Jobs Abroad

14 Best Digital Nomad Jobs in 2023 - Travel & Work From Anywhere!

Want a job that will allow you to work from anywhere in the world? If you love to travel and want to work abroad as a digital nomad, we've got you with job inspo!

A digital nomad riding his bike past a sign that says "follow your dreams"

If you’re a remote worker or freelancer planning to take your job, belongings, and laptop abroad, you are part of a growing community of digital nomads! According to Statistica Research Department, the number of digital nomads is increasing every day, with more than 15.5 million digital nomads in 2021.

Looking for the best jobs for digital nomads in 2023? You're in luck -- We'll cover what having a digital nomad job actually means, common digital nomad jobs, and where to start your job hunt! Keep reading to start your journey to becoming a digital nomad!

What is a digital nomad job?

Digital nomad jobs can be done anywhere globally. All you need is a strong internet connection! This often means working from coffee shops and coworking spaces. Many digital nomads work and live in sunny locations like Bali and Chiang Mai.

These jobs let you work from anywhere, whether you're out on the road, at an airport, or at the beach!

We’ve grouped these digital nomad jobs by category, but keep in mind that many roles don't fit neatly into just one of these sections. For example, someone who does web design could also be classified as a developer or graphic designer.

Note: all salaries are sourced from ZipRecruiter salaries, unless otherwise specified. Salary averages are subject to change.

Read more: How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2023

How to find digital nomad jobs abroad

A digital nomad walking towards a mosque with her backpack

You can find digital nomad jobs in a lot of different places. For instance, freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are great places to find gigs as a social media manager, writer, or virtual assistant.

Similarly, job boards like Remote OK and We Work Remotely have hundreds of postings for remote working positions that range from marketing to design to customer service.

There are also other ways to find work as a digital nomad. For example, LinkedIn is a great way to network and search for jobs. Facebook groups allow you to connect with other digital nomads. Startup job sites like AngelList and Crunchbase often post openings in tech companies with remote workers. Blogging job boards often post freelance writing positions. You can also try your hand at approaching specific companies by cold emailing them about their jobs or vacancies. You can even attend digital nomad conferences, events, and meetups.

Want our advice? Head over to the Go Overseas job board, which is a great place to discover work anywhere in the world!

Read more: 6 Cool Jobs Abroad for First-Time Expats

Marketing jobs

A group of marketing digital nomads sitting together at a table smiling and looking at a tablet

If marketing is your background, there are many digital nomad jobs to choose from. You’ll need to be comfortable building relationships online and maintaining them without face-to-face interaction. In addition, you should have excellent communication skills, a good grasp of the English language, and be willing to work on your grammar and spelling.

Online marketing has become an industry with brand strategists, copywriters and content creators, graphic designers, and social media managers competing for online dominance. Here are three jobs that come to mind:

1. SEO Specialist

  1. Soft skills needed: analytical, critical thinking, prioritization, research-minded, good communication.
  2. Common tools used: Google Analytics, keyword ranking program, Google Search Console, a keyword planner
  3. Average rates: $21-$48 USD/hr

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a skill that any company needs to grow its online presence, whether it wants to reach people in France or Portugal. However, you don’t just need to be able to set up websites and write content; you also need to know how search engines, like Google, work. This means that you should know how users interact with websites and how content appears on search engines when they type in specific keywords or topics.

An SEO specialist understands the best practices for ranking your website higher on search engines like Google. There's plenty of work in this field available. You can earn money by managing SEO campaigns for companies worldwide, from San Francisco to Auckland.

A social media and community manager on her computer

2. Social Media & Community Manager

  1. Soft skills needed: great communication, creativity, organization, visual skills, adaptability, excellent time management, organization
  2. Common tools used: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok, Google Analytics, an email marketing platform, content scheduling apps, photo editing software
  3. Average rates: $23-$46 USD/hr

Do you consider yourself a social whiz? Good at building communities around brands? Social media managers are responsible for all aspects of a company’s social media strategy. This job requires someone who likes to stay up-to-date on the latest technology, marketing techniques, and trends in media.

Community managers are responsible for creating engaging content across channels while interacting with people who follow the company or brand they represent daily to generate loyalty and increase awareness or sales. This takes charm, people skills, and lots of social media savvy!

While the company you work for may have a head office, much of the day-to-day work can be completed remotely, making it ideal for digital nomads.

Tech jobs

A man in a green shirt on his laptop outside at a cafe

The world of software development is booming, and it's an excellent option for digital nomads looking for jobs that offer high salaries and the potential for remote work. You'll be responsible for creating code that makes software function, either by writing an entirely new program or improving an existing one. It's a job you can do from anywhere in the world as long as you have access to a computer.

3. Web Developer

  1. Soft skills needed: excellent communication, teamwork, time management, organization, problem-solving, people skills
  2. Common tools used: a digital product design platform, code editors, browser console, and a powerful computer
  3. Average rates: $28-$55 USD/hr

As a web developer, your daily tasks will include: designing and building websites, making sure they function correctly on all platforms (mobile, tablet, and desktop), ensuring that the code is optimized for speed and search engines, testing sites to make sure they are bug-free and working as intended, and providing technical support to clients.

4. Programmer

  1. Soft skills needed: good communication, problem-solving, time-management, organization, patience, adaptability, collaboration, accountability
  2. Common tools used: a source code editor, a compiler or interpreter, design documentation, flow charts, and pseudocode
  3. Average rates: $45-$63 USD/hr

Programmers write code that instructs a computer’s hardware to perform specific functions. For example, they are responsible for creating applications that enable people to play games, browse the internet, and use business software. Programmers also write code for operating systems like Windows or iOS.

Creative jobs

A digital nomad sitting in the sun on her laptop with her glasses on

If you're interested in creating content of any kind, digital nomad jobs are the perfect fit for you. Opportunities for freelance content writing, copywriting, editing, video production, and even podcast production abound.

Creative jobs are some of the most sought-after digital nomad jobs, as they let you tap into your talents while also giving you the freedom to travel. Some options include:

5. Freelance Writer

  1. Soft skills needed: strong research skills, creativity, good communication, an understanding of SEO writing, adaptability, excellent grammar and spelling
  2. Common tools used: a cloud-based document storage, a grammar and spelling checker, a content management system, a gig website profile, a graphic design platform, a keyword ranking program, a powerful word processor
  3. Average rates: $28-$188 USD/hr

If you're a grammar enthusiast who can find endless joy in the process of arranging words, sentences, and paragraphs to make them more understandable, then freelance writing might be for you.

There are many different types of writing that you can get paid to do as a digital nomad, from articles and reviews to copy-writing and editing. You can have a good income by bringing your writing chops to the web.

The trick to making a living as a freelance content writer, copywriter, or editor is dedicating time to building your portfolio and getting your name out there. If you can do that and deliver quality work on time, you have a good shot at making solid money doing what you love!

6. Graphic designer

  1. Soft skills needed: creativity, innovation, good spoken and visual communication, problem-solving, time-management, active listening, conflict resolution
  2. Common tools used: cloud-based storage, a powerful computer, image and graphic editing software, a graphic design platform, and a drawing tablet
  3. Average rates: $20-$37 USD/hr

If you have an eye for typography, are passionate about color theory, and are looking to travel the world while creating art, consider working in graphic design. Graphic designers are in high demand for digital marketing and branding campaigns, with many opportunities to work on a freelance or contract basis or with a company offering remote work.

While many firms hire permanent staff members, there are also numerous flexibly scheduled or remote positions. Because of this, those who want to work as digital nomads can enjoy plenty of flexibility in their schedules.

A digital nomad content creator sitting at a cafe on his laptop with headphones staring out the window

7. Vlogger/Youtube content creator

  1. Soft skills needed: solid research skills, video editing skills, social media presence, digital awareness, good time management, excellent verbal and non-verbal communication
  2. Common tools used: camera, lenses, microphones, lighting, tripods, video editing software
  3. Average rates: $14-$23 USD/hr

Youtube has grown tremendously over the past decade, with more than 2 billion users visiting the site every month. Although building up your channel takes time and effort, it’s easy to earn money doing something fun once it's established. Putting yourself out there can seem terrifying, but the more content you put out there, the more opportunities you'll have. Start by making travel vlogs, and then branch out!

8. Video producer

  1. Soft skills needed: storytelling skills, attention to technical detail, persuasive, patience, organization, leadership skills, flexibility, works well under pressure
  2. Common tools used: camera, lens, tripod, external microphone, lighting, gimbal, editing and production software, external drive, memory cards, camera bag, extra batteries, powerful computer
  3. Average rates: $19-$30 USD/hr

Using your skills to make videos for others is another way to get paid while traveling. For example, you can edit videos for companies’ websites or social media.

A video producer is responsible for the entire video production process. The job title is often used interchangeably with that of a videographer or director, but strictly speaking, it refers to someone who oversees the project from start to finish.

The role involves developing content ideas and working with clients to achieve their vision. It also requires scripting, filming (often using a variety of cameras), editing, and post-producing the final product.

A guy in a blue button down shirt hosting a podcast

9. Podcast host

  1. Soft skills needed: conversation skills, narrative chops, audio knowledge, audio editing, marketing, writing skills, time management, empathy, good at conveying emotion, excellent communication skills
  2. Common tools used: camera, tripod, audio interface, audio mixer, computer, video editing software, external microphone, memory card
  3. Average rates: $17-$62 USD/hr

Podcasts are an excellent medium for content creators. They're cheaper to produce than video, but they can still be engaging and informative. A podcast host is a creator and voice behind a podcast, so they need to have excellent communication skills to keep listeners focused and entertained.

Podcasts typically tell a story, give commentary and advice on a topic, or talk about current events. A podcast host records themselves speaking or interviewing others and then publishes it as an episode of their podcast. Before starting the recording, they might also research what they want to cover in the episode. Being a podcast host might be for you if you like talking about things and having people listen.

A digital nomad wedding photographer taking a picture of a bride a groom

10. Wedding Photographer

  • Soft skills needed: creativity, patience, concentration, attention to detail, strong networking skills, good communication skills, ability to work well under pressure, excellent time-management, An eye for framing an image, and excellent self-promotional skills.
  • Common tools used: camera, backup camera, multiple prime lenses with different distances, tripod, memory cards, flash, lighting gear, camera bag
  • Average rates: $12-$37 USD/hr

Two things will never go out of style – getting married and having a wedding photographer, even if you can barely afford one. If you have photographic talent, you could go from Budapest to Bangkok and beyond, making money selling photos to couples in love who want to remember their special day with a beautiful portrait.

11. Travel Blogger

  • Soft skills needed: strong research skills, creativity, organization, good communication, understanding of social media, understanding of SEO writing, adapability, grammar, and spelling
  • Common tools used: cloud-based storage system, document writing software, gig website profile, graphic image editing program, grammar checking software, content management systems
  • Average rates: $17-$57 USD/hr

If you love to write, take photos, and understand SEO and how to maintain a website, blogging may be a great career to start while you’re abroad. You’ll be able to document your travel adventures (or whatever niche you’re passionate about), and if it’s successful, it can be a great source of income!

However, it's challenging to start making money off a new blog unless you have decent traffic.

Business jobs

Two digital nomads sitting in an office discussing business on a laptop

12. Business consulting or optimization coach

  1. Soft skills needed: active listening skills, strategic thinking, creativity, people skills, leadership skills, excellent communication, persuasive, resourceful, ability to empathize, supportive and encouraging
  2. Common tools used: scheduling software, payment processor, conference call software, social media scheduler, email marketing software, coaching contract, graphic design platform, project management system
  3. Average rates: $31-62 USD/hr

As a business consultant, you’ll advise individuals and companies on how to improve their business performance and productivity, whether that means helping them stay organized or assisting them with advertising strategies.

You may also perform tasks like creating marketing materials, analyzing customer data, and making recommendations based on your findings.

Another popular way to share your knowledge is by creating online coaching courses through skillshare.

Administrative jobs

A digital nomad woman with a pink head covering doing virtual assistant job on her laptop

13. Virtual Assistant

  1. Soft skills needed: good communication, attention to detail, strong organizational skills
  2. Common tools used: computer, a stable internet connection, and an email or phone number that can be easily reached, video conferencing software, a cloud-based storage system, a powerful word processor, a spreadsheet program
  3. Average rates: $14-$26 USD/hr

If you have great people skills and administrative experience, working as a virtual assistant can be one of the best digital nomad jobs. You’re responsible for helping others with a wide variety of tasks, including data entry, customer support, scheduling appointments, and more. While there are plenty of available positions for virtual assistants in the United States and Europe, you won’t need to stick around any specific location to do your job.

Education jobs

A male digital nomad as an online teacher on his laptop during a lesson

14. Online teacher

  1. Soft skills needed: clear and concise communication, time management skills, empathy, leadership skills, adaptability, cultural awareness, patience, problem-solving, creativity
  2. Common tools used: laptop, headset with microphone, strong internet connection, a conference call platform, Google Classrooms, teaching materials, backup internet source
  3. Average rates: $24-$40 USD/hr

If you have a background in education, plenty of online opportunities are available. Teach English online by becoming a TEFL or TESOL teacher. If you want to take it one step further, teach students how to code, as that's another booming field with plenty of remote job opportunities.

You can even parlay your educational background into teaching other languages. For example, if you're fluent in Spanish (or any different language), then teaching Spanish classes online is something else to consider for making money on the road as a digital nomad. Some of the most popular language tutoring platforms include Preply (where teachers set their rates) or EF Online Teach Abroad (if you're OK with working for an hourly wage).

Read more: The 8 Best Companies for Teaching English Online

More traditional jobs that are location independent

A digital nomad journalist sitting at her desk writing


  1. Soft skills needed: creativity, imagination, strong storytelling skills, excellent grammar and spelling, critical thinking, literacy, research skills, persistence
  2. Common tools used: grammar checking software, cloud file system, a laptop, digital audio recorders, a note-taking program, content management system, a gig website profile, graphic design platform, keyword ranking program, a powerful word processor
  3. Average rates: $17-$40 USD/hr

If you'd rather work with an established publication and have more consistent paychecks while working on stories they assign instead of pitching ideas yourself, this could be the way for you.

Journalism can be very competitive and challenging to break into, but that doesn't mean it's not an excellent option for digital nomads. There are many online opportunities for writing and editing and tons of opportunities in print media if you're able to get the training you need. It might sound daunting, but it's easier than ever to start a blog. You just need a website or a simple blog setup on Twitter or Instagram to start sharing your stories with the world.

Freelance journalism is also an option as long as you have places in mind where you want your work published. You can use tools like LinkedIn to connect with other writers, editors, publications, and job opportunities.


  1. Soft skills needed: creativity, imagination, strong storytelling skills, excellent grammar and spelling, critical thinking, literacy, research skills, persistence
  2. Common tools used: grammar checking program, document cloud storage, a laptop, digital audio recorders, note-taking program, a content management system, a powerful word processor
  3. Average rates: $19-45 USD/hr

Becoming an author requires writing a book—or several—and getting them published by a traditional publisher (self-publishing also works but tends to be less lucrative).

The most essential skill required of an author is the ability to tell stories people want to read. Some authors are extraordinary storytellers who spin tales so enthralling that people eagerly hand over hard-earned cash so that they can keep reading more pages from their favorite characters. Others are skilled at explaining complex ideas in ways no one has ever thought about before, making obscure subjects interesting and exciting.

Quyen B interning with Atlantis in Greece
Quyen B., Atlantis Greece alum

Travel nurse

  • Soft skills needed: emotional intelligence, adaptability, strong communication skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, excellent communication, empathy
  • Qualifications needed: Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associates degree in nursing (ADN) and becoming licensed by passing the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • Average rates: $38-$68 USD/hr

Are you a nurse looking for a way to travel? If so, you might want to consider working as a travel nurse. As the name suggests, travel nursing is exactly what it sounds like: working as a nurse worldwide. Travel nurses work in different hospitals, states, and countries while getting paid great money. Travel nurses also get to choose their schedule, which means you can decide whether they want to work full-time or part-time.

However, there are some disadvantages to being a travel nurse. To be a travel nurse, you need to have an active nursing license and at least two years of experience working in the hospital setting. Also, if you are hoping that being a travel nurse means that your work will be less hectic and stressful than typical nursing jobs because of your flexible schedule, then think again--travel nurses have incredibly demanding schedules and need to be well-organized people with strong interpersonal skills to survive this job.

An isle in an airplane with the flight attendant giving instructions

Flight attendant

  1. Soft skills needed: ability to communicate effectively, team player, patience, cultural awareness, customer service, assertiveness, self-control, approachability, time management skills
  2. Qualifications needed: a high school diploma or equivalent and work experience in customer services
  3. Average rates: $19-$63 USD/hr

Flight attendants are responsible for ensuring passenger safety and comfort during flights. They greet passengers as they board and exit the airplane, assist with luggage storage, manage purchase orders for food and beverages, perform safety checks throughout the flight, respond to any emergencies that may occur during the flight (e.g., fires or turbulence), give first aid when necessary, and deliver customer service throughout the flight.

A group of yacht crew members smiling on a sailboat

Yacht crew member

  1. Soft skills needed: excellent customer service, team player, time management skills, attention to detail, positivity, excellent communication skills, problem-solving skills
  2. Qualifications needed: STCW basic safety training, a five-day course, and an ENG1 medical certificate
  3. Average rates: $20-$32 USD/hr*


As a yacht crew member, you'll be responsible for helping the captain and first mate in every aspect of the ship's daily operations. This could include cleaning, cooking, shopping, and maintenance. You may also be responsible for the safety of the passengers on board.

If you're thinking about working on a yacht as a career, your best bet is to work on smaller boats first and get enough experience to become certified in sailing or motorboat operations. If you've ever spent any time sailing or on boats in general, this job should come pretty naturally to you!

House and pet sitting

  1. Soft skills needed: basic knowledge of animal behavior, basic animal first aid, excellent communication, problem-solving skills, decision-making skills, reliability, patience
  2. Common tools used: business cards, cleaning supplies, treats, toys, comfortable tennis shoes, lent roller, poop bags, collapsible water bowl, dog water bottle, pillow, and blanket
  3. Average rates: $13-$28 USD/hr

Pet and house sitting are marvelous ways to earn extra income to fund your travels. You get a place to stay for free, you have the option of traveling with pets or staying in one spot, and you can work for yourself or through an agency like Mind My House, Trusted Housesitters, Nomador, and Luxury House Sitting.

House sitting is quite popular in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. You can earn room and board plus some extra cash by caring for someone’s home and pets for a short period of time. It’s free to sign up on most house-sitting websites, but you may be charged a fee if selected for an assignment.

Ready to find a job?

We would like to note that just because your job isn’t on this list doesn’t mean it’s not a great digital nomad job. If you can do your job with a computer, phone, and internet connection, you can probably do it remotely!

The field of digital nomad careers is vast—and growing!—so it can be intimidating to identify where your skill sets fit best. If any of the above jobs sound appealing to you, don't hesitate to do some research on the Go Overseas job board before jumping in head first!