
Fashion Week Internships


Fashion Week Internships delivers one of a kind fashion-focused internship programs, in the major fashion capitals of the world - London, Paris, Milan, New York, Los Angeles, and Madrid.

With relationships with many top brands, stylists, magazines, and fashion houses, FWI has changed the lives of over 2,000 students since 2015, helping them take their first steps into an exciting fashion industry career.

Programs are designed to help you develop new skills, expose you to new professional challenges, build industry contacts, and get you 'up-close and hands-on' with the global fashion industry.

Programs start every month (throughout the year), and can be combined with a study abroad program or language course, if required.

Our alumni choose FWI because they get hired quicker, earn more throughout their careers, get to travel to some of fashions greatest cities, and truly live their passions!



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No, I don't recommend this program

Fashion week internships

I am shocked and disgusted to read that people have received placements in 2022! I was scammed in 2020!! I paid them and they sent me an email saying that they’ve gone bankrupt and have had to shut the company down, they also said that if I want my money back I should take them to court! I took them to court, they’ve been ordered to refund me since 2020 and now they’re hiding from the CCJ and still refuse to refund me! Yet two years later they’re clearly receiving money from others still which means they’re literally just ignoring me since 2020! Anyone who puts more money in their pockets should be ashamed of themselves!!

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No, I don't recommend this program


Please be careful - this company likes to take the money of aspiring students!
I applied last year around this time. At first the communication was great and everything went smoothly but as soon as they received my payment everything changed. My program manager Christian Thomas stopped responding to my messages completely. My alleged interview for the company Xuan Paris never happend. The conditions and requirements as determined in the contract were not fullfilled by this company. They persistendly pressured me to move my starting date as they failed to provide me with a placement, their reasoning for this was the COVID-19-Pandemic. Following this I requested a refund as was my legal as well as contractually determined right. I turned towards their customer support where I got in contact with Sophie Taylor and Sarah Hunt. They continued to tell me that the payement is on its way but to this day I have not received anything. I followed every step that was written in the contract. What this company is doing is illegal and morally wrong. I hope that no other young student has to go through what I went through. They shamelessly took the money that I worked months for. As for the people that were involved in my case, Christian Thomas, Sarah Hunt and Sophie Taylor - I really hope that stealing money and scamming young people fufills you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A great opportunity

My winter London internship experience is a memory I will always remember. I was lucky enough to have family and friends in London before attending this internship, so my experience was a little easier than I guess mot people's, as I had a ready-made network waiting for me when I arrived. I had housing planned in advance, though FWI did offer to help with this. I preferred to do a lot with friends after work, and my host company even gave me two days off to visit Oxford, and fly to Amsterdam which was super amazing!
At the beginning I was one of two interns in the marketing and communications team which I found a bit tough to begin with! But as I got used to the speed of things, I got more settled and relaxed, which meant I got bigger and better tasks. I got to learn a lot in my field and make some valuable connections I can take with me into my future career. Overall I rate my experience a nine out of ten, as the internship and being at the shows was a great experience, but the hours were long in the days before the shows, but you get to meet some lovely people, and being able to spend so much time in London was a dream come true.

  • You get to work at fashion week
  • I learned a lot about show production
  • Exploring London was a dream come true
  • Internships are not paid in London
  • Living in London is quite costly
  • No other cons to report.
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Yes, I recommend this program

great internship program

I looked for this program because some of the seniors did it last year, and as I was looking for an internship I decided to do this one too. I was not initially planning on going abroad, but after talking to my careers officer and some gentle encouragement from my family, I decided to go for it.

I was accepted into a 6-week program in London in marketing field, and it was wonderful, challenging, and a lot of fun. I loved being in the center of London, and everyone I worked with was wonderful, helpful, and always encouraging.

I had a good idea what to expect from talking to the senior girls, but the experience was better than I could have predicted. London is a really cool city, and fashion marketing is one of the biggest segments that all brands work in.

The housing was great and everything in my hostel was really organized and clean. I was very comfortable and having meals made daily cooking not necessary. I never felt like I was on my own, and I cannot wait to return to England to visit next year.

  • The internship is guaranteed
  • You can be independent in London
  • No need to be a fashion student to apply
  • London can be very cold in Winter
  • You might not get credit if your internship is short
  • Public transport is always full
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Yes, I recommend this program

Backstage dressing at NYFW

A unique and brilliant 8 week fashion program that will give your career a jump start, and give you a real feel for the fashion industry! The program provides you with amazing opportunities to get backstage at shows, that are otherwise almost impossible to secure, or even hear about. Self-growth, confidence building, and electric pure fun would be how I would describe the main takeaways from the experience, in addition to learning more about what I was capable of, than in any other previous role. I interned in New York City and am now looking to extend my stay after graduation with the help of the many connections that Fashion Week Internships was able to introduce me to.

  • once in a lifetime experience
  • being backstage at 3 shows
  • meeting so many models and influencers
  • expensive
  • lots of work and long hours
  • fast pace


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Christian Thomas

Job Title
Program Manager
Christian joined FWI as a Program Manager two years ago having worked in the fashion industry for 5 years at a leading PR agency.

What is your favorite travel memory?

I have been really lucky and travelled to each of our program destinations to get a real feel for what our interns can expect, but my favorite travel memory has to be being backstage at NYFW in 2014, and suddenly realizing amongst the chaos, that we work in the most amazing, crazy, creative, and mad industry in the world!

Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?

For me Goa is the most underrated destination in the world. It is so naturally beautiful and peaceful, and the people are so welcoming but it still has a reputation as a bit of a hippy or party place, which I didn't see at all.

I think Las Vegas is the most overrated destination that I have travelled to, having said that, when I first went as a starry-eyed 20-year old, it was heaven!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Hard work, making sure that we deliver the best experience for each and every applicant, knowing that success is in the details, and having fun!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have learnt so much, been able to enjoy some great experiences, and have learnt how important and valuable the work that we do is, always feel great when one of the interns gets back in touch to tell us that they have secured an industry job thanks to taking part in one of our programs, or when I get an email telling me that they have had a great experience.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

We have amazing relationships with the widest range of industry partners that you can imagine, and are really proud of them.

All of our team has a fashion background and so we really understand the importance of making sure that each program really makes a difference to each applicants career, whether that be through them gaining great experience, opening their eyes to how the industry works, or helping them to develop their network of industry contacts.

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of your current team.

We received an application a couple of months ago, from a young lady who was arriving into London the next day and really really wanted to see how London Fashion Week worked.

She kept calling to see if we had received her application and to find out when we could interview her, and so we found time to do it the same day.

She was so passionate about the industry, and didn't know when she would be able to travel to London again, and so we agreed to accept her application and do our best to place her with one of our partners.

We ended up working until almost 10pm putting in calls, until we got a confirmation that she could start at one of our Designer partners the next day.

The day after she finished her program we got an email from the company telling us that she had been amazing, and that they were literally overwhelmed by how dedicated and hard-working she was. The same day I got an email full of photos from the young lady, showing her working at the shows, backstage with the models, and working on the dresses. She literally had had the most amazing experience, and was so grateful to have had the opportunity, which is the best feeling you can have knowing that you have helped someone realize their dream!