  • China
    • Guilin

Program Details

Language Level
HSK (Mandarin Chinese)
Class Size
Small Class (1-7)


Starting Price
Price Details
All-inclusive package provides students with visa assistance, accommodation, meals, textbooks, weekly social night, and fortnightly cultural lessons. Alternatively, students can choose to pay for tuition only.
What's Included
Accommodation Classes Some Meals
Dec 18, 2019
Feb 16, 2023
9 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

From the beautiful, rustic town of Yangshuo we provide a variety of Chinese courses and programs to choose from; with the possibility to start on any Monday, we offer the freedom and flexibility for you to reach your individual Chinese language goals. Our most popular program is the Comprehensive Course which teaches the fundamental aspects of Chinese language.

Alternatively, students can choose a Specialized Private Course which provides flexibility for those who wish to direct their focus on a particular area of study (for example business, art or literature). The HSK Preparation Course is designed to prepare students for all elements of the HSK exam; we pride ourselves on the fact we are one of the only Chinese schools in China to guarantee students will pass their current HSK level exam. Our small class sizes allow us to cater for individual students’ needs and our relationship with the English College means that students are constantly interacting with native Chinese speakers.

Program Reviews

4.95 Rating
based on 63 reviews
  • 5 rating 95.24%
  • 4 rating 4.76%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.8
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.4
  • Housing 4.85
  • Safety 4.95
  • Instruction 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.85
  • Housing 4
  • Value 4.85
Showing 1 - 8 of 63 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Omeida Chinese Course

I live in work in Guilin and I often go to Yangshuo. So, Yangshuo is an ideal place for me to study Chinese. I spent three weeks in Yangshuo during the winter holiday and welcomed the year of the rabbit while studying at Omeida. Overall, I had a great experience! I found the staff to be very welcoming and hospitable. They were very attentive to my needs, not only as a student, but as a guest. In general, everyone was very friendly and personable which fosters a very comfortable environment. More importantly, is the language learning environment at Omeida where you have the opportunity to immediately put to practice what you have learned. As an English teacher in China who has studied on and off for many years, I think I learned the most Chinese within this three-week time period that I have ever learned anywhere else. The two teachers who instructed me were engaging, extremely helpful and highly experienced. I've been teaching for over 10 years, and I was impressed with some of the approaches and methods they used in my classes. Apart from the actual Chinese classes, there were a variety of cultural activities offered as well as just exploring Yangshuo with staff members and students. I went out to dinner on a few occasions with Nissa, who I originally met in Yangshuo and introduced me to Omeida. Also, the school treated us to a very nice dinner at a local restaurant on the eve of the Chinese New Year as well as New Year's Day. This was a very kind gesture! I could go on at length about the positive experiences I had while studying at Omeida, but suffice it say that I had a great experience, and I was a little sad to leave. However, I plan to continue with online classes and return to Yangshuo to study in person as soon as I can.

  • Attentive staff
  • Excellent teachers
  • Great location
  • none
  • none
  • none
1 person found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Good teachers and warm community

Beautiful landscape in Guilin. It was a bit cool when I was there in January. yangshou was a bit quite as it was Chinese new year’s. Apparently in the summer the school can get very busy. Teachers where of high quality and quite dedicated. Cost of apartment and for the classes was quite reasonable.

Administration was very kind and would set up 1 culture day a week and on week would arrange set a weekend trip to going to a local food market.

Omeida is a Chinese school who is knows what it is and are very well meaning

  • Cost
  • Teachers
  • Community
  • Work in group
  • Small sized school
  • School meals okay
2 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing program!

I originally booked four weeks and stayed for seven weeks in the end - I loved the atmosphere and found the teaching methods very interesting and engaging! Also the culturral program was interesting! the first week i did chinese class and yoga, the second one class and calligraphy and chinese painting, then two weeks of intensive chinese studying and the rest standard classes in the morning, to also be able to enjoy beautiful Yangshuo to the fullest! every saturday different trips were being organized and the atmosphere inside school was always welcoming and nice. can highly recommend!

  • Engaging teaching methods
  • beautiful environment
  • relaxed, welcoming atmosphere
  • i was a bit unlucky with the accommodation but just stayed in a hotel instead, was no problem
18 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Second Home

First of, the landscape surrounding Yang Shuo is breathtakingly stunning. It would soak up any existing stress that you might have carried along the way.

The program in Omeida is conveniently sorted out for you so it takes away any hassle of planning. As the teacher/staff here are used to interacting with a wide array of nationalities and personalities, they are open minded and have a wicked sense of humor. They are neither overbearing nor reserved and would adjust their interaction to suit your learning needs.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Treat them peeps in Omeida with kindness. They are the nicest people with heart of gold!
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Chinese Language Instruction

Firstly, Yangshuo is a remarkable area, scenery-wise. I will never forget the Karst, hill formations I saw there. The Omeida staff were friendly and helpful. I particularly remember Cecily and Wency who helped make my visit a happy and enjoyable time. The food in the Omeida cafeteria is delicious. Especially the bowls of "la" to mix with one's rice. Also, the Omeida, paid-for supper at City-On-City was great, and fire juggling show afterwards. Xi Jie, or "West Street" is a lot of fun! I will remember my experiences at Omeida and in Yangshuo forever. Oh yes, I learned a lot of Chinese there as well.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Yangshuo was my first experience with raw, sugar cane. I'd see these long, purple sticks for sale around town and had no idea what they were. Finally, one of the Chinese students bought some and showed me how to eat it. The seller slices the outer bark off and cuts the sugar cane up into lengths. You then bite off a piece and chew it until all the delicious juice is gone and then spit the pulp into a plastic bag. Very addictive and delicious!
45 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

More Than Just a School

It is an experience and place that will stay with you long after you leave. Who knows, maybe you will end up going back like so many do, for the learning, the friends, the teachers, the mountains, the rivers, the caves--the good times. The small class sizes, usually around 4, are taught by experienced teachers who can teach to the class as well as the individual. You will learn about the language, the people, the culture, and most of all, meet amazing people whom you would never have otherwise met by staying at home. And being there will make you a part of this exclusive, amazing family. Yes, like all things, Omeida is what you make of it. However, what makes Omeida special is that it has all the ingredients there for you to succeed and experience something that you will never forget. So if you're looking for schools in China but don't want to be in a big city environment, then I can say after having studied there for 5 months Omeida should be one of your top choices.

What would you improve about this program?
Make available more quiet study rooms, either at the school or nearby, especially in the evenings.
45 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A good way to learn Chinese... And enjoy Chinese countryside!

If you are looking for a place to learn Chinese (both in and out-of-classes), do biking and make some friends, Omeida can be the place for it!

Regarding myself, I came in Omeida for a few weeks in July and December. Both were enjoyable but different experiences - super, super hot in Summer, quite cold in Winter. Usually, the Chinese classes are small (3 to 5 students), which is great for practice. My teachers - Tommy and Yuri - were lovely & really professional teachers, able to handle students with slightly different levels. Apart from classes, you can have a Chinese language partner and/or a Chinese roommate (I was super lucky, but some people might prefer the private rooms).

And when you are not studying? Well, the landscapes are truly amazing - with hidden villages or waterfalls - perfect for biking, rock-climbing, hiking, running or simply scooter-riding. These activities will fill your weekends (or even weekdays), in addition to the activities organized by the school (e.g. pizza night, rice terraces, bamboo rafting). Speaking about the urban side, Yangshuo is not an enormous city, but you can find a decent amount of restaurants, bars and bubble tea shops.

Another word is that it is quite easy to meet people from all kinds in Omeida - University students, backpackers travelling across Asia, employees making a break, etc. Plus, the staff is really welcoming. So you won't feel alone!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
For those who like biking and stay for 3 weeks or more, invest in a bike! The pink/blue city bikes are okay, but mountain bikes are better for exploration or long distance. Some shops sell or rent bikes at a fair price (ask the students who are here since a long time), and you can also buy one on Taobao (very good deals there).
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing school in a stunning landscape

I spent six weeks at Omeida learning Chinese last summer and it was a great experience! Wonderful landscapes, kind people, professional teachers and a good vibe. Back home I tried the Chinese online course offered by Omeida and I was surprised by the quality of the lessons, I learned even faster!
Everyday I had the opportunity to volunteer with some chinese students who were learning english and thanks to the language partner program I had the chance to have interesting conversations with chinese people and practice what I learned in class.
Every week the staff of the school organised some cultural activity or some outdoor activities around Yangshuo. It's worth saying that the landscape there is incredible, you will never find anything similar around the world.

I suggest it to everyone!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I ate some strange cereals with tea salt and oil, it was not the best :P
48 people found this review helpful.

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