
Korean Horizons


Korean Horizons is an official provider of teachers for EPIK (English Program in Korea), SMOE (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education), IMOE (Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education), BMOE (Busan Metropolitan Office of Education) GEPIK (Gyeongido Office of Education), GOE (Gyeongsangnamdo Office of Education) & the CNOE (Chungcheongnamdo Office of Education.) We provide government public schools for the peak seasons of March & September and also we provide government public schools for the off season periods as well. We have public school positions throughout the entire year.

We work with more education offices than any other recruitment company out there today.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Great programme and wonderful agent

I had always loved English as a language and a discipline however my interest in it felt very displaced.When i discovered EPIK I just knew it was for people like me.I am an EPIK teacher now in WANDO JEOLLANAM-NDO but i would have not done it without Korean Horizon(Alistair).He did the most from day one of my application to the day i met him at the hotel lobby to go meet the EPIK staff.It has been by far the greatest experiences of my life.I am so happy I found ALISTAIR.I would encourage everyone

  • Good way to travel and be integrated in a totally different lifestyle
  • Great assistance from the program,you will never feel alone
  • Actually everything about EPIK is great
  • Being alone in another country for the 1st days is not easy but you will pull through
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Yes, I recommend this program

Epik through Korean Horizons

Applying for the Epik program through Korean Horizons is honestly the best decision you can ever make!!! This whole process of relocating to another country for a job is a lot of work. And to have someone on your team looking out for you eases the process along!!! Also someone to answer all your possible questions!!!! Because trust me, you’ll have plenty and no question is too big or too small.

I’ve heard from close friends how going through this has changed them. And I’m hoping for the same for me lol!!

  • Superb support structure
  • Stellar benefits including a free place to live
  • Safety 10/10
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Yes, I recommend this program

EPIK through Korean Horizons

Hi! To everyone considering teaching in Korea through the EPIK program I heavily recommend going through Korean Horizons.
The support the agency gave me throughout my entire application was phenomenal: from applying to EPIK, interviewing, sorting out the necessary documents, general inquiries, down to arriving in Korea and getting to orientation successfully; Korean Horizons helped every step of the way.
Their help made my application and success seamless and as pain-free as it could possibly be.

I ended up in a rural town in Gyeongsangbuk-do. However, don't let the word 'rural' scare you from the job. While the town does not have everything a major city would, living here is very comfortable and beautiful. There are plenty of restaurants, clothing stores, convenience stores and friendly people that make staying here very nice. I've only been here a couple days and I already feel welcome and at home (of course with the help of the other EPIK teachers who took me under their wing when I arrived).

The only flaw I can think of when it comes to the EPIK program so far is that if you have a strong preference for where you live, you might find yourself disappointed. You do not really get a choice in your placement - you can give your preferences but that does not necessarily mean that will happen; especially if you want to live in a major city. However, fret not. Public transport here is affordable and accessible so traveling and weekend get-aways are definitely on the cards if you end up in an area you wouldn't have preferred to have been placed.

I would love to write more but as of now I have only been here a couple days. On a final note I would like to say that everyone is welcoming and kind - the teachers at my school, the other EPIK teachers in the area as well as the orientation staff. Genuinely one of the best experiences of my life so far! I hope you can have a great experience too if you decide to give this a shot.

  • Very friendly and helpful people
  • Everything is very beautiful and well kept
  • A stress free experience
  • The food at orientation was not very good...
  • Apartments are dirty on arrival - be prepared to buy cleaning materials day 1
  • Living in a rural area can be difficult if you don't speak korean
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Yes, I recommend this program

EPIK review

I believe that coming to a new country not knowing anything that there has to be a support system. My recruiter Alistair was very accomidating and understanding about any problems I had. He also responded to any questions in a timley and proffesional manner. To anyone who has doubts about coming to a new country and teaching English, I say do it. I have not been here for more than a few weeks but I believe my life has changed for a better experience. Embrace and soak up everything because there is a whole world, it's just waiting for you to see it.

  • The free housing
  • accomidations when first arrived
  • small lack of cordination when arrived
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Rosemary Mbali
Yes, I recommend this program

Epik KH review

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to Alistair for all of his help and advice. If you're considering moving to South Korea, Korean Horizon is the best recruitment firm to engage with. In the beginning when you apply with Alistair, he could be difficult with the lesson plans, but in all honesty, he is just trying to get you the job.If you're thinking about coming to South Korea to teach English and you want to make sure that Korean Horizon or Alistair is the right fit for you, then this is the information you might be looking for, KH is 100% the best.

  • Get to work with Alistair
  • Corrects lesson plan
  • Provides support
  • Non e



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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I did not exactly choose this program. My TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification was through Oxford Seminars. Oxford Seminars offers graduate placement which lead to my contact with Korean Horizons. Korean Horizons services, prompt responses, and interests in me is what lead me to choose the EPIK program.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Korean Horizons provided me with all the information necessary to start teaching abroad. They emailed me the required paperwork in addition to advice on how to fill out the forms. This kind of help was invaluable for someone that had never left the country before. Moreover, Korean Horizons offered mock interviews and key feedback to prepare me for the interview process. That being said, there is plenty of leg work on the applicant end such as getting necessary paperwork notarized and having it apostille in a timely manner.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

The transition from a biweekly paycheck to a monthly salary was a new experience. So, be prepared to budget accordingly!

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

The workday is 8:20-16:20 Monday-Friday in addition to teaching a night class once a week at the local high school for 2 hours.

Note: The high school night class is not a typical requirement of EPIK teachers. I was offered the additional hours and accepted them.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it and/or how did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was teaching. I had no prior experience and was very concerned about my ability. Fortunately, I reflect on every class and constantly look for ways to improve. Moreover, if something does not work I change it and if something does work I make sure to take note of why it was successful.

What's the most important thing you need to remember when living abroad?

You have to be willing to laugh at yourself and not dwell on mistakes. You are going to fail a lot and that is okay. There's no way to improve without making a mistake. Be prepared to learn and grow with your experiences and remember why you came in the first place.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Alistair Wery

Alistair Wery is an English native recruitment agent living in South Korea. He represents Korean Horizons, a company, which is ranked highly. His advice has assisted many in finding teaching positions and he has received glowing reviews from the ESL community (which can be viewed on various ESL forums, blogs, social media websites, and throughout the Internet).

What position do you hold at Korean Horizons? What has been your career path so far?

Alistair: I’m the consultant here at Korean Horizons and I’ve been working for the company for around 8 years now. I manage all of the incoming applications from new teachers, assist them during the application process, and provide support for all of those teachers currently living and teaching here in South Korea.

I love my job – speaking and meeting to people from all over the world – and it’s so fulfilling! Living here in South Korea, I feel set to remain here and I enjoy my career working for Korean Horizons, helping people achieve their professional teaching goals. Life is good.

Did YOU teach abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

Alistair: So, I had to get away from my boring job in England. I was in finance and I had enough of the regular boring, day-in-day-out life as an office worker. I needed excitement, so I started traveling and I made some Korean friends who suggested teaching in South Korea - that was it for me!

Before I worked for Korean Horizons, I worked for a private academy and a public school. My private academy was just awful – they didn’t honor the contract (i.e. didn’t pay me, no vacation, no medical) and made my life hell (I wanted honesty.) It seems that a lot of recruitment companies, who recruit for private academies, just care about making money. For my second job, I worked in a public school – it was bliss – and I got everything in my contract (so I was very happy). Though, with my background, teaching wasn’t for me and I began working for Korean Horizons!

What does the future hold for Korean Horizons - any exciting new programs to share?

Alistair: A lot! Have a search online and you will discover that Korean Horizons is probably the most recognizable recruitment company for public schools today, period. There is no other recruitment company that provides public schools to EPIK (nationwide public school program), SMOE (Seoul public school program), IMOE (Incheon public school program), GEPIK (Gyeongi public school program), and GOE (Gyeongsangnamdo public school program). We specialize in public schools and provide no other type of positions. As for the future, quite simply, we are just looking to remain where we are and continue to provide a professional and personalized recruitment service.

What about the future of the teach abroad industry? How do you think international education will change over the next 10 years?

Alistair: The industry is like a business cycle – jumping up and down all of the time. South Korea knows that English education is now a natural requirement for its educated labor force, thus, things will always be on the up!