CEA Study Abroad

CEA Study Abroad


With 22 destinations across 13 countries, CEA Study Abroad offers an ideal balance of academics, internships, and adventure to more than 4,000 students each year. Click on “Visit Site” to explore our study and internship opportunities and find out just out how far international education can take you.

Why study abroad or complete an internship abroad? You’ll gain cross-cultural experience, take your learning beyond the classroom, and develop new interests all while staying on track for graduation. As you take courses abroad and explore career options through an internship, you’ll build an international network, develop marketable skills, and prepare to stand out in the job market.

Since 1997, CEA Study Abroad has provided high-quality international academic programs and services. At CEA, we support you from the moment you apply to the day you return home. Our team is here to help you meet your academic needs and make your study abroad dreams a reality.


CEA Scholarships

CEA Scholarships and Financial Aid

Studying abroad will change your life, improve your employability, and enhance your global competence. That's why we commit more than $2.0 million each year to our financial and scholarship programs.

$400 - $3,000


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Yes, I recommend this program

Fall 2022 Semester in Prague

My experience was one for the books. I am a Native American, small-town girl who had her first experience overseas at the age of 20. I had the opportunity of being placed with three other girls in a safe, close to the city, neighborhood, which was also close to our studies. I got the chance to study at a private university, where I focused on continuing my educational journey in law. At CEA, we also had the chance to learn about the country's history and got to visit many local towns. Overall, the community was helpful, encouraging, and left us with many positive experiences. Witnessing the differences in other cultures made me appreciate my own in a different way, and that is why I wish to help others experience their own personal journey of studying abroad.

  • Safe Area
  • Supportive Community
  • Great Location for Other Travel
  • Limited Networking due to Cultural Norms
  • Limited Access to Shipping
  • Language Barrier (minimal)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Surprising, Enriching, etc. (Loved it:))

I would def recommend CEA internships to people that are wanting to learn more about the structure of their future professions. I had such a wonderful time there and have so much knowledge to take into other areas of life. I actually did a program that was not on the initial list available and so there were no other interns with me. However, I found this to be quite helpful considering that I was happy to get lots of focus on questions I had. I also heard good reviews of internships with other students.

  • great conversation
  • knowledge
  • immersion
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Emotional Rollercoaster

I did not want to Study Abroad. I am a person that likes to feel comfortable. Living in another country for 3 months, with a new language, and all new people to say that was uncomfortable would be an understatement. However, I was not alone in these feelings. Everyone came with an open mind, CEA was extremely helpful and available in a time of need, and my program got very close very quickly. I learned that it's totally normal to have those feelings of discomfort and you're not alone. I ended up having the most incredible time!

  • Very Accommodating
  • Very Available
  • Wanted us to experience as much of the culture as possible
  • I am a vegan- eating was a bit difficult
  • was not a huge fan of my housing situation
  • N/A
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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Abroad in Florence, Italy

I studied abroad in Florence in December of 2022 for a week and a half. This was a trip of a lifetime and I would not trade it for the world. Through this trip I had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people from my university that I didn't already know and truly immerse myself into the culture. We went to so many places amazing places like Lucca, Pisa, and San Geminiano plus beautiful countryside wineries and olive groves. One of my favorite parts of the trip was trying all of the delicious food that Tuscany and Florence are known for. We even got to participate in a cooking class to make one of the traditional dishes, tortelli. If I had the chance I would go back and do it all over again and hopefully can in a few years!

  • Amazing food
  • So many tourist attractions
  • Beautiful scenery and easily walkable
  • Got stuck in an elevator
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Yes, I recommend this program

CEA Paris 2006

I started learning French at the advice of one of my favorite middle school special education teachers. After a year or so, my mom went on a business trip to Paris, I decided I wanted to eventually go to Paris to sharpen my French. It was so much fun studying at the Institut Catholique and exploring the city. Paris is so easy to navigate and there are so many neat things to see and do! I stayed with a family on Blvd Blanqui but on the last week of my trip, they left me to go on vacation and I never saw them again. I do hope they're doing well. I would like to come back to Paris at some point either next year or the year after and maybe reconnect with them if possible.

  • Paris is so easy to get around!
  • Lots of neat things to see and do!
  • Homesickness (it was my first time outside the U.S plus I was 18 and fresh out of high school)
  • Being abandoned by my host family the last week of my trip


Displaying 1 - 9 of 38

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Thania Inoa De Jesus

Thania Inoa De Jesus

Why did you choose this program?

I chose CEA because immediately after reaching out they were great to me. I was treated with respect and all my questions were answered. They are very organized. I was able to go to a program where I could take classes for both my majors and my minors. That was an incredible thing because other programs could only over 1 or 2 of the 4.

The price was also more reasonable than the others.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

My program provider helped me out with choosing the correct program for me. They accommodated bills as well because I was in a bit of a struggle. They are also affiliated with my school so it was a lot easier to get things done and understand the process better.

They offered to get my visa for me. They went to the Spanish consulate and mailed me my passport to my home just in time so I did not have to. That saved me time and money.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I believe I was very well informed about my program and everything being offered to me. I had a clear understanding of what to do and what not to do. I encourage future abroad students to do your own independent research and also know how the host university works and how the school system would differ from your home university. Some schools might just have you in the class as if you were a local with no accommodation to the cultural and educational shock.

Also, do not forget to have fun. Take all the trips you want to take. Time flies and before you know it your program comes to an end.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

SO much to do all the time. I lived a 10-minute walk from the beach so I spent some time there. While it was warmer, we participated in a lot of activities organized by the director and coordinator.

A day for me, after taking the train to school and going to two of my classes, I met with the coordinator to take the bus to a waterspouts school where we learned to kayak, paddleboard, and sail. I had to film or photograph the experience and share it on my IG. We take a bus back to a location close to everyone.

After getting home, I would usually cook dinner and head to bed a few hours after getting my work done.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was being alone. Traveling alone on a plane for 8 hours. That was the first challenge.

The second was being placed with students whom I would not get along with. After moving in with them, it was the complete opposite we hit off and we are very fond of each other. They are now my friends for life. I am very glad to have been placed with them.

Go somewhere you might not heard of. OR go to a country where you know you have roots in.

One of the many reasons I chose Alicante was because I preferred a smaller city and did not want the stress of living in Madrid or Barcelona because they have so many people all the time.

I also found family in Alicante I did not know about. That was a beautiful experience for me.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Sara Ferrero

Job Title
Student Services Advisor
Sara has a degree in Media Studies from the University Carlos III de Madrid and studied abroad in California at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) for her junior year. She loves traveling, learning new things and working with students.

Did YOU study abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

I studied abroad in California at CSULB. My first interest in studying abroad came from wanting to improve my English. Moreover, I have always been really interested in America, its culture and the many beautiful places the country has to offer.

What country have you always wanted to visit?

After visiting America, my new obsession is Australia. I would love to be able to spend some time there and discover all the wonderful landscapes that it has.

Why is language learning and cultural immersion important to you?

Being able to speak other languages is crucial in several aspects of your life; it is a key factor for everyone's professional career while, at the same time, it is a personal challenge that brings joy and confidence when achieved.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have grown both professionally and personally since I started working for CEA. As my first job, working for CEA has taught me how to manage myself in a professional environment, how to take responsibility, and how to react while working under pressure.