Multiple Locations +2
  • France
    • Paris
  • Germany
    • Freiburg
2 - 4 weeks

Program Details

Host Family Hotel


Starting Price
Price Details
Program fee includes all lodging, meals, activities, conferences, in-country transportation, health insurance, experienced group leaders, and 24-hour on-call support. Excludes international airfare.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Included (Extra)

Experienced group leaders

What's Not Included
Dec 06, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
11 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Start your journey with an immersive introduction to French history and culture in Paris, “The City of Light.” You will visit the city’s most iconic sights and museums, including the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, and Champs-Élysées. Explore diverse neighborhoods and sample French cuisine in quaint street-side cafés as you deepen your understanding of Parisian culture and the city’s role within France.

Discover la vie quotidienne, or daily life, of a French family during a 10-day homestay in another region of France, usually near the country’s border. You will get an intimate look at French life and the unique culture specific to the region. After saying goodbye to your host family, you will cross the French border with your group into Germany to explore the cultures, landscapes, and sights of a neighboring country. You might find yourself strolling through Germany’s picturesque towns and picnicking in the Black Forest.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Gain lifetime experiences while engaged in a program that combines city stay, culinary training, homestay, language immersion, and outdoor activities.
  • Discover the richness of France while exploring its diverse regions and cultures.
  • See much of Paris during visits to renowned sites and landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum, as well as historic neighborhoods.
  • Enjoy French cuisine in street-side cafes and restaurants or during meals with your homestay family.
  • Practice your French language skills by interacting with locals, especially your peers.


The Experiment in International Living Scholarships

The Experiment in International Living offers a variety of need-based and merit-based scholarships to worthy high school students looking to participate in their program. The eligibility requirements vary depending on where you live and other demographics -- and your GPA is taken into account for some scholarships too.

$250 - $5,000

Program Reviews

4.89 Rating
based on 19 reviews
  • 5 rating 89.47%
  • 4 rating 10.53%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.75
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.95
  • Housing 4.9
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 1 - 8 of 19 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

France cultural discovery

This trip was one of the most amazing things I have ever taken part of and I would highly recommend for students who want to get out in the world. It is a good safe environment to be in and to still have fun! With the home stay in the south I was able to truly see what everyday life was like and I felt fully immersed in the culture. We also spent a lot of time with the group and got to create our own itineraries giving us more confidence in leader and planning skills. I hope many more kids get to have this experience and that they enjoy it as much as I did.

  • Life long friends were made.
  • Knowledge of French culture expanded.
  • Expanded my world view.
  • Slightly fast paced.
  • Can be scary for first time travelers.
  • I wish it didn’t end.
19 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best French Family Ever

I had an amazing time while I was in France. My favorite part would 10 out of 10 be the home stay portion of my trip. I can’t thank the experiment enough for matching me with my amazing home stay family. My family took great care of me they made my happiness a priority. If I had any questions they would answer with out hesitation. One of the best things during my homestay was dinner. I loved when we would all sit around the table and talk about it day or compare our cultures and even after everyone was finished eating we still continued talking. I also appreciate The fact that my home stay family never pressured me into doing something I wasn’t comfortable with. With my family I had the opportunity to see France through their eyes and learn what their typical day was. If I could I would do it over and over again.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
For me the most nerve wracking moments were the moments before the homestay because I was terrified something would go wrong but I went in with an open mind and it turned out great.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Experience of my Life!!!!

I know that the title of my post might seem like a stretch, but it's not. My Experiment experience was more than any thing that I could have imagined. I came back to America as a more confident, independent individual and I highly recommend that anyone and everyone should take part in this program. Not only did I learn about a totally new culture, I met the most incredible people and had the time of my life. Going on this trip showed me that I am capable of doing a lot and now I'm even more interesting in studying abroad in college. No matter which topic you chose, you will come home a different person.

Basically all I am trying to say is: GO ON THE TRIP!!!! I guarantee you that you will have the time of your life and will regret it if you do go.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
As an applicant, something that scared me was the homestay, but I was scared over nothing. In fact, it was the best part of the trip. The families were amazing and they cared greatly about each and everyone of us. It also gave us a new perspective into the culture, one that you can not get if you are only a tourist.
47 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

France Cultural Discovery

This is a very great experience for students who wish to see a very different world: Europe. Things are very different when you get to stay with a host family who will for sure be a good match for you. They get to teach you about the French culture, music, and food. The whole program is full of things that are first experiences for you which is amazing. Traveling alone is important by itself for teenagers to get to know what being alone in a country feels like. The only advise I would give is to make sure you go on applications like Duolingo and learn basic French phrases after getting accepted to the program; it will save you a lot of time and effort. In addition, make sure that you talk about your daily life in the letter that goes to your family. You should write this letter as honestly as possible so you get matched with a family who you will be a good fit for.

47 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

France!! No way!!

Rester, c'est exister, mias voyager, c'est vivre. To stay in the same place is to exist, but to travel is to live. This Summer 2018, I was given the life changing opportunity to go abroad, in which I was exposed to French life and culture over the span of 3 weeks, even visiting the country of Germany in the process. All honesty, I had personally thought that although I was given the chance, I wasn't going to be able to experience it due to the complication of not having a passport, but surely enough, after 7 attempts (a long story) I was handed the blue colored leather document and within the next 4 days, I was seated in the aisle seat of a plane to France. My first few days were definitely an introduction to the country, the moment where I was able to dip my toe into the water to test it all out, consisting of sight seeing, metro trips and trying new foods that some could only imagine eating, like snails. It wasn't until I had seen the Eiffel tower that the fact that I was in France hit me by 25%.

Soon after, we left Paris and headed to the city of Nancy, where I jumped straight into French life, living with strangers who easily became my second family. I fell in love with my homestay parents and siblings as soon as they approached me, flipping through French to English dictionaries. They led me around their hometown, bringing me to the square, explaining the history and buying me treats I hadn't known existed such as bubble gum ice cream. At home, I was treated like their own child, running around the backyard with my brother and sisters playing soccer, helping set the table and cook dinner and even witnessing France win the world cup, which ended in an everlasting celebration. It was the day we departed from our families, as we wiped the tears off of each others cheeks that the fact that I was in France hit me by 50%. We headed straight to Germany for 3 days after our homestays, where we had gotten a glimpse of German life, including their food and luxurious hotels before going back to France. The last few days, we did more sightseeing and group bond building, our last night ending with dinner on a boat right beside the glowing tower before taking a boat ride around the area. That night, I was hit with by 70% realisation.

It was like before I could say “allez les bleus”, I was on my way back to America. That morning in the airport, our goodbyes were filled with fresh tears and 98% of realisation that I had just spent 3 weeks in the home country of the Eiffel Tower and the macaroon (even with the fact that I couldn't stop saying “merci” after being offered anything) hit me. I came home with not just French phrases staining my vocabulary or the fact that I communicate with my homestay family with every chance I had, but also with a sense of independence, self worth and confidence in trying new things. Till this day, I still feel like I’m dreaming, like I hadn't gone to France and Germany at the age of 16, being an African American girl from a low income part of New York, but I did, that's all thanks to The Experiment In International Living.

What would you improve about this program?
Be sure to assure that every participant knows what to bring including how much money is necessary so they don't go under or over the needed amount.
47 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wouldn't Change a Thing

Where do I even begin? I loved every single second of those three weeks. I reminisce about it. I wish I can go through everything again. I remember when my group and I first met, we were all so quiet and nervous. Who knew how much amazing things were going to come our way? From seeing masterpieces at the Louvre to climbing up steps of the Notre Dame to seeing the Eiffel Tower in front of our very eyes to canoeing at Le Gard to celebrating France's victory on the World Cup of 2018. Every moment was captivating and mesmerizing. Friendships that started out as caterpillars into blooming like butterflies. I don't even know what to say because so many wonderful things happened. It makes me sad knowing that I won't experience that exact moment ever again in my life. I love my homestay family, they made me feel at home even when home was 6,000 kilometers away. I cried so much when I had to leave them, but we exchanged a "see you soon" instead of "goodbye." Then we went to Italy, Italy is beautiful, it's so colorful as if cans of paint splashed on it, an artwork...a masterpiece. The pizza was so good, and I wish I can teleport myself back there and taste it one more time. From starting in Paris to Nimes to Santa Margherita Ligure in Italy back to France in Nice to ending our journey in Paris, we went on so many excursions, explorations, and had so much fun. Saying goodbye was very hard but I wouldn't change a thing. I'm very grateful and thankful for the Experiment in International Living for giving me this experience. It may sound over-exaggerated to say that this experience was life-changing, but it really expanded my perspective of the world and myself as an individual. The more effort you put into it, the more you will get out of it. So thank you to the Experiment in International Living from the bottom of my heart. These are memories that I will cherish forever.

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly, there is not much that needs to be improved for this program. They excelled in every aspect of it. I can't think of any major change that can be done. If anything, I wish the program was longer. Maybe extend the time of the homestay portion, and definitely extending the excursion to Italy.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Jet Lag

France was phenomenal experience. The time spent their was splendid. There was an abundance of activities from kayaking to celebrating France's World Cup Victory with our host families. I met some of the funniest and amazing people. I always felt safe thanks to our group leaders. The first few days were hard because it was difficult acclimating to a new culture and a different time zone (especially if you want to keep in contact with your parents). Personally, I feel more confident in myself.

What would you improve about this program?
More time should be spent on the bordering countries (Spain, Italy, Germany). This program could definitely be 4 weeks because many people in my group wished they could've spend more time in Italy.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The hardest part was coming back

This program was honestly the best experience i have ever had and I hope more students are able to hear about it and apply. The leaders in my group were like parents to me as well as friends and I felt 100% safe at all times. Overall for me, my experience was great and my home-stay family was a perfect match! I never got homesick while at my home-stay and to me that was such a shocking thing since I tend to get homesick fast. The fact that my family was able to make me feel so at home meant so much to me.

What would you improve about this program?
I do recommend looking into the interest of applicants into going out of their comfort zone because there were a few students who did not like to participate in activities or try new things.
46 people found this review helpful.

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