Ingenuity Year Logo

Ingenuity Year


Ingenuity Year runs gap year programs for students with learning differences and ADHD. We help students develop skills, maturity, and independence that will serve them in college and beyond. We do this by engaging with real challenges facing real communities with a like-minded community of peers.

Our programming is designed to combine the traditional benefits of a gap year with additional elements that are especially beneficial for students with learning differences and ADHD such as EF Coaching, the practice of self-advocacy, and a focus on building independence.

You can think of us as a Gap+ experience.

Upcoming Events

  1. Tue 14 March
    Online Info Session

    Join us for a small info session for you and your family to learn more about Ingenuity Year! You will have the opportunity to meet our Director, learn more about the programming and ask questions.

    Hosted By:
    Ingenuity Year


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Yes, I recommend this program

Excellent Program

We are so happy and grateful that we enrolled our daughter in the Forman School PG program. The Forman School community was very welcoming to her and gave her the support she needed to succeed. After attending Forman's PG program, she is more confident and does not hesitate to ask for help when needed. She learned that she could earn good grades with the right tools, and we couldn’t have been more proud. She left Forman prepared — and excited — for college! I would highly recommend this program.


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Professional Associations

USA Gap Year Fairs Logo