Alia Pialtos Bio
Alia Pialtos
Chief Operating Officer

Dream Destination: Wildlife & Sustainability Volunteering in Costa Rica

Alia is a Massachusetts-based artist who loves exploring new places. She has studied abroad in London at the University of the Arts London, researched photographic archives in Paris, recently road-tripped through Iceland’s incredible landscape, and is always planning her next adventure.

Tracy Kuhle Bio
Tracy Kuhle
Global Partnerships Manager

Dream Destination: Volunteer to Improve Access to Education & Trek National Parks

Tracy is a Midwesterner and former college tennis player. After studying (and eating croquetas) in Burgos, Spain for 4 months, she returned to teach English in Madrid. She’s visited 16 countries in the last 2 years but her list of places to visit only keeps growing!

Alyssa Slager Bio
Alyssa Slager
Client Success Manager

Dream Destination: Wildlife Volunteer Programs in South Africa

After growing up and attending college in Illinois, Alyssa traded the midwest winters for adventures in Denver. But, this wasn’t the first of her adventures; she’s studied in both the Dominican Republic and Vienna, Austria. Although she was studying business in Vienna, she learned more about her passion for nature and the impact travel has on shaping perspective.

Eliz Aquino Bio
Eliz Aquino
Content & Community Manager

Dream Destination: Learn Japanese in Tokyo

Eliz is a Bay Area-based writer who loves chai lattes, handwriting letters to her penpals, and documenting her adventures. Whether it's staying in a tiny cargo home on a farm, backpacking through a state park, or glamping in the desert, she is always looking for unique experiences to try and explore.

Ashley Williams Bio
Ashley Williams
Outreach Coordinator & Content Creator

Dream Destination: Wildlife Rehabilitation Volunteering

Ashley is a writer and creative born in Hawai'i currently based in California. She studied abroad in Paris, France, where she spent countless hours admiring art and eating as many pains au chocolat as possible. Since then, she’s become passionate about travel, preserving cultural heritage, and educating others on becoming better stewards of our planet through her writing and photography.

Drew Beasley Bio
Drew Beasley
Outreach & Events Coordinator

Dream Destination: Divemaster & Marine Conservation Internship

After embarking on a gap semester in Asia and the Pacific, Drew’s perspective on travel and higher ed shifted. He became involved with Go Overseas as an enthusiastic supporter, intern, and eventually staff member. Meanwhile, Drew continued to travel independently and as a summer program instructor with ARCC programs. He has worked closely with the Gap Year Association and currently serves on their board of directors.

Andrea Ella Palmer Bio
Andrea Ella Palmer
Travel Writer

Dream Destination: Village Book Builders in Mexico

Originally from the DC area, Andrea’s love of travel started with studying abroad in Spain. Since then, she has worked and studied in Ireland, taught in Spain, and traveled to 15+ countries. She’s passionate about learning, always finding something new to study, and is dedicated to motivating others to explore the world. When she’s not writing, she’s enjoying life in Madrid with her two rescue dogs, Maisie and Maya.

Colin Murchison Bio
Colin Murchison
Travel Writer

Dream Destination: Sea Turtle & Marine Conservation Program

Colin was born and raised in Colorado, with the Rocky Mountains inspiring a passion for snowboarding, environmentalism, and photography. Colin is currently pursuing a master's degree at the University of Dundee in Scotland as he strives to inspire others to seek enriching and sustainable travel experiences.

Krysten Boado Bio
Krysten Boado
Travel Writer

Dream Destination: Volunteer in Greece with Sea Turtles

On a mission to touch lives through sustainable, ethical, and accessible travel, Krysten is a digital nomad on a solo hiking and hitchhiking adventure across the globe. Krysten has dedicated her life to giving back to the communities that have welcomed her in her daring adventure and has volunteered in countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and currently, Ukraine.

Will Davies Bio
Will Davies
Travel Writer

Dream Destination: Spirituality & Climate Change in Nepal

Having grown up in a small town in North Wales, Will decided that he needed to expand his comfort zone and sought the opportunity by teaching English in Vietnam, Romania, and Thailand. Now, Will is using his history of experiential travel to facilitate the same opportunity for others by travel writing and program coordinating.

Albus Bio
Ulti-Mutt Good Boy

Dream Destination: English Classes and Homestay

Albus is an optimistic member of the team who is always looking at the paw-sitive. When he isn't diligently fur-filling his tasks, you can find him asleep on the job, howling for more lunch breaks, or giving pup talks to team members who are having a ruff day.

Moose Bio
Senior Frisbee Catcher

Dream Destination: Volunteer at Wild Cat Farm

Moose never comes to work without a smile or his shiny red frisbee. He's a real homebody but loves to swim, hike, nap and play tug of war. He is notorious for forgetting to un-mute himself on Zoom calls but is always a hard worker.

Andrew Dunkle Bio
Andrew Dunkle

Dream Destination: Marine Research & Whale Shark Conservation in Mozambique

After graduating with a degree in Art History, Andrew decided to throw caution to the wind and teach English abroad in Taiwan. This turned out to be one of the best decisions he's ever made, because it was there where he met Mitch and together they founded Go Overseas.

Tucker Hutchinson Bio
Tucker Hutchinson
Co-Founder & Advisor

Dream Destination: Eco-Lodge / Ranch & Conservation Project

Tucker is a Sonoma native, Hamilton alum, and proud co-founder of Go Overseas. His passions include cheese, running, and... traveling. Tucker has taught abroad at Avalon English in South Korea through Reach to Teach and volunteered with Seeds of Learning in El Salvador.

Go Overseas Team Surfing
Go Overseas Team Retreat in Tahoe
Go Overseas Team at the top of Half-Dome

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