CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange



A nonprofit, non-governmental organization, CIEE is the world leader in international study and exchange programs. For more than 75 years, CIEE has helped thousands of students, professionals, and educators gain the knowledge and skills necessary to live and work in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world by offering the most comprehensive, relevant, and valuable exchange programs available.



CIEE Scholarships and Grants

CIEE’s need-based grants offer support to students who face financial barriers to studying abroad. CIEE awards need-based grants based on students’ EFCs and program selection. The Gilman Go Global Grant offers students $750-$2,000 toward airfare, plus $2,500 toward semester program costs, or $1,000 toward summer program costs.

$500 - $2,500


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Yes, I recommend this program

Half Semester Abroad

I decided to go to Ireland for block I and it was a great experience. The CIEE staff were super helpful and very responsive throughout my time there. The excursions that we went on really delve into the history of Ireland, which I loved, and some were just fun and gave all of us on the program time to hangout together. Ireland was beautiful and everyone was so nice, I wish I had more time to spend here. I traveled quite a bit with a few other students in the program and it was great. The public transport here makes it really easy to get around once you get the hang of it. FYI you have to hail the busses here, in the US you normally don’t have to, but here you do.

  • Great food
  • Amazing history all around you
  • Everyone is so nice
  • No public water fountains really
  • Not many public restrooms when you are out
  • Not really a con, but be ready to walk a lot
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No, I don't recommend this program

Dublin, Ireland Study Abroad - Martha Hallmon

Being able to study abroad was the most fantastic decision I could have made. The program assisted in making this a smooth transition. The program coordinators helped me with handling doctors' visits, and they were very accommodating while I was dealing with the death of my father. This program introduced me to new friends, cultures, and beautiful experiences! This is an experience that all college students should take advantage of. It is such a great way to curate new memories, travel, and make friends!

  • Difference in teaching styles
  • Meeting people from different back grounds
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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE OC Copenhagen

Copenhagen was an amazing city and CIEE Copenhagen made it worthwhile. I had a fantastic time. My classes in the US are very rigorous so comparatively these classes were not as hard. I really enjoyed my time here. Copenhagen is a truly enjoyable city, offering something for everyone. Whether you're interested in exploring the city's rich history and cultural heritage, or simply soaking up its relaxed, laid-back atmosphere, you're sure to find plenty to do here. The city is known for its beautiful architecture, charming canals, and lively street life.

  • Culture
  • Food
  • Winter weather
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Yes, I recommend this program

Open Campus in Kyoto

I recently participated in a study abroad program in Kyoto, Japan and it was an incredible experience! From the moment I arrived, I was immersed in the vibrant culture and rich history of the city. The program offered some interesting classes, I really enjoyed the more intimate structure of them and appreciated how interactive they were.
The support and communication of the staff were great. They were always available to answer questions and provide good recommendations, making the transition to living and studying in a foreign country seamless. The housing arrangements were comfortable and conveniently located, allowing me to explore the city independently or with classmates. Overall, the study abroad program in Kyoto was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture.

  • Easy public transport
  • Lots of great affordable food choices
  • Open campus is great for getting a small taste if you don't want to be away too long or want to visit multiple countries
  • Classes aren't very flexible with attendance or hybrid courses to enable more travel
  • Kyoto's program is new so not as organized as other countries programs yet
  • 6 weeks doesn't feel long enough!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Block 1 in Rome, Italie

Rome is one of the most amazing experiences that I have had. The city is so beautiful and if you are able to visit other cities you will see the true beauty of Italy. I was able to visit nine cities during my six weeks because of how easy it is to get a train or bus ticket to so many other areas of Italy. Rome has many museums, historical sights, parks, stores, restaurants, you name it. The true beauty of the city lies in the small alleyways and the streets away from the touristy areas. Amazing pastas for very cheap prices, great gelato, and some of the best pastries and deserts. The city has amazing sunrises and sunsets, one of my favourites are in the Roman Forum and on the bridges. There are little pathways by the riverside that are so peaceful and have great views. While it is very important to be with people you know and not travel alone in the dark, sometimes it is great to take some time to explore the city on your own. Campo di Fiori near the Fontana di Trevi is a great little market with lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, juices, souvenirs, pastas, condiments, and limoncello! Alongside it there are some really good restaurants and a few little neighbourhoods. Definitely worth getting lost in some of these areas and simply looking around because that is where you will find some of the best things to explore. Everywhere you look is a mesmerising experience so take it all in. Do not miss out on stracciatella gelato, a classic margherita pizza, aperol spritz, and tiramisu of course!

  • Alway having somewhere to go, no matter the time
  • Everywhere you turn is a photo op
  • So many things to see and places to visit
  • Extremely crowded public transportation
  • Touristy areas can be very expensive
  • People on the streets are constantly trying to make you pay for something


Displaying 1 - 9 of 34

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

Being a pre-medicine student, there are certain fields that I do not have the opportunity to explore. The CIEE offered a myriad of programs that catered to countless interests. Gender and Sexuality was an area that always fascinated me and the CIEE's course offering was extremely appealing.

The program website was engaging, informative, and constant guidance I was given was fantastic. Before, during, and after the application process, I was given numerous resources to help with planning, financial aid, and budgeting. There was truly personal touch to the CIEE's program and that made me even more excited to enroll in their course!

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The CIEE was instrumental in helping me plan every step of the program.

Before I even got accepted, the CIEE helped me with deadlines and different materials. I never felt under pressure nor did I feel that I was just a number to them. They were so supportive and communicated with me, as well as my home institution.

During the program, I was given so much assistance regarding the Danish culture, housing, and food options. The only organization I had to do on my own was budgeting my money, which is something that I needed to learn!

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Cherish every moment you have. Being in a January Term program, I knew that it was going to be a short experience. I was not prepared for how quickly it went nor was I ready to leave. I am so fortunate to have been able to explore Denmark but, it became unreal when the days were numbered.

Do not stress over the little things because, in the long run, it does not matter. Your time will go by fast and before you know it, you will feel like Denmark is your home.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

An average weekday had class start about 11:00 a.m. or later. This was awesome for me because I got to explore Copenhagen and visit some incredible neighborhoods. The class would end around 3:30 p.m. (with a lunch break in between!) and we would then have the autonomy to do whatever we wanted. After class, other students and I would either keep exploring or do some shopping. At night, we would eat dinner either in our kitchen or out in the city.

Weekends were much more flexible and we had a lot of time to ourselves. The CIEE was great in providing excursions that introduced us to Danish cultures and gave us access to many interesting places. We got to visit the Danish Parliament and the Royal Palace for free!

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear of going abroad was the idea of being in a new place and adjusting to a new lifestyle. Domestic traveling was something I had done fairly often but, long-term international trips were a new ball game. Additionally, money has always been a concern to me and going abroad was a bit scary in that sense.

My fear subsided almost immediately after the program began. I fell in love with the Danish culture and Copenhagen itself. The homesick feeling I thought I would get never came. I have comfortably adjusted thanks to the guidance of the CIEE. In terms of budgeting, they were so helpful in giving us numerous options for groceries, pharmacies, and different shops. I always believed I was pretty independent, but this program helped me realize it was true!

What would you do differently if you had the opportunity to do the CIEE Program again?

If I were to go back and relive my experience, I would have immersed myself in Danish culture even more. Although I was only in Copenhagen for a month, I feel that I definitely missed out on learning basic words in Danish, as well as interacting more with the public transportation system.

Also, there were times I felt a bit nervous when I definitely was reading too much into the situation. The locals are so friendly and helpful, so if you are ever lost, they will help you find your way!

Enjoy every minute and, above all, make the experience your own!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Katherine MacColl

Job Title
Teach Abroad Senior Coordinator
Katy taught abroad for 4 years in Turkey and then in Thailand. She is dedicated to helping others experience all that teaching abroad has to offer.
Katherine MacColl

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is from Myanmar. My friend and I did a guided hike through the countryside. We spent our nights above temples and the days wandering through another world. I remember being in awe of the differences, even between Thailand and Myanmar, and in the attitude of the people. They were the happiest people I had ever been around, even with the limited access they had to things that we feel that we "need".

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

CIEE has been a great place to work and has really motivated me to stay in the education industry. I love helping others and CIEE strives to give amazing customer service, always putting the teacher first. I have learned more about the process and how to best help others through it. I think, whatever you are doing in education, it is a place where there is always room to grow and continue to make an impact that has amazing ripple effects.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The best stories are those when the students or teachers feel they have made an impact. However, maybe more than what we think we impact, the impact that others make on us is what truly inspires me. Travel and living abroad changes you, it demands growth and patience. Students that feel that impact from their students and communities reminds me why I love helping them get started.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would choose our program in Chile. Santiago is such an incredible city and the chance to work in a college setting has always been enticing to me. You are able to be the lead teacher and have amazing experiences to grow as a teacher and of a Spanish speaker. The program feels so tight knit, and you create an amazing group of friends right when you arrive.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

CIEE goes above and beyond to encourage education on all levels. The Teach Abroad programs gives people the knowledge and confidence to go abroad, changing their lives forever and being able to change others lives through teaching. We work to break down stereotypes and we are upfront and honest about the challenges that we all have to face when we go abroad, but we make sure that participants have the tools to overcome these.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

The biggest factor in being a successful company is to truly care. We all care about our participants and the experiences that await them. I hope that all of our participants feel like and feel connected to a great support system before and after their arrival in their new home. Without heart, what we do doesn't mean anything.

Professional Associations

The Forum on Education Abroad Logo
Gap Year Association Logo