RVF International

RVF International LLC


We are an international exchange and education company and we want to bridge the gap between travelers, teachers, adventurers, students, dreamers, explorers, and their destinations.

RVF stands for Reach, Venture, Find and is, we believe, the goal and the story of every adventurer, which is why those three words mean so much to us.

At RVF International, we strive to help connect people to places. We were recently voted in (November 2021) by the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as an affiliate member.

The RVF International Teach English in Spain program provides assistance and guidance in every step of the way to getting you teaching English in Spain. We will help you find a teaching job in Spain where you’ll most likely be working 4 days a week, giving you plenty of time to travel and enjoy all there is to see and experience in Spain.

RVF International is dedicated to Connecting People (like yourself) to Places (like Spain).



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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International Review

High quality assistance, smooth process and I love how they keep you informed and updated on all information. 1 one 1 video calls to answer any questions or doubts. They can help you with housing and important specific cultural cues / manners before arriving to the country. Information on the country and area that you will be living in. I will be renewing with RVF International as it continued to be a smooth process. I recommend it to people who wish you travel independently. I don’t recommend it to individuals who aren’t ready to leave home and experience living alone for the first time.

  • Great help with choosing an autonomous community
  • Providing social groups with other language assistants
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Yes, I recommend this program

Moved to Spain with the Help of RVF International in 2022!

I've always wanted to live in Spain, so once I began searching programs to help with process, I knew RVF was the right fit for me. The program itself is quite affordable, and they make the bureaucratic paperwork and processes very easy to understand. They also host informational webinars throughout the preparation period for your move to answer any questions you may need and to make the process as smooth as possible. In addition, once you arrive to Spain, they continue to support and assist with any issue you may have, and ensure you get settled into your respective region and school. I've had such a good time here in Spain and feel confident with RVF's guidance, which is why I've decided to renew for yet another year! There are many programs out there, but RVF is one that is professional and personable, and you can trust them to help make your move easier and as stress-free as possible.

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Yes, I recommend this program

First Year Review, 10/10!

My first year in Spain has been nothing short of amazing! Aside from the benefits of living in Spain and travelling, I am also working with the sweetest kids and the kindest colleagues. RVF International has been so helpful throughout this entire process and I am extremely grateful for them. They have been up front about the requirements and have been helpful whenever I have needed them. Their detailed instructions and guidelines have helped alleviate a lot of stress throughout this process. I would highly recommend them to anyone who is interested in teaching English abroad in Spain.

  • Flexible work schedule
  • Plenty of free time to travel
  • Immersion into Spain's rich culture
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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF review

If you go to Spain to teach English you will probably have the time of your life. What is great about RVF is that it is much cheaper than other companies that charge you a lot more to do basically the same thing, minus a hotel for your first week upon arrival. Companies like CIEE charge three times as much. You can just book a hotel (or hostel) for yourself in advance for when you arrive and save a lot of money. RVF also will give you a quick response when you have any doubt about the process, before and when you’re in Spain. These teach abroad programs are life changing, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves adventure, travel, and living their best life.

  • Travel
  • Experience
  • Adventure
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Support System Abroad -- 10/10 would recomend

The best decision I have made in a while was deciding to teach english in Spain and the second best decision was to do it with RVF international. Going abroad has been incredible and having RVF as a support system has been invaluable. It is very comforting to know that I have a group of people I can ask any question and receive a response within a day. I am very grateful I had the team at RVF helping with Spanish bureaucracy because it is as complicated as everyone says. But still worth going to Spain!

  • Great Support System



Displaying 1 - 1 of 1

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program because I felt that RVF International really had my best interests in mind.

They made everything seem so personal, and it really made this huge leap of faith a lot less stressful. They explained that they would assist with every step of the way to get to Spain, and they did exactly that. They not only provided me with so many resources and so much guidance, but they were also there at a drop of a hat to answer any and all of my questions.

I am very pleased with my decision.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Where do I begin? There was just so much assistance along this journey to living and working in Spain. I guess I could start from the beginning.

RVF International helped me complete the application and registration paperwork, which is mostly in Spanish so having them assist me with everything to fill out was such a HUGE help. They let me know where to go to get the background check, the fingerprints, where to send all of the paperwork. They provided a step-by-step guide on how to fill everything out, but it was up to me to actually fill it out.

After the application was submitted, we began the Visa process. Very similar to the application and registration process. RVF International provided a guide and step-by-step form to obtain and fill out all of the necessary paperwork needed for the Visa appointment. RVF took the responsibility of scheduling the appointment for me, which was awesome.

After the visa was said and done, we began to prepare for my departure. RVF sent me numerous notes and ideas for things to pack, what to expect, and how to handle my first couple weeks in this foreign land. When it came to housing, RVF sent me a list of websites that Spain uses for renting apartments. It was really helpful, and the first place I went to go see, I ended up renting! (By the way, Google Translator became my best friend when I was house hunting).

The long term residency was up next and just like the visa, RVF scheduled this appointment for me gave me a list of everything I would need for this appointment, and let me know where to get all this new paperwork and how to fill everything out.

They really helped me with every step of the way during this journey, and I couldn't be more grateful.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Utilize Facebook groups to find other English teachers around you. I am in a small town and the only English teacher in my town. Thankfully I was able to find another English teacher in the town right next to mine via a Facebook group and we now hang out every weekend!

Don't be shy to reach out to people. Be prepared for the culture shock. If the going gets tough, just keep reminding yourself why you wanted to come to Spain in the first place and stay focused on that. Take advantage of all of the 3-day weekends!

Also, be prepared for the cold winters. Many rooms/apartments don't have central heating and it does get really cold at night!

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

For each participant, it will vary. For me though, I work 16 hours Monday-Thursday. Monday I go from 9-2. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go from 9-12:30. And Wednesdays I go from 9-1.

Each day after work, I either take a walk along the beach or lie down for a little siesta (I don't know when I'll ever have this much free time again, so fully taking advantage of it). During the evenings, I keep busy with my side online job. I then prepare dinner and watch Netflix to end the night. (I'm trying to incorporate practicing Spanish more!) Then I have my 3 day weekends to relax some more and take either some fun day trips or quick weekend get-a-ways!

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was the language barrier. And to be honest, it still scares me a little.

I came to Spain not knowing any Spanish, and it has been hard at times, but I have been able to work my way through every struggle and obstacle. Like I said earlier, Google Translator has become my best friend while I've been out here.

I now know that I shouldn't be afraid of trying to speak Spanish. It won't be the prettiest, I can guarantee that, but there is no better way to learn and overcome these fears than by practicing and gaining confidence that I can do it.

What was one of your favorite things to do while abroad?

One of my favorite things to do in my town is to explore the castle. It has so much history, and Game of Thrones filmed some of their episodes there!

There are so many castles throughout Spain, it's amazing. So much history and so much beauty.

I also love how there are palm trees everywhere. It makes life so much more beautiful!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Petter Molin Wang

Job Title
Teach Abroad Program
Petter Molin Wang is originally from Oslo, Norway. He has a background in Social Work and a passion for education. He originally moved to Spain to volunteer as an English teacher, and fell in love with Spain. In his position at RVF International he is able to help others fulfil their dreams of teaching English abroad. He is the first person you meet when joining the team of RVF language assistants.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is from when I did an exchange year in California. I was only 15 years old and it was the first time I traveled on my own. I lived in a host family and attended high school as a junior. It was an amazing experience to explore a new culture for a whole year, and it really made me fall in love with traveling. This trip has led me to be more independent and adventurous.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

After joining RVF I feel like I have become more of a team-worker. We are a company of people who are passionate about what we do, and we love to share that passion with our participants. We all have our strengths, and I feel like we get to utilize them to the fullest in our job. It's nothing like having colleagues who support and care about you!

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

In my job I get to speak to both upcoming and returning participants, which is why I love what I do. My favorite thing to ask them is "what have you learned about yourself from this experience?". Very often will they tell me how moving abroad made them more independent, adventorous, outgoing and overall happier. People are very happy with our program and the support we provide.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would definitely choose our Spain Support (Premium) program. With this program we are able to provide our participants with support with everything they need to move to Spain. Moving to a new country can be stressful and intimidating. We help hundreds of people move to Spain each year, so we know how to make the process a whole lot easier. With the Spain Support program we help with everything from the visa process and dealing with Spanish bureaucracy (it can be a lot!), to finding housing, opening up a bank account and much more. We also host lots of webinars to prepare our participants for teaching in Spain. There is no better program out there!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our program is unique because of the level of support we provide to all our participants. Our service is also very personal, before even signing up you will personally (virtually) meet with me to go over all the details and answer all of your questions. This kind of support is continued throughout the whole program. We are all passionate about what we do, which means we truly care about our participants' wellbeing.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

The biggest factor in a successful company is building trust. When you are considering to move abroad you need to feel that you are truly being taken care of. Our reviews from previous participants say it all, people feel comfortable and well-taken care of in our program. We value this trust more than anything and do everything we can to support our participants.