimes we spoke Spanish with each other, often times we spoke in English so it wasn't 100% immersion, although I was fine with that. The support staff was great at Greenheart, specifically Allison, who would send out emails frequently preparing us and informing us about the trip. She quickly and thoroughly responded to any questions I had and I think that she was the reason I felt so prepared to go on the trip. In addition to learning a lot, the trip was probably one of the most fun experiences I have had so far. We had a lot of free time to explore the (very beautiful) city and do whatever we wanted. My host family was also part of what made the trip so great. They were kind, helpful, and funny, and I miss them so much! I definitely recommend staying with a host family as they were one of the reasons I learned so much Spanish. As for safety: the city felt super safe to me, even at night. There were always lots of people walking around everywhere, and I never felt scared. Finally, a tip: bring a Tide stain remover stick as it removes stains quickly and very well. It is super small and easy to carry around, and if I ever spilled something I didn't have to walk around the entire day with a huge stain. Overall, the trip went perfectly and I had a great time! I would highly recommend going to Salamanca to learn Spanish.

What would you improve about this program?
I really can't think of anything for what Greenheart could do. Everything went smoothly and I always felt super comfortable.
79 people found this review helpful.

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