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SIT Study Abroad


SIT has been providing immersive, field-based study abroad programs for undergraduates for more than 50 years. SIT offers more than 70 programs in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East, as well as comparative programs in multiple locations. In addition to its rich history, SIT Study Abroad has a number of unique qualities that make it an ideal choice for an extraordinary, transformative study abroad experience.

SIT students step beyond the boundaries of a traditional classroom to analyze critical issues shaping local communities around the globe. Students become deeply engaged in a topic and undertake their own research, case studies, in-depth practica, or community projects. SIT Study Abroad is deeply embedded in local communities around the world. Program components are designed to respect the strengths of local partners to foster enduring relationships.



SIT Robert Kantor Memorial Scholarship

Each year one student will be granted $10,000 in scholarship aid to study abroad with a SIT program. Funded by individual donors and foundations, the requirements are tight: seeking first-generation college students who've never traveled abroad before, currently attend an HBCU, and demonstrate strong financial need.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Program, Highly Recommend

This study abroad program was an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone. You spend the first week of the program doing an orientation. You spend several months taking classes and then the last month of the program is spent during an independent study project. You also get to visit Scotland and Girona with the Program. The food in the Basque Country is great, and the program provides you with several dinners out. It's a great program and the staff and people in the country were very friendly.

  • Great location
  • fun trips
  • intresting subjects
  • long classes
  • many activities, so not a lot of time for personal travel
  • need to ride the metro to get to the university.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible Fall 2022 in Madagascar

I spent an incredible fall semester in Madagascar with the SIT program. I received instruction in French and Malagasy and lived with a host family just a 10 minute walk from our program center. We went on a few excursions with the school to do research and learn about different conservation experts in the area. The program culminated in independently research, where I did a biodiversity inventory study in mangrove forests up north. I left the program more confident in myself and ready for anything.

  • Education and research experience
  • Learning two languages
  • Experience a new place and culture
  • The program wasn't very transparent in the grading process
  • Difficult to feel accepted in the day to day
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Yes, I recommend this program

Argentina: Public Health in Urban Environments

I think the program overall was very structured and rigorous but also fun. During the first two months you take a lot of classes and focus on academics. Traveling happens through the program. During the final month, you do an internship or independent study and have a lot of free time. Traveling happens on your own. The city of Buenos Aires where you live is a very lively city with lots to do, whether thats daytime cultural activities or night life. I lived with one host mom about a ten minute walk away from my classes and very near many bus and subte stops. All of the classes and activities are in Spanish, and the host families speak very little english as well. It is a full immersion program! The Argentine dialect and accent is a bit difficult to adjust to at first, but after a couple of weeks everything gets much easier! I loved my time there, and grew a lot as a Spanish speaker and person overall.

  • Big City Living
  • Lots of Travel
  • Final month internship/independent study
  • Cannot leave the country
  • Very structured
  • Big adjustment
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Yes, I recommend this program

SIT: An excellent combo of environmental science and Spanish

This program created a valuable combination of environmental science and Spanish language education. All of the classes were taught in Spanish by a variety of local researchers who each lectured on their specialty. We also had many excellent field trips and excursions to learn about a place or a research technique in the field. While assignment expectations were sometimes unclear, the program staff was extremely available and helpful to resolve any doubts. They were slow about returning our grades and assignments, but they always gave us detailed feedback and the grades were fair. The program staff is also a great support network for non-academic problems or concerns. The Spanish language classes were not very related to the rest of the classes, but they were helpful in adapting to the local accent. The homestay experience was where I learned the most Spanish language and Argentinian culture. As everything (classes, homestay, buying lunch, daily life) operates in Spanish, it is important to come with a decent language ability and a willingness to learn from your mistakes. The culture is very open to helping you learn, and they do not get easily offended when you say something wrong. The cost of all your necessities (food, housing, transportation) is included in tuition. Breakfast and lunch is provided by the host family, and you receive a stipend for lunch and transportation. I only used my money for activities in my free time and souvenirs. Some students do live fairly far from where we have classes, but the bus system is good, there are plenty of taxis, and Ushuaia is a safe place to walk at any time of night/day.

  • Excursions in Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica
  • Homestay Experience
  • TONS of Spanish practice
  • Not many fresh fruits/veggies
  • Sometimes unclear assignment expectations
  • Classes only with other exchange students
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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventurous, Life Changing, and Memorable!

This program was by the far the best experience of my life! I had never been to Australia before and feel as though it's my home away from home now and I can't wait to return. I got to snorkel for the first time in the Great Barrier Reef and camp for the first time in the outback. Not only did this program impact my personal life, it also impacted my professional career path as it made me realize how interested I am in fieldwork. I highly recommend this program to undergraduate students who are looking for an outdoor lecture experience and hands on learning!

  • Professional experience (fieldwork)
  • Getting to travel a lot throughout Queensland during excursions and Australia in general during Independent Study Project
  • Experiencing another culture
  • Not too much help with finding an Independent Study Project Advisor


Displaying 1 - 9 of 46

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program because I knew I wanted to go to Peru for my semester abroad, but also for its theme and academic focus.

Indigenous people and their cultures are a topic rarely discussed in academia, even though they have made many important contributions to societies all across the globe. I wanted to learn more about indigenous groups in Peru and how they are adapting to a constantly changing world.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The SIT website had several pre-departure documents, checklists, and other prep materials available in order to help me feel more ready for my semester abroad. The program admissions counselor and alumni contact I had were both very helpful in answering all of my questions as well. The syllabi for the academic courses were also clearly outlined on the program site.

On my own, I had to put in the effort to practice my Spanish before leaving. I was also in charge of determining my own flights and how long I would stay after the program ended.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

It's okay to be nervous or anxious! Although adjusting into a new culture and language will be challenging, once you settle down into a routine the city you're in will feel like home in no time. Overcoming any personal obstacles that arise during your time abroad will make you a stronger, more confident person.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

During the week, you'll typically have classes from 8:30 AM to around 12 PM or 12:30. These classes include Spanish language, history, research ethics, and more. After class, you'll eat lunch with your host family.

You can spend your free time in the afternoon doing a number of things. You can relax and study at a cafe, go see a movie, or walk to the Plaza de Armas to do some shopping. There are lots of nice gardens and parks all around the city, too. I took dance classes (hip hop and salsa) at a local dance school, which was super fun!

On the weekends, you can spend a whole day traveling to the mountain outskirts of Cusco and go see some pretty cool sights. My favorites were the famed Rainbow Mountain and the incredible Lake Humantay. Both are great sites for doing some hiking! There are also several Incan ruins close to the city that you can visit, including Saqsaywaman and Puka Pukara.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear going in was feeling isolated or lost. I was worried that I wouldn't make any friends in my program, or that I wouldn't like the feel of Peruvian culture. I was also concerned that I wouldn't feel safe in Cusco.

Contrary to my fears, I made friends quickly. Everyone in my program (a small group of 11 people) was kind, friendly, and easy to get along with. We all became very close after a short period of time. These people became my biggest support in Peru, and we had a lot of fun hanging out at cafes together or going on hiking trips.

Thanks to my new friends, my transition into Peruvian culture was much easier. I also had a lovely host family that made me feel very welcome and accepted. It did take a fair amount of time, but eventually, I became much more comfortable and settled into my life in Cusco. The city was also much safer than I expected, so I felt silly after worrying so much about safety.

The most important thing about adapting to a new culture is to have an open mind. If you don't open yourself up to new opportunities to interact with people and learn about their ways of life, then you aren't taking full advantage of the joys of being abroad. Be accepting of any new chances that come your way!

What was your favorite thing about Peru?

It's hard to pick just one! From the abundance of adorable llamas and alpacas to the delicious variety of maracuya (passionfruit) flavored foods, I loved practically everything about Peru.

I think I felt truly happiest when I hiked to the top of Lake Humantay with my friends. It was a really tough hike and we were all very tired when we reached the top, but the beautiful view made it worth it.

Living with a host family was also a wonderful experience. I became really close with them and we are still in touch today!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Eric Wirth

Nothing goes better with a cup of morning/afternoon/late night coffee than getting to know Eric Wirth, the director of admissions for SIT Study Abroad, and the culture of SIT Study Abroad a little bit better.
Mountain Watching

Tell me a little about yourself. What has been your career path so far?

My passion for education abroad began after spending a year abroad in Elche, Spain during my junior year of high school. I landed my first job after college as an admissions counselor for a study abroad provider. After several years in the work force, I returned to graduate school at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst where I had the opportunity to serve for a year as the resident director to one of the university’s programs in Spain. After finishing my MA, I reentered the world of international education with greater knowledge and an enhanced perspective on higher education and learning abroad.

Did you study abroad after high school?

I’ve studied abroad a total of four times; once in high school, twice in college – one semester and one summer – and then for a year as a graduate student. Each time in Spain. Through each experience, I learned more and was able to take my level of cultural and linguistic understanding to a deeper level. I suspect one day I will work toward a doctorate, and I can guarantee I will study abroad again. My first instinct would be to return to Spain to delve back into the culture and languages I adore.

As for SIT, what are the core principles that you strive to achieve?

At our core, SIT Study Abroad programs foster academic rigor, intensive cultural immersion, substantial community involvement, and an emphasis on field-based research.

What does the future hold for SIT? Any new exciting programs to share?

This spring we are running two new programs in the Middle East: one in Egypt focusing on urban studies and the other in Morocco focused on journalism and new media. We have also launched a new summer program that explores traditional approaches to healthcare in India. We continually strive to provide our students with the most interesting and relevant coursework and locations.

And the future of the industry - how do you think study abroad and international education will change over the next 10 years?

We’ll see the usual demographic shifts in mobility as a response to global politics, world events and markets. What will be interesting to watch is how governments and individual institutions address these shifts to meet demand and capitalize on market share. My hope is that more and more we will learn to become better citizens of the world and will travel abroad because we crave learning and connection with one another. Talking to people around the world is increasingly easier, but meaningful communication and understanding remains a challenge.

I'm continuously impressed with the depth and variety of programs offered by SIT Study Abroad. Their emphasis on field base learning is especially intriguing, as well as their commitment to cultivating relationships locally in host areas. I sincerely admire and hope to echo their attitude for turning every experience into a learning experience!

Over the last 10 years working in the field of international education, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Cuba, Czech Republic, England, Greece and Serbia. There are many fascinating countries and continents with amazing things to teach us.

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