
Korvia Consulting


Korvia Consulting is an ESL recruiting agency based in Seoul, South Korea. We work with the Korean government (GEPIK, EPIK, GOE,) and commercial franchises and programs in China to place English teachers into public and private schools across the country. Our goal is to provide a world-class experience for both our clients and candidates throughout the entire placement process.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommend- Great communication!

I have experienced great customer service communicating with Korvia! Communicating through email was swift and professional, I cannot recall a moment where I waited for a response. I always felt supported and listened to and no question was too big or too small for my coordinator. Korvia ensured that I was comfortable with every step of the process. Even post application and orientation, Korvia are still contacting us all to ensure that we are all happy, healthy and comfortable in our schools and accommodation. Korvia are also open to hear about our concerns with our school and accomadation which is reassuring.
If I were to go through this process again, I would definitely apply through Korvia.

  • Swift communication
  • Extra information
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Yes, I recommend this program

Korvia Consulting

Korvia Consulting are very knowledgeable in all steps required to find a position in Korea or China including: searching for a suitable teaching position right through to helping with the visa process. Any questions are always answered in a prompt manner and problems are resolved quickly. I have always been pleased with the fantastic services Korvia offer and the whole team strives to do their best in helping secure a position overseas. Fantastic recruitment agency and I wouldn't use any other when searching for a position in Korea!

  • Step-by-step guides.
  • Questions answered promptly.
  • Knowledgeable team.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Pyeongtaek, Goduk.

Pyeongtaek is a great city to meet a wide variety of people! The city is segmented and not the easiest to get around in without a personal car. Having said that Korea's public transport system is unbelievably good, you can get around to every single part of the country without your own transportation and you never have to wait longer than 15 minutes for any form of transport! There is an excellent balance between areas of scenic natural beauty and spots of well developed infrastructure. The city is well located within South Korea and easy to travel out of to any other places you so desire. The people are relaxed and friendly, but it still has a nice bustling energy! Would recommend for most types of people! The only advice I can give to people coming alone is to not get caught up in being alone; go out, make friends and do things! Do not chill at home unless you are dead tired and are basically sleeping!

  • Countryside living with all the perks of a city.
  • Variety of people.
  • Great travel base.
  • Not an abundance of historical sites.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Simply Excellent

I had a fantastic time working with Korvia. The process was nearly stress-free from beginning to the moment I walked into my accommodation in South Korea. My questions were always answered and I was always kept up to date. The only troubles I had were due to COVID-19 regulations that were changing how certain things were processed. Other than that, I was told exactly what would happen next. I highly recommend working with Korvia whether you're going through EPIK or looking for a recruiter for other opportunities.

  • Always kept up to date
  • Timely responses
  • Listens to your preferences
  • Slight confusion on visa process, but mostly due to COVID-19 regulations
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Yes, I recommend this program

Easy Process and Kind People!

As long as you have your Tefl certificate, Korvia made the rest of the process very easy! Korvia partnered with a few other agencies to make things like the background check and apostilled documents very easy to receive. When I studied in Korea I did that on my own and it was very complicated. Thelma and Eileen were very kind and helpful throughout the entire process~ Even after you start teaching, you can still reach out to your recruiter for advice or help. Definitely recommend Korvia if you’re looking to teach in Korea :)



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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I remember for my ninth birthday, my friend gifted me a mixed CD. On that CD, she included a bunch of BoA and Sechs Kies songs. I was hooked on Korean music since then. Fast forward to college, I was lucky that UMass started offering Korean courses my junior year. I jumped right in and took three semesters of Korean to learn the language and culture.

My mom never really had the money to take me anywhere so I really wanted to travel as much as I can before settling down with a career. I already knew a little bit of Korean so why not go to South Korea? Not even two weeks after graduating, I signed up for a TEFL course and landed a teaching job in South Korea a few months later.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Korvia went above and beyond my expectations as a recruiter. They were on top of their game in correspondence and were completely professional during the entire process. They were true to their word and only sent me offers based on my preferences. They answered my questions about potential schools and followed up after each interview.

They even helped me prepare all the documents I needed, researched a good flight to take, and even arranged an airport pickup service. I've had bad experiences with other recruiters for my first year, so for my second year, I knew exactly what I wanted, and Korvia delivered.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Do your research. Be open-minded. And just go for it (after doing your research of course.)

Going abroad is a life changing experience so make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. I cannot stress out how important it is to do your research. Make sure the school is a good fit for you. Research the school and try to get in touch with other teachers if you can.

Research is something I wish I had done my first year. Honestly, I took the first job I was offered and just signed the contract without really thinking about it. Within my first month at my school, there were three teachers who pulled a midnight run, and the fourth teacher got fired. I remembered thinking “what did I get myself into?!”

Yes, my first school was terrible, but no, I did not regret my decision to come to South Korea. Yes, I should've done more research before jumping in but it was a good learning experience for me. I became good friends with my remaining co-teachers and had the sweetest students so they made my year bearable.

Just remember that you are living in another country with different cultural norms and expectations than what you are used to. Be open-minded, and keep in mind that one year is not forever.

Don't let one bad thing ruin your perception of a country. And when you've done your research, just go for it. Living and working in another country is truly life changing.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

I work at a hagwon (private academy) so my hours are pretty late. I usually work from 2 PM to 10 PM but I'm a night owl so I'm okay with this. I'm at my school for 40 hours each week but my actual teaching time is about 30 hours with the rest being prep time and dinner breaks.

From 2 PM to usually 7 PM, I teach lower level classes with students who are anywhere between first grade to sixth grade. In the evening, I teach the higher level and advanced classes with students ranging from fourth grade to ninth grade.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

It sounds kind of silly but I think one of my biggest concerns was the food. What can I eat? As a child, I was a really really picky eater. I was SO picky that I didn't eat my first slice of pizza until my freshman year of college (that was when I stopped being so picky!)

My pickiness eventually led to me becoming a vegetarian. I was a vegetarian for eight years before finally reintroducing meat back into my lifestyle. At first, I kept getting sick because my stomach wasn't used to digesting meat. However, I was living in another country, and I didn't want this to stop me from enjoying the food here. I kept trying and trying all different kinds of meat until I got used to it.

Now I am able to eat most foods. I still have a huge preference for vegetarian dishes but South Korea taught me to just enjoy life and eat good food. So that's exactly what I'm doing.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Niki Lee

Job Title

As a recruiter at Korvia Consulting, Niki conducts interviews and organizes documents for visa issuance. She ensures that the schools are a good fit for each teacher. Also, Niki makes sure that the clients always have a positive experience with Korvia.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Back in 2015, when I was in Brighton, United Kingdom, as a student, I often traveled around Europe. One of the most memorable experiences was traveling to Switzerland.

I stayed in my friend’s house for a day, and she showed me around the town all day. There was quiet and peace, and it was one of the most beautiful places I have been to so far. We also had dinner with her parents. Also, I learned about different cultures the entire time over there. It has helped me a lot to understand better and consider things from a different point of view. It was an experience that I will never forget.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have learned a lot since I started working for Korvia. My family, friends, and acquaintances told me that I have changed for the better. I think the biggest change is that my self-esteem has now improved. Before, I was afraid to begin anything, But not anymore! I also learn a lot from the stories, dreams, and passions shared by people I meet everyday. It has motivated me to grow.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I like every story but the best is from a new teacher who has just begun her life in Korea. I sometimes see her daily life through her social media or messages. I can see how much she is doing well and can feel her energy and passion as well. Also, I was happy when she said that she has truly enjoyed her Korean life and has had a valuable experience which cannot be replaced with anything.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Korvia provides a variety of English Programs – EPIK, GEPIK, GOE, Private Academy (a.k.a Hagwon). I am in charge of a public school and a private academy, so it is difficult to choose which program is better since each program has its own nature.

If I were a candidate, I would choose all programs. I could learn valuable skills such as teaching, creating a lesson plan, as well as communication skills, conflict resolution skills, etc. from co-workers, students, and the classroom environment.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

We host a welcome party twice a year and prepare some welcome gifts for teachers. This is to welcome and appreciate their professional attitude displayed throughout the recruitment process.

We also have a support system, and we try to do our best for everyone at all times. I also had spent time abroad for about a year, and I know that some time is needed to fully adapt. We are ready to listen and help whenever they have questions or concerns.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Many factors are needed to succeed. However, I would emphasize the following:

  • Team work
  • Communication
  • An attitude of learning to improve
  • No fear of change

Without communication, a team’s balance will break someday. We strengthen our relationships by constantly talking and encouraging each other. Also, we do not settle for the present. We try to make efforts to improve ourselves. I believe these are what make Korvia last.